Chapter 43

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I jump out of Logan's arms and give him a "I'm ok" look. The girl at the counter looks up and stares wide eyed at Logan. I see lust in her eyes and a growl escapes my lips. She backs off but stays focused on Logan.

"How can i help you?"
"We'd like to see Matthew Thompson"
"Are you family?"
"Yes we are" he pushes me towards her.
"What room is he in?" I ask with a stern and threatening tone.

She looked stunned but somehow i knew i over powered her. "Um h-he's in room 1-120 just upstairs" after all her frightened stuttering she eventually told us. I gave an approval nod and ran to the stairs. Logan was right on my heels, i could hear his heart beat increase.

We flew up the stairs, i skipped every two steps. I was surprised that when i got to the top i wasn't tired. Normally i'd be stuffed after running up the stairs at school. We wandered down the hallway, scanning the numbered rooms.

I hate the hospital. It reminds me of the sick, injured and death. It always smells weird too. I can hear the beeping of the machines in every room. Sometimes the weeping of a person. Or even the occasional scream. I was afraid of what happened to dad.

We eventually found dads room number. I burst through the doors with excitement running through me. But i came to see my dad sleeping. The machines were beeping and the heart monitor moved up and down.

He had needles sticking in his arm. His leg and arm was in a brace. I could only just make out that it was dad. His face was swollen and he had cuts across his forehead. Tears started to flood my eyes but i forces them back.

"Be strong Jemma" i said to myself. I quietly glided over beside his bed. His breathing was even. But his facial expression showed that he was in pain. I sat down on the wooden chair that was in the corner. Who the hell did this?

I was furious, how can someone do this to a loving, kind, innocent guy. Logan saw my fury and walked over to comfort me. I clenched my teeth, "Who ever did this i'm going to kill them"
"Jemma your not going to kill them" he sighed and stroked my hair.

"Logan look what they did to my dad"
"I know baby, but the guy who did this, he ran away before we could catch him, who knows where he's gone"
"Well what are you going to do?" I tried to calm my frustration and determination for revenge.

"I have every single alpha and there're strongest pack members sniffing out his scent"
"I wanna help"
"You heard me"
"Jemma its far too dangerous!"
"Logan I'm not a weakling!"

"I know your not but if anything happened to you i wouldn't be able to forgive myself"
I couldn't argue with him, i knew he'd win. So i shut my mouth but a plan formed in my head. If i could somehow get out of here.

Then like a miracle to my plan, dad woke up. I bolted to his side and held his hand. "Hey there" i couldn't help the single tear that slipped. He smiled and tried to move towards me. I shook my head "Dad take it easy"
"Jemma I'm sorry"
He started coughing and gaging.

"Logan go get a nurse!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He was gone like the flash of lightning. I looked into my dads eyes and knew this was my chance. I kissed his forehead gently "Goodbye dad" i whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

I left his side and went to the window. We were at least 3 stories high but this was the only way. I stood on the edge of the windowsill. With one step i fell down, towards the ground. My heart skipped a million beats. I can die.

I closed my eyes and focused on flying. I saw birds glide through the sky with grace, and i wanted that too. I dreamed i had wings and flew into the sunset. I put my legs underneath me. I was ready for the impact.

Just when i was about to hit the ground a sudden tingle shot through my body. Everything felt different.

Hope ur enjoying it! I was just watching Captain America: Winter Soldier,one of my fav movies! Well i'll update more often. School holidays is almost over:( Thnx for reading pls comment and vote!

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