Chapter 47

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I fell and fell, down into nothingness. All I was doing was falling into the dark. I could hear the faint voices of angels "Jemma! Please don't leave me! I need you!" What a pleasant voice, I tried to call out, to tell him I'm here but I was pulled down deeper and deeper into darkness. It consumed me like a fire eats wood. In the lick of a flame it burns and crumples away.

I've always wanted to know what its like to die. And now I've discovered it, the falling, screaming, helplessness. I want to climb back to reality but death seems to have a grip on me.

The angels keep screaming and crying out to me. I can feel there arms wrapping around me and holding me tightly. I can't help but feel safe. Maybe being in heaven is where I belong, where I can live my life free.

The angels lifted me into the air, I feel like im floating. Floating from all my problems and troubles. I know that certain people will miss me. Maybe its good for them. Cause now they have nothing to worry about now I'm gone. They won't be in trouble or continuous danger.

Then a bright light enters my life. It beckons me to move, to get up. I search and search for a way out. The light reaches down and touches my eyelids. They fill my sight with pure brightness. I look above me and see the sun. A big, beautiful, bold sunrise is peaking in between trees.

I can smell the pine trees, i can feel the earth move under my hands. I can hear the animals above scattering, and i can taste the sweet scent of...Logan? Then like a twig snapped, i realised i wasn't dead. This wasn't heaven, or hell. Its the very woods next to my house. But i can't move, i seem to be frozen.

Numbness covers my whole body and i feel lightheaded. I feel the ground underneath my left hand, but my right hand is holding something warm. And a heavy weight is on my shoulders. I lift my head slightly and see brown hair brushing against my shoulder.

I can't see who or what it is. I move my thumb over the hand, and i sense a connection. I sniff and a familiar scent floods into my nose. But my brain can't seem to process who it is. Then a voice whispers quietly to me. "Jemma?" A rainbow explodes in my mind. I start to freak out and my breathing becomes quick and deep.

Im almost going to hyperventilate soon. "Logan?" Could it be? "Jemma!" He half yells, half whispers. "Logan! Your here!" I reach out to him but he's already got me in a tight hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. My face comes in contact with his...bare chest?

I can't help but bury my face into his chest. I've missed him so much and now we're together. "Logan, are we in heaven?" I say against his chest but the words come out as a slur. "No Jemma, your alive so am i and now we can be together no matter what"
I push myself up so I'm sitting on my knees.

Logan is still lying on the ground, looking up at me with those glorious blue eyes that'll i'll always miss. "How am i alive?" He signs but his jaw tightens and he clenches his teeth. "Jemma you were barely alive!" He fumed with anger, not at me but at himself.

"You could've died if i wasn't there!" He tensed up and he closed his eyes. "What happened?" I tried to say it with as little curiosity. "Jemma when we found you, the life was drained out of you, you were still a werewolf..." He paused and took in a deep breath. "But your no longer a werewolf"

I was shocked but that faded quite quickly. "Logan i don't care if i'm not a werewolf, i'm just glad your here" He reached out and cupped my face with his warm hand. His hand was bigger than my face. I held his hand to my face and enjoyed the pleasure i felt.

"Logan when you say we, who do you mean?" This was the part I'm most worried about. I couldn't think of all the werewolves or people that would've died just to save me. He looked into my eyes with sympathy. "Jemma, a lot of people risked there lives trying to save you, and some of them included..." He looked away and a single tear fell from his eye.

"My Beta, Timmy died, Emily"
"Emily!" I cut him off just when i heard her name. "Yea Emily"
"Was she in your pack?"
"Yea, wassss" he said holding the s like a snake. "Who else?" Logan stopped for a minute and searched my face like he was looking to see if i was ready.
"Jemma, Carla came too" All of a sudden my eyes flooded up.

I gasped and cupped my mouth to hold in the painful scream that was about to erupt. Logan slid me onto his lap and all i could do was cry into his shoulder. Just when i thought things couldn't get worse Logan continued. "Jemma, also your-your" he thought for a moment. "Your Dad didn't make it"

Thats when everything collapsed on me. My body went limp and i swear my heart was ripped in half. My head felt like a heavy weight on my neck. I couldn't hold in the cries of horror. It struck me exactly like lightning would. It rippled through my body and made me weak, weaker than before.

This is all my fault. If i hadn't ran away to fight none of this would've happened. And now I've got to put up with all the guilt, pain and dreaded loss.

Thnx for reading, im almost finished this book.What a tragic chapter aye. Poor Jemma her life must suck but at least she has Logan. Pls comment and vote;) p.s not edited

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