Chapter 16.5 / Making up

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This chapter is a spicy chapter so reader caution is advised!!

This chapter doesn't have any of the main story plot to it so if you want to skip this section you won't be missing anything!

Hopefully you enjoy. :)


"Fuck you." Chuuya said, looking away bashfully.

Dazai was currently on top of Chuuya, his lips grazing along Chuuya's neck ever so elegantly. Moving in a way that sent chills down Chuuya's spine.

Once they had made up after their argument in the rain, the two men headed home with only one thing on their mind.

As they entered the door to their bedroom, lips connected and hands wondering around one another's body. They quickly made their way to the bed, the taller brunette pushing his shorter lover down as he crawled on top of him.

Dazai and Chuuya, to say the least, lack experience.

Dazai has been with a couple of women before Chuuya, but it was more of the women doing the work then him.

Chuuya on the other hand, had none at all as he was far too busy surviving then worrying about relationships. Especially after his last one went.

Chuuya and Dazai haven't even went this far yet. The furthest they got was a heated make out session, and some quick grabs here and there.

(Mainly because they both have been way too tired or busy to continue further then that.)

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dazai said, lifting his head up from Chuuya's neck.

He wanted to make sure Chuuya was positive he wanted this, the brunette still worried about his view on things like this because of his past. That Chuuya wasn't just doing this to make Dazai happy.

"Damnit, yes I do. Just come on." Chuuya said, a slight hint of a wine in his voice.

He wanted this, he wanted him more then anything. And that was something he's been more sure about then anything else in his life.

And with that Dazai nodded, his lips crashing down on Chuuya's as he allowed his hands to trail along the shorter males body.

Chuuya on the other hand pulled Dazai closer, pressng his head against his to deepen the kiss.

He soon felt as Dazai's tongue licked his lips, the well known silent plead to, "open up please."

Chuuya, who didn't want to waste any time did as he was asked, their tongues instantly interlocking as they fought for dominance.

Though, even though Chuuya usually wins this sort of battle, Dazai managed to win this time. (Chuuya having let him.)

They continued this for what seemed like forever, time feeling slower then ever when the two get like this.

The only thing that made them remember they were alive, was when they needed to pull apart to breathe. Something even they'd hurry up to do to get back to making out.

While they were exploring one anothers mouths, Chuuya soon let out a sudden moan into his lovers mouth. The sound being a whine of shock.

Dazai had trailed his hand down Chuuya's body all the way to his, now very prominent, bulge. The sudden slight sensation catching Chuuya off guard.

Though as quickly as Chuuya was blessed with the sensation, Dazai took it away from him.

"You asshole, don't tease me damnit!" Chuuya said through gritted teeth.

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