Chapter 38

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Logan's POV

I was searching for Jemma all over school, with Aiden trailing behind. I grab Aiden "Where is she?!"
Aiden shrugs and pulls my arm off him
"I dont know! Maybe if we weren't such jerks she wouldnt have ran off!"

His words are like ice, i would never be a jerk towards Jemma. Shes my everything, my world. If i hurt her it'd hurt me. I just shake my head in disagreement. "Aiden what happened to us?"

I search his face for any expressions. "We were once best mates Logan" he signs, lost in words. Aiden and i met when we were pups. But when his father murdered mine i blamed Aiden.

I was so frustrated that i just ran away leaving behind everyone my mum, Aiden and my pack. Now ever since then I've been trying to find my mate and I've finally found her. Well now I've lost her.

I lift my nose into the air and smell for a scent. I can smell roses and a sweet bubblegum perfume, yep thats her. We both follow her trail but it leads us to...Emily. Emily was my ex girlfriend, i thought she was my mate, but when Jemma came along i changed.

She never use to be that mean but ever since her best guy friend died she took it on everyone. She turned sour, angry and bitchy. Who knew such a nice girl could turn into the devil that quickly.

She flips her hair with the swish movement of her head. She smells like vanilla and chocolate. Aiden looks astonished but i tell him through pack link that shes a devil.

"Ahhh Logan! Who's your friend?" She points to Aiden and licks her lips. Aiden flinches and smiles. "Aiden, Emily have you seen Jemma?"

"That poor girl ran off cause she was crying like a little pussy" Emily pouts her lips and pretends i fake cry. Her friends join in. "Hey stop that! Shes such a brave girl you have no idea!" Aidens soft spot for Emily turns rotten.

"Brave? Huh i bet if she came across a bee she'd cry!" She walked off flipping her hair and laughing hysterically. "What a darn bit...." He follows Emily but i pull him back.
"Aiden theres no time for that we have to find Jemma"

"She said that Jemma ran off, lets follow her scent" Aiden suggests
"Best idea you've ever had!"
We sprint towards Jemma's scent. It follows outside the school.

"Why would she have left school?"
Aiden asks with worry in his voice.
"Somethings up" i say with concern.
"Ya think" Aiden says with sarcasm.

The scent leaves out towards the abandoned streets. "She must've got lost" i know Jemma just moved here so she wouldn't know this place.

We stop outside an alleyway just as i hear "Let me go!" Thats Jemma's voice!
I sneak around the corner and see a tall guy hovering above her, holding her arm. "Don't speak to me like that!" The guy screams, wait that sounds awfully familiar. No it cant be, it couldn't be.

That sounds like my brother! Shes now struggling against his grip. "Stop it!" My brother spits. How is he alive?
He throws her to the ground, my wolf growls deeply. I know he wants to come out.

My wolf is very protective and now he's mad. I try and hold him back but anger fills me up. If i let him free, he's going to go wild. I don't want that when Aiden and Jemma's around. I don't want them to see what a horrible monster i really am.

I can see tears filling her eyes oh damn thats it! My wolf bursts free, my bones crack and click as they change shape, my clothes tear and rip in half. I growl and grit my teeth. He's crossed the line no one hurts my mate!

"Stay here Aiden i'll handle this!" I tell him through pack link. He nods in understanding, he knows what my brothers like. A true, deadly, dirty monster.

Jemma sees me and backs up in fear. Damn i wish she knew who i was. My wolf is ready so am i. He knows exactly what to do. A growl sounds from my throat. One of my deepest, scariest growls known. Its a sign of a threat, meaning "piss off".

Jemma hides behind a bin, good i dont want her to see this. "Aiden get Jemma!" Aiden stands frozen, in shock. He saw what happened to Jemma and shut down. I ignore him as i know he heard me.

My brother swings around and laughs crazily. He knows who i am. "Brother!"
Damn right your going down big bro!

Thnx for reading hope your enjoying my book so far! This chapter is dedicated to george27407 for being totally awesome and a big part of my book! Pls vote and commemt! Thnx

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