Chapter 11:Electric Showdown

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Third Person POV:

It's been around three days since the gyarados incident, y/n was bed written for five days but y/n being just abit misanthropic he left two days earlier and for the fourth day he spent most of it laying in the sun and having Nidoking protect him from any attacks or kidnapping attempts. The fifth day he tried to bond with gyarados which didn't work out as planned however gyarados does seem to hold a level of respect to him which y/n being to tired to psychoanalysis the animal he chalked it up to it being that he was able to beat it in a poke battle and catch it.

And in the sixth day he was able to walk with no problem, as he made his way to vermilion city using all the days to hang around with gyarados... which also ended up with gyarados trying to Pummel y/n into the ground. After around 2 days of more traveling he arrived at vermilion city but he found 2 familiar people at the entrance "Great... Wait why's Brock with ash? And whose the redhead?" He said as he walked into the city.. or rather he tried to "huh? Y/n?" Brock said making y/n stop 'god damn it' he said as he turned to face the trio "Yes?" "Ah it's you!" Ash said staring at y/n "oh, your still a trainer? And here I held out hope that your three brain cells would've told you to go home" he said angering ash and the redhead as Brock blinked in surprise, he didn't see THIS y/n when he was challenged by him.

"And who are you to tell ash what he can and can't be!" The redhead yelled at y/n pointing a finger at him. Y/n uninterested at her simply said "And you are? His weak damsel in distress to save?" This seemed to anger her even more "Excuse your rudeness I'm Misty! We met at the viridian pokemon center and I'll have you know I'm a gym leader!!" She said as y/n chuckled "You a gym leader? Please spare me the jokes" he said as Misty yelled out a pokeball "Well how about I prove it?" "Fine and what are you the gym leader of?" "Cerulean city!" "Come on guys, let's not blow this out of proportion"

Brock said trying to be the mediator in the situation "Why're you traveling with them? Your an ACTUAL gym leader a good one at that" y/n said looking at the tall male, before Brock could answer Misty pushed him out of the way "Move Brock" y/n sighed, this much socialization was going to kill him "fine, let's see who you fair against MY water type" he said as he threw out his gyarados shocking the three and scaring Misty. Gyarados let out its mighty roar making the scared Misty fall onto the floor as gyarados light purple eyes glared down onto her "Tch, as I said before. Spare me the jokes" he said returning his Pokémon to its ball and walking away, he had already wasted to much time on these three.


As y/n arrived at the gym he watched a kid with an injured oddish run away "wow... what a child" he said sarcastically as he walked inside the gym his eyes landing on three laughing adults. As he walked closer the female adult noticed him and pointed him out as the two males turned to him "are you my next victim baby?" "" "Haha! I call everyone who challenges me a baby" he said as he threw out his Raichu "so your the leader" y/n said without emotions as he threw out his Nidoking "Ooh! We got a big baby here!" Surge said as his friends laughed "Are we gonna start or are you going to keep prolonging your defeat?" "Oh baby can bark, but can you bite? Mega Kick!" "Mega punch!" The two trainers said as both mega attacks landed with Nidoking slightly faltering in its stance but Raichu due to its small body was sent flying back to its starting position both Mon's on their knees "Raichu growl!" "Earthquake" he said shaking the whole gym and greatly damaging Raichu making it falter "Double edge" not stoping the heat y/n commanded Nidoking to continue hurting the poor raichu as Nidoking used the reckless, tackle that also hurts the user a little.

Nidoking tackled Raichu onto the wall as y/n commanded one final move "HyperBeam" the beam landed knocking out Raichu and making Nidoking win "Ha ha ha! Well congratulations kid, your no baby" Surge said not seeming angry that he lost but instead impressed as his two goons also clapped. Y/n was slightly confused but shrugged his shoulders as he returned Nidoking and both trainers walked up to each other "Here you are kid, the Thunder badge! Proof of your victory" "uh huh thanks" he said taking the badge into his case and leaving.

As he walked out he was faced with the trio outside the gate "You guys again?" "Oh what's wrong did you loose?" Misty said feeling bitter but also a bit scared of his gyarados "No I won" "WHAT?!" "He wasn't hard at all, but then again I had a Nidoking so who knows" he said as he walked away before Brock stopped him "Wait, why is your gyarados red? Their normally blue" y/n shrugged "Eh, it might be a shiny" "A shiny?" Ash said not knowing what it was "yeah, their Pokémon with a rare genetic defect that changes its appearance and the moves it can learn" he said leaving them to their thoughts.

-The End-

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