Chapter 17: Psychic Family

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Third Person POV:

"Hey kid! How've you been!" A man said ruffling y/n's hair as he slapped it away "Don't touch me dick!" "Y/n, be nice to your uncle" "This guy isn't my uncle dad! We're not even BLOOD related!" "He's still your uncle" his father said ticking y/n off even more as Sebastian laughed even more. Y/n lifting him up with telekinetic power threw him into a wall, making Sebastian teleport back in place Pissing y/n off even more "Y/n?" A familiar voice called out as the three males turned only for y/n to widen his eyes "Ash? How the hell are you alive!" "What?" His father said looking at y/n as he regained his stoic composure "Those three are supposed to be dead, they sunk with the ship St. Anne" he summarized quickly as ash Misty and Brock chuckled awkwardly "it's a long story, but we're okay!" Brock said as y/n just shrugged feeling some sorts of... relief wash over him.

"Well your not my problem, I need to go beat the gym" he said walking away "Wait! Y/n let's have a battle!" "What?" "Come on! Our last battle you held back! I want-" "Shut up" he said making everyone comedically and
cartoon-a-ly fall over "if you really want be to kick your ass, meet me in the indigo plateau" he said walking away looking at his new pokeball "been a while, hope you haven't grown soft" he said as he turned behind him hearing footsteps chase after him "What do you want?" "If you won't battle me then I'm going to watch your battle!" "Hah? Do you three REALLY want to die" y/n now wished that they really should've died at St. Anne. "What? No harm in watching battles!" Misty said haughtily holding a clear dislike for the boy as he rolled his eyes "Just don't annoy me" he said making ash smile and run after y/n

As y/n arrived at the door it opened on its own. Walking in and facing down Sabrina with a cold exterior matching her's as he stood tall on the battleground. The two glaring each other down, no words exchanged just silent cold glares, Lightning and electricity sparks between two trainers eyes 'im quite surprised you actually became a trainer' 'I'm still in shock that your STILL a gym leader' the two telepathy challenged each other as ash broke the focus between the two "Uh are you guys going to- Ah!" He stoped as the two psychics turned to glare directly into ash's soul freezing him entirely "I- BROCK HELP!!" "Wha- WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!" He said as Misty also grabbed onto him.

The two looked back at each other as y/n Released a small 'tsk' "let's just finish this. Come on out pal!" He said throwing in his Kadabra "very well, let's have a psychic battle" she said throwing out her own Kadabra as the two psychic types faced down each other both soon teleported infront of each other "Flash!" "Confusion" both called for a move as S.Kadabra (Sabrina's Kadabra) defense lowered and it got blinded for seconds "Now Psychic" the blinded Kadabra was now lifted into the air and smashed repeatedly onto the ground. "Barrier" y/n called raising his defense as S.kadabra regained its sight "Recover" she said as it restored its health "Psybeam" "teleport out the way" Kadabra dodged the others Psybeam as it was now floating in the air "Shadow Ball" A shadowy ball formed in kadabra's hands and was hurled at the foe and due to the typing the attack greatly affected S.Kadabra "ya wanna know the difference between us dear Cousin?" Y/n said as Sabrina glanced at him with her usual cold exterior "I've always been the better trainer, FLASH!" "Teleport"

She said as her kadabra teleported out of the way and behind the other kadabra now on the ground "Psychic" she commanded the kadabra now tasting its own medicine getting smashed onto the ground over and over "Psybeam" A peculiar ray was shot at the kadabra pushing it back. "Recover" "Shadow Ball" they said as the recover was cancelled out by the shadow ball with teleporting behind S.Kadabra and using psychic once more throwing it back into a shadow ball  which blasted it towards it making y/n's eyes glimmer slightly "Skull Bash" as the S.kadabra came closer the other kadabra smashing its skull into the other kadabra sending it crashing below Sabrina's feet knocked out. Both trainers returned the Mon's as y/n received the Marsh badge from Sabrina. He took it and left with no words as the trio followed him.


"Hey y/n!" "What now?" "That battle was amazing! I can't wait until we battle!" "Is that really why you came after me?" "Actually I have a question" "What Brock" "do you know Sabrina?" "...Yeah.. she is my cousin" "That's not what I fully meant, we all heard you say that but for family you guys seem... well like strangers" "Stop digging into my life, plus we're not actually blood related. Our dads are just a bunch of idiots who get along well and proclaimed themselves as brothers. Now if that's it...Buzz. Off." He said lifting the three and throwing them aside as he walked away "Here I come Fuchsia"

-The End, some lore for y'all.-

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