Chapter 6

978 28 3

Meet a new character

My first thought of my new school is ... crap. The school is next to the little river that runs all the way throughout the town. Out the front is a big sign that hangs on the gate "Welcome to Pine Grove High School"

I step in through the gate that im going to get use to. I suddenly get a pang right through my stomach making me stop for a second. Its like i crossed over into another world. I look to my right and see a tall guy, with broad shoulders, jet black wavy hair, and piercing grey eyes.

When he stares at me i get that same pain shoot through my stomach. Somethings off about him. He smiles like he's enjoying watching me in pain. A girl comes running up behind him shes also tall, blonde hair that reaches past her shoulders but shes quite pretty.

"Norman! Norman! Wait im sorry"
He spins around on his heels. "Carla dont apologise, its too late!"
She stands there in shock. Norman storms off. Carla falls to her knees and cries into her fists.

Jemma dont go over there, dont you dare. Ahhhhh damn ok ok. I rush over to her and kneel down in front of her. "Hey are you ok?" I ask in a soft voice.
She whips her head up and glares at me. But her face softens and she collapses back into a heap.

I comfort her till shes stopped crying. "My name is Jemma Thompson whats your's?"
She looks me in the eye and says "My name *sniff* is Carla Hopkins"
I smile at her, "what a beautiful name"
"Thanks are you new here? Cause ive never seen you before"

"Yep sure am and im already regretting coming here" she giggles in such a childish way it cause me to giggle too. "Well um do you want me to be your new first bestie?"
"Haha yes i would like that" Her frown is replaced by a smile.
I help her get back up on her feet and we waltz to the front office.

Carla studies me as i explain why i'm here. "And you see thats why i'm here" I throw my hands up in the air in annoyance.
"Wow must be pretty cool having a dad as an artist"
"Yea i guess, i do take after him though." I listen to Carla babble on about that Norman guy and what a jerk he was. All of a sudden i collide with a rock solid chest.

Causing me to lose balance and stumble back. I feel my feet trip over themselves but a strong arm catches me before i fall.
"Are you ok?" A heavenly voice asks me with worry. I regain my balance and look into the eyes of my rescuer. I instantly melt into his pure crystal blue eyes. I watch his lips move as he asks me again if i'm okay. I must look stupid with my mouth wide open.
"Um yea fine, thanks"

I see a book on the ground and pick it up. I get a glimpse of the title "How to charm a girl."
"Nice, looks like a good book" I pass it back to him. "Well it hasn't taught me anything about running into girls" He flashes me a white smile, that literally blinds you in the light. "You know how to save one from falling, so thats a starter" He chuckles and stares deeply into my eyes.

"You have such beautiful eyes" He quietly mumbles to himself but i still pick it up. "I better be going, see you around"
"Yea see ya" And with that he continues on his way to the front gate where a group of boys stand.
I realise Carla is no where to be seen, must've freaked out when she saw him. The conversation with that boy plays over in my head, i shake it off. Just an ordinary boy who is sexy as hell, and dashingly nice, very ordinary.

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