Chapter 4/ Bad Luck

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It was two days after Chuuya saved him from the three men in the alleyway.

He was still sore as hell from the blows landed on him by the three men, even the meer thought of moving causing him to ache.

He was lucky that Chuuya saved him, or else he'd probably be dead right now. His line of work being more dangerous than fighting a bear sometimes.

He hated that his boss always gave him those types of jobs, knowing damn well eight out of ten times the people will refuse to pay.

(Hence why he doesn't collect the payments himself, and makes his goons do it while he sits in the safety of his home.)

And like any corrupted boss, when the people don't pay or show up, he gets punished for it. Which only results in a bigger debt.

It was the boss's way of making him stay under his deal, because if he can't pay off his debt, he won't ever stop doing work for him.

And then the cycle repeats.


Dazai had been laying in bed for hours. He had been in a zone for the majority of the time he's been laying there, having been lost in thought, and pain from his wounds.

He didn't even know if he got any sleep last night. (Since currently he doesn't know if he's even alive.)

Though it wasn't until a beam of sun suddenly came through his window that it startled him back to reality, the brunette closing his eyes and rolling away from the suns rays as he grumbled in annoyance.

He didn't feel tired at all, yet he felt like he's never slept a day in his life. So trying to get out of bed was like the angel and the devil fighting amongst his shoulders.

Though after a long few minutes he made his way to the kitchen, his gaze falling upon the city through his window as he grabbed some whiskey from the counter.

He knew he couldn't make it until his routine bar visit at the end of the day without a shot, so that's what he did, since coffee wasn't going to be enough to help him.

As he took the shot he took a quick glance at his phone, checking to see if there was anything from the boss.

Though to his dismay, there was.

"Fucking great, another cash grab after I just barely got out of the last one." He mumbled to himself, the stress of his upcoming job being enough to make him pour another shot of whiskey.


Dazai was on his way to meet the guy, the walk luckily not being far. Though still a pain in general.

He was walking with his hands in his pockets, keeping his gaze straight ahead until he heard a familiar laugh come from across the street.

The brunette turned his head, the familiar voice driving him like a car to face that direction. To the left of him was the familiar face of Chuuya, the man laughing with what seemed to be two other people.

He was walking the opposite way of him on the other side of the street, his gaze falling onto his joy filled face for a second before he passed by, leaving Dazai to have to turn his head to continue to look at the man.

One of the people he was laughing with was a female with pink hair who was wrapping around his arm, leaning against him as she laughed.

( The sight of the way she was looking at him causing Dazai's stomach to churn.)

To Chuuya's right was a taller man who had silver hair. A smile on his face as he gazed upon the two.

Dazai couldn't handle the sight of them together and happy while he suffered, so he turned away, and focused solely on the job ahead.

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