Chapter 48

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Logan and i lay side by side on the ground in the woods. We are hand in hand, with our fingers intertwined. The trees sway, and the leaves twirl. The sun peaks through the tree leaves and shoots warm rays down upon us. Its spring, one of my fav months. Where everything comes to life and is reborn.

It reminds me of the way a caterpillar would turn into a butterfly. The transformation of the colours, the beauty and liveliness. Purple flowers grow all around us, they have a lovely scent like sweet honey. On the tress pink flowers blossom. You may not think the trees in the woods would grow flowers but where we are is special.

Not long ago, Logan found this place. He brought me here and ever since we always visit. Its our place to forget everything and just spend time with each other. Just a few metres away is a little waterfall. It gushes down the rocks into a blue pool of water. Thats where i drown my sorrows.

But also where i enjoy life. Tall green grass dances gently in the wind, making a hustling noise. If there was a slight unexpected noise id wince and hold harder onto Logan's hand. Im afraid of losing him or myself. I couldn't bare the thought of losing Logan, it'd be like a piece of me ripped out and broken.

He'd always reassure me "Jemma i'll never leave you and no one will ever harm you" that soothed my girly freak outs. Every night i'd have these dreadful nightmares. Nightmares of watching my loved ones die. Of Logan disappearing. Or even of me. And every night id wake but to find myself in Logan's arms.

Its only Logan and i in this world. And we'll stick together no matter what. We don't go to school anymore, afraid of being questioned and feeling guilty. Yesterday was my fathers funeral. It was Logan, a few of my dads friends and my Grandpa. My Grandpa insisted of looking after me but i refused. I told him that I'm old enough to live by myself and i have Logan. With that he left and hasn't said a word since.

I miss my dad a lot but i also miss my mum. If only i knew where she was. One day we'll come together and be reunited as mother and daughter. But for now i need to focus on my life. Im planning on going off to Uni soon. Maybe to become a veterinarian. Than i'll be able to help both animals and werewolves. Logan wants to become a carpenter like his father.

Since Logan is an Alpha he needs to find new pack members or make them. I've heard that if you get bitten by a werewolf you'll become one. Its a very painful but slow process. We'll only change someone if they really need it. Or if there dying or is just willing to.

I turn to face Logan and see that he's already beaten me. "How long have you been staring at me?"
"The whole time where've been sitting here"
"Thats creepy" i quietly giggle but underneath i'm blushing. He smirks at me and winks playfully.

"Logan why are you staring at me?"
A big smile crosses over his gorgeous face. He leans in and puts his lips to my ear. His breath tickles me as he breaths the words. "Because i love you"
And with that our lips collide with gentle movement.

"I love you too Logan Smith"

The end!!! Hope u enjoyed my book! Yippee, thnx for all ur reads, comments and votes. I couldn't find the name of the girl in the photo but thats Jemma. And Sean O'donnell is Logan.

If u have any questions about the pls ask and i'll answer. Well dats all folks :)

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