Chapter 15/ Chasing Strays

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It had been a week since Chuuya passed out on Dazai's couch while helping him clean. Dazai has yet to let him live it down. The brunette making sure the ginger doesn't overwork himself more then he needs to.

Though each time Chuuya gets a scolding Dazai gets hit with the "Your one to talk" response flawlessly.

The two men were currently getting dressed for their date out together. Today being the first day in awhile they have both been free from their jobs.

Chuuya was rested on his bed, a cigarette in hand as he waited for his slow ass boyfriend to finish in the shower.

Chuuya had showered first, knowing damn well he needed to if he wanted actual warm water while he did so.

"Dazai, come on we don't have all day." Chuuya called out to the slowpoke before resting his cigarette back in his mouth.

As if his words summoned the man, Dazai came walking out of the bathroom. His hands running through his freshly washed hair.

His hair was soaking wet, each strand of his hair falling delicately over his neck. If it wasn't for the towel around his neck, the man's shirt would be soaked as well.

"Okay lets go." Dazai said as he headed towards his coat sloppily tossed on the chair by the bedroom door.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Chuuya said, his tone accusatory. One like a scolding mother.

Dazai turned his head in confusion, cocking his head slightly at why Chuuya was stopping him. "I'm ready to leave, just like you dragged on me about."

"Not with that wet hair you aren't."

Chuuya walked over to Dazai, his firm hand placing a grip on his shoulder before pulling him towards the bed.

"What?! Come on it's not that bad." Dazai protested.

Without a word Chuuya grabbed the hairdryer from the bathroom, moving to plug it into the outlet beside his bed.

The sight of Chuuya being so assertive with the cigarette in his mouth made Dazai's face heat up. The ginger man looking oh so perfect.

"Just sit still." Chuuya had said, sitting Dazai on the floor in between his legs as the ginger sat on the edge of the bed.

Dazai did as he said, like a dog taking orders from its owner.

Dazai was used to taking orders, though unlucky for him, it was always by people who were using him. Like his current boss, Mori who he was in debt to.

Though when it came to Chuuya it was different. His "orders" was just him trying to get the stubborn brunette to do something to better himself. (Like drying his hair so he doesn't get a cold.)

It was nice to have someone who didn't just use him for their own gain. Though having someone care for him was so foreign he'd almost want it to stop.

"Ow hey!" Dazai shouted, the pain of tugged hair snapping him out of his trance.

The warm of the hairdryer was surprisingly nice. Chuuya's fingers running through his hair as the heat engulfed him adding to the comfort feeling.

Though as Chuuya's fingers moved towards the ends of his brunette strands that's where it became an issue.

"Damnit Dazai you didn't even brush your hair!" Chuuya said, his mother-like tone filling the room.

"It was fine when I got out." Dazai protested.

"No, you were just being lazy so you told yourself it was."

Before Dazai knew it Chuuya started brushing his hair with the brush he had used in there while Dazai was still showering in the bathroom.

Chasing Strays (Soukoku- Dazai X Chuuya) Where stories live. Discover now