Chapter 35

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I arrive at school to see him with another girl. I light up on fire and my heart races. Jealousy over whelms me, i storm over to Logan. I shoot a fake smile at him.

Logan sees the anger and jealousy in my eyes. He looks at me nervously and gestures to his "friend" "Jemma this is my best friend Mya" Mya sticks her hand out i resist but take it.

"Hey nice to meet you" she smiles with a goofy look. "Yea you too" i try to hide my anger and i slap her a fake smile. I already don't like her. She just stands there smiling at me.

But i turn my gaze to Logan. "So how long have you two been friends?" i say through gritted teeth. Logan furrows his eyebrows. I open my eyes widely, questioning him.

He moves him lips to form "oh" and nods. He must understand about how i feel. But before he can speak Mya breaks the silence. "Actually where've been friends since we were toddlers"

I slowly nod "Hey Logan can i talk to you for a sec?"
"Yea sure we'll be back Mya"
"Okay" she says in a high pitched voice.
Whenever she talks i boil with frustration and jealously, shes annoying.

"Logan how come you never told me about her?" I look at him with anger in my eyes. He must feel the heat vibrating off my body because he shifts every now and then. "I didn't think she was important enough to tell you about"

"Well you could've at least said that there was a girl"
"Jemma don't worry where're just friends"
"Uh huh so theres noting between you two?"
"Nope just friends, don't worry id choose you over her any day, anytime"
"Okay but im watching you two"

I place two fingers in front of my eyes then poke Logan's. We laugh together and he squats away my hand. Mya buts in and grabs Logan by the arm. She drags him away from me, i stand their with my arms crossed.

Logan just shrugs at me and follows Mya. I really do hate her. I try to tell myself to calm down "Jemma your his and only his" i whisper to myself.

But i feel a sudden hand reach over my back. It guides down to my waist. I try to move but his grip is too strong. "Hey let go!" I feel a tall, figure hovering above me. "Why should i?"

I slap his hands but it has no affect. "Who are you!?"
"Don't you remember me, giggles"
I gawp and wrap my arms around him.
"Aiden Henry Carter! Where have you been?" I say pulling back and looking at him.

"Well ever since i moved, I've had to live with a Forster family, but then they came here!"
"Ive missed you Aiden!"
"Me too, giggles!"
I slap his arm lightly
"Stop calling me that! Its Jem ok?"

He smirks "Thats a grown up name"
I flash him a big goofy grin. "God gig....ah Jem you still look the same"
He holds my face with his palm.
"You haven't changed a bit, your still a dirtbag" he lets out a chuckle.

But in a quick move i end up behind him. I try to look over his shoulder but he's too tall, curse my shortness. I peak around him and see Logan standing there. "Jemma come to me" he growls in a low voice.

I step out from behind Aiden. "Logan its ok, this is Aiden he's...." Logan cuts me off "I know who he is!"
My eyes pop out of my head. How do they know each other? "Wait you know Logan?" Aiden nods but turns his gaze to Logan.

They have a stare off and low growls are threatened. I step in between their little cat fight. I put my arms out towards both of the little children. "Stop it please!"
They snap out of it quickly, like a spell was just broken. But then both their stares are thrown at me.

"Logan, Aiden's my friend, he's been my friend since we were young!"
"Aiden, Logan's my friend too, he helped me settle into this place!"
They both hang their heads in shame.

Mya runs over "Whats happening?"
"Nothing Mya!" I yell at her with a look on my face saying "none of your business!"
"Sorry for caring, Jemma!" She spits at me. I just roll my eyes, what a drama queen.

Logan and Aiden both greet each other with a little smile and shake hands.
"So your over your little cat fight girls?"
"Sorry Jemma" they both say in rhythm.

But it just came to me, why do guys growl?

More questions, more answers. This was my longest chapter ever!

This is dedicated to DollyDoll1 for voting on all my chapters and telling me how amazing they are. I really appreciate it. So pls follow her, and read her books.

Thnx to all my other readers i owe you all. If you have any ideas for the book just say, id be glad to hear your idea and opinion. 😄

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