Chapter 22

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When we arrive back at home, Dad makes us both a hot chocolate. We sit down together on the lounge. Im all rugged up in my dressing gown and ugg boots.

I decided to have a shower before. The warm water was soothing, but i still couldn't get the whole night out of my head. Im still not sure if that was a dream or reality.

I shake it off and focus on warming up my vocal cords. I like singing whenever im stressed, sad or bored. I start singing my favourite song 'When i see you again.' But I'm stopped by a sudden stabbing, twisting pain through my stomach.

I try to reach out for something to hold on to, but instead i pull down the shampoos making a big BANG, it echoes throughout the bathroom.

"Is everything alright Jem?"
"Ah yes... Dad its all good!"
I lean over, gripping my stomach. Its almost like someones stabbing me. I feel like screaming out but i don't want to worry dad. I stagger out of the shower and pull on my nightie.

I try not to think about the pain but every step i take it makes everything worse. I grit my teeth and suck it up.
Slipping on my ugg boots and dressing gown i go down the stairs. Dad meets me on the lounge.

He hands me a steaming hot chocolate, i force a smile but I'm still in pain. "You sure your ok? You look different"
"Yea.... Im fine totally a-okay" i quickly shut my gob before i scream.

Taking a sip of my hot chocolate, dad asks "So why'd you run away Jem? I was worried sick about you"
"I trying"
"Jemma tell me the truth"

"Okay okay, i had a nightmare and it happened in the woods, i wanted to know if it was true so i ran into the woods"
"What was your nightmare?"

"Well at first i was lost in the spooky woods, all these red eyes stared at me in the trees. They surrounded me and enveloped me into darkness. I was dragged down into the depths of the Earth. Consumed by the dark and fear, i was forgotten. I found myself in the arms of a guy. He had a knife to my throat, and wolves were all around. I tried to escape but it was too late. The world faded away, i was gone. And thats when i woke up"

"Jemma you know it was just a nightmare, its not real"
I nod and take a sip of my hot chocolate.
"Did you find anything in the woods?"
I think about the wolves, Kaiden, the ghosts.

"No i didn't"
"Ok well you better go to bed and get some rest"
I know he's right this whole night was exhausting. "Ok night Dad"
"Night sweetie"

I hear in his tone that he's hiding something from me. A secret that he wont tell. But whatever it is i will find out. Im still curious about the stabbing pain i had in my stomach.

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