Chapter 14/ Work

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Slight mention of suicide/suicidal tendencies.


It has been a few months since Dazai and Chuuya started talking. Though as of a week ago the two men had finally made it official.

Dazai was over the moon to say the least. He never thought he'd experience love like this, or for a matter of fact, that anyone could love him the way Chuuya did.

Chuuya was willing to put his fears aside and overcome them for him, despite Dazai being a complete mess.

That was something that meant more to Dazai then any silly death wish or freedom from his debt.

Dazai was, in simple terms, suicidal. Though despite these urges he could never bare to do it, and now that Chuuya was at his side, he definitely couldn't now.

Chuuya knew this about him though, the brunette making it very obvious. It all mainly starting when Chuuya asked about the bandages on his arms and neck.

"As a kid I hated my parents, or more my life and situation, despite having everything a kid could ask for. Things just weren't right." Dazai had said to him, soon explaining how he found a guide to suicide book at 16 and decided to try it out.

The teenage brunette had hoped his soul would pass on to a better life, the books words inspiring him to try.

He explained in as little detail as possible to Chuuya that he self harmed a lot. How that was the only way he could see color. That's why his arms are always covered.

He then explained the situation at the hospital when he actually attempted that night years and years ago.

It made Chuuya said to see the one he cared so much about hurt so bad at such a young age. It wasn't fair, and he believed strongly that no kid should ever have to feel that way.


"Hey good looking, can you get me a shot please?" Chuuya suddenly heard from behind him, the familiar voice pulling him from his focused train of thought while working.

Dazai had decided to visit his boyfriend at work, a typical two in one for him. He could see the light of his life, and get drunk at the same time. It was a win win.

"Yes, yes Dazai coming up." Chuuya said, trying to sound annoyed but couldn't help but let a chuckle slip out. 

Dazai smiled at the ginger across from him, his eyes admiring his every action and words as he spoke to his coworkers or dodged them to get to customers.

"Here you go, this is it though. I don't want you up late drunk again." Chuuya said, recalling the rough night where he barely got sleep because of Dazai's unstoppable drunk rambling.

"Come on! I can handle more then one glass before I get that bad." Dazai protested.

"It won't do you any harm to take a step back for a night, it's not healthy." Chuuya said, trying to put in motion Dazai bettering his health and addictions.

Chuuya worried about him. No that was even an understatement.

He was terrified that despite Dazai's claims to stay for him, to better himself for him, that he'd leave, rather he left him on his own accord, or died.

He couldn't bare the thought of seeing Dazai spiral into something horrible, to see he wasn't good enough to help his lover.

Though he tried his best to stay strong, and to work on helping Dazai stay healthy and happy.

"Okay okay, I'll be good tonight." Dazai said with a smile, his heart fluttering at the realization that Chuuya was looking out for his wellbeing. Something others never cared to do.


After Chuuya's shift he headed towards the back to get to his bike. The ginger exhausted after the long work day and just ready to get home.

Dazai had excused himself a few minutes before Chuuya got off work, the bandaged man heading towards the back to meet up with him when he did.

"Watching you serve people all night is actually quite entertaining." Dazai said, smirking at the unaware ginger headed man ahead of him.

Chuuya was caught off guard by his boyfriends sudden appearance, a sigh of relief escaping him when he realized he was  safe.

"What, do I have to deal with you staring me down every night now?" Chuuya joked, leaning against the brick wall and lighting a cigarette to tide him over until he got home.

"I do that every other night, so it's nothing new...~" Dazai said with a sly tone.

He took a few steps towards Chuuya, soon closing the distance and placing his lips on the ginger's.

Chuuya, who was holding a lit cigarette raised his hand to avoid accidently burning the brunette.

Their lips moved in a perfect motion together, something Dazai loved about kissing Chuuya.

Everything just worked perfectly when with him.

Dazai moved his hand up to cup Chuuya's cheek, momentarily pulling away to catch his breath before continuing. "You taste like smoke." Dazai said with a chuckle in between kisses.

"You fucking idiot what did you expect?" Chuuya responded back. The shorter man placing his free hand on Dazai's hip.


The two men were now home, a sudden downpour of rain having cut short their make out session in the back of the bar.

Chuuya had quickly pulled Dazai to his bike, forcing him to get on so they could get home as least soaked as possible.

Though through Dazai's protests and fears about the death trap Chuuya calls his bike, he managed to finally get him back.

Though instead of going into chuuya's apartment they went next door to Dazai's instead.

Chuuya insisting that Dazai tidy up a bit, to avoid something from happening under all the mess scattering his apartment.

When Chuuya saw the mess again it wasn't as bad as he remembered. Dazai probably tidying up a little on his own. (Something Chuuya would never expect him to do.)

"Come on Chuuya, it's late. Can't we just clean tomorrow?"

"This is the only time I'm off work for awhile, so the only time I'll be able to get your lazy ass to clean is now." Chuuya said with a laugh. "Though don't worry I'll help you."

"Whatever, just get some sleep soon okay?" Dazai said, not wanting to waste Chuuya's precious sleeping time in between shifts with his own mess.

"You're a hypocrite." Chuuya responded, smiling at his boyfriend before starting to clean a little.


The two worked for about half an hour. They laughed and joked, and Dazai accidentally made a bigger mess while cleaning out spoiled food.

Though none the less for the short time they worked they got a lot done. (Though so much was still unfinished.)

"Hey Chuuya?" Dazai called across the house to his boyfriend. He was currently in his room gathering up dirty clothes while Chuuya sat on the couch folding the clean ones.

"Chuuya?" Dazai said again. Though when there was no response he took initiative to head out to the living room to see what was stalling Chuuya from answering him.

Dazai's face instantly fell before turning into a warm smile.

Chuuya had fallen asleep while folding one of Dazai's jackets. The ginger's hands clutching the material as his head was leaned back against the back of the couch.

Dazai let out a sigh before carefully taking the jacket from Chuuya's hands and placing it over him like a blanket. The brunette placing a careful kiss to his forehead.

"You damn workaholic, you should have slept sooner." Dazai said before continuing to work, the insomnia preventing him from falling to sleep too.

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