Chapter 11/ Teaming up

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Chuuya was out running errands. The ginger needing to pay a few bills and grab some snacks for home. Mainly to get supplies for his dinner tonight. Chuuya and Dazai agreeing to go to his place instead of out somewhere.

He was heading towards the grocery store when he felt the buzz of his phone in his pocket.

-Heads up, I might be late today, I have another meeting for the boss.-

Dazai had texted Chuuya about the job he had today, something Dazai never did.

Maybe he did as a subtle way to accept Chuuya's offer to help him from the other week.

Though Chuuya decided to call him, it being easier to do that then text in his current situation.

"Ahh Chuuya! It seems you got my text!" Dazai's voice cheerfully rang through the phone.

"Is this your way of offering me to join you on your endeavors?" Chuuya said as he quickly walked around the grocery store to grab the few things he needed.

"Hmmm, maybe, though I was more of warning you in case something happened."

Chuuya frowned at his words, a sigh escaping his lips. It was obvious he was going to have to join Dazai on this job, Chuuya's gut feeling raging through him that something will go wrong. (Like 90% of the time as if the boss purposely sends Dazai on jobs with these type of people.)

Dazai still had a limp, his eye was bandaged from another fist fight, and his knuckles were bandaged like the rest of his body.

He clearly was in no condition to handle a fight alone, so if his client isn't compliant he could end up severely hurt or even dead if he took them on alone, and the clients were aggressive enough.

"Name the time and location, I'll be there to back you up."

Dazai let out a dramatic gasp, a slight chuckle coming from him before he spoke. "You're going to risk your life for dear ol me Chuuyaaa?" Dazai teased, dragging out Chuuya's name.

"If you want to put it that way, now just tell me the time and place already." Chuuya said with a hint of caring annoyance in his voice.

"Alright alright, it's just down the street from our place, in the alleyway next to the flea-market. I'm heading there now but the meet time isn't for another twenty minutes."

"Thank you, I'm on my way now." Chuuya said as he quickly checked out his few bags worth of food from the store.

"See you there. And if you get too scared and back out I understand.~" Dazai said, teasing the ginger before hanging up.

Chuuya let out a sigh, his hand coming up to palm his forehead. "Why must you cause so much trouble." He mumbled to no one in particular.


Dazai was sitting on a silver trashcan, the lid acting like a perfect seat for the alley-boy. He was quietly humming to himself, pondering what he could do after this job while he waited for Chuuya to finish dinner.

The coat he had draped over his shoulder flew ever so slightly in the breeze. His attire and bandaged up figure really making him seem dangerous, or at least like he was up to no good. (Which he in simple terms was.)

The brunette noticed as civilians hurried past him on the sidewalk, or gave him skeptical and judgement faces from across the street.  Though he didn't mind, since he didn't care what people thought, and quite frankly he'd rather people stay as far away from him as possible, besides Chuuya that is, so his attire and aura did him favors.

"There you are bandages." Chuuya voice suddenly rang through his ears, snapping Dazai out of his trance.

Dazai scanned over the ginger, his attire being his usual getup. He had on a leather jacket, a grey hoodie underneath. (An odd choice of his that  Dazai never understood.)

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