Chapter 3/ Rescue

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It has been a month since Dazai found the new bar, and his fascination with the ginger haired man only growing the more the days passed.

He'd come to see him every day he could, both at the cafe and bar.

Though one morning when he went to the cafe he wasn't there, the man supposedly quit from what the other workers said.

When he went to the bar the night of that day, Chuuya was luckily there, so he couldn't help but ask if the rumor was true.

And to no doubt, it was right. Chuuya had quit the cafe job in exchange for a better one.

(One where he didn't have to work back to back shifts every other day and could actually rest.)


It was a week since that conversation.

Chuuya was currently swampt with customers, the ginger not having a second where his feet weren't moving.

He was so busy he didn't even notice the absence of his loyal customer, at least not until he went over to that seat out of instinct, and a different man was in Dazai's place.

"Wine with ic- oh sorry wrong person." He stumbled out, his mind in a jumble from all the rushing around.

"No no it's okay, I understand you're busy. I'll take vodka please." The man said, his russian accent distinct from the other voices he's heard tonight.

"On it sir, it will be just a moment." Chuuya said before he turned to get the order of a few more people before he went back to make the drinks.


"Thank God." Chuuya signed out, heading to his bike parked in the back of the building.

He finally finished his shift, it having felt like forever with how surprisingly busy they were.

The small little place was growing way more popularity then they could fit in that small area, so work has slowly become more and more straining for the man.

"Hmm, I wonder where that Dazai guy was." He mumbled as he sat on his bike, reaching to turn it on before he suddenly stopped.

"Get off of me!" A familiar voice came from a distance, causing Chuuya to grow tense.

The sound of a fight breaking out came from an alleyway or so over.

"Damnit of course that's where you are." Chuuya mumbled before starting up the bike, driving over to the sound of the fight.

The sight of Dazai cornered by three guys significantly larger than him filled chuuya's gaze, causing Chuuya to wonder how he got into a situation like this.

"Damnit you idiot get on!" He shouted to the brunette, revving his bike to guarantee his attention.

Dazai's gaze shifted to the bike ahead, a smile forming on his face before he looked at the three men. "Sorry guys, this was fun but I don't have time to keep playing."

Dazai quickly moved to snag the money they were taunting him with as he rushed past them, the men caught off guard by the sudden backup.

"Hey get back here!" One shouted, turning to chase Dazai down.

Though to his lack of luck Dazai was already on the back of Chuuya's bike. Them being out of there the second Chuuya felt his arms secure around his waist.

And to his cocky nature, Dazai turning to look back at them, flipping them off as he laughed.

They drove for awhile, insuring they had lost the men before Chuuya stopped at a random corner, looking back at Dazai.

"What was that all about?" He said, eyeing Dazai down.

"Just a bunch of idiots trying to dip me out of my well deserved money."

"For what?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a small job my boss had me do for them, then I was in charge of getting the payment for him, yet most of the time customers don't wanna pay, so they gang up on me when I refuse to leave empty handed."

"Then why do you keep doing it? Surely there's better jobs out there?" Chuuya said, his head tilting slightly, a mannerisms of his that made Dazai's heart flutter.

"I just can't, it's a long story." He said as he got off the bike, causing Chuuya to look confused.

"Don't you want me to take you home? I mean you have a black eye, I don't want you walking into anything or getting jumped again if someone takes notice of a guy alone with a bag of money in a jumbled state."

"No no, it's fine don't worry, I've walked home with worse injuries." Dazai responded with a chuckle, a smile creeping onto his face. "Thanks for the assist though! You really saved me."

"Don't mention it, well goodnight then, hope to see you at the bar tomorrow." Chuuya said, slight concern for the brunette lacing his voice.

"Of course.~" Dazai said with a smirk before waving and turning away, stretching a bit as he walked home.


Dazai had made his way home, luckily in one piece thanks to Chuuya's help.

He grabbed his first aid kit from the bathroom counter, looking in the mirror at his fresh black eye.

"Man, they really got me this time." He mumbled as he grabbed a set of bandages.

He started wrapping them around his head, trying his best to ignore the dizzy feeling he had from the blow to his head.

When he finally got his wounds tended to he headed for his room, flopping his exhausted body onto the bed. A grumble escaping his lips.


If he was lucky, Dazai might get an hour of sleep tonight, otherwise he'd have to deal with another all nighter.

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