Chapter 6/ Jealousy

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It was currently Saturday, a week after Dazai and Chuuya exchanged numbers.

Dazai had given Chuuya a call, asking to see if he could look at the car today, and to his luck he was available.

Dazai didn't care much about his car, it was a hassle, let alone he wasn't the best driver either.

Though it was the perfect excuse to see Chuuya, so he rolled with it.

(Though the outcome of having a fixed car while having Chuuya visit was a good bonus as well.)

Dazai tried tidying up a little bit around the house, in case Chuuya decided to come inside.

Though not a lot got done, Dazai having been easily distracted by his anxious thoughts. So he just decided to make sure he stayed in the garage.

He wasn't the type to be nervous, especially about people. Though something about Chuuya coming to his house made his heart race with anxiety.


Chuuya pulled up to the house, the ginger steadying his bike before getting off.

He was carrying a backpack, all the supplies he could fit being inside.

He was by no means a professional, so he expected to fix some small issues, not a huge mess of a car, so he only brought a few supplies in hopes Dazai would have the rest on hand if needed.


"What did you do?!" Chuuya said, his eyes falling upon the damaged front of Dazai's car.

Dazai gave a nervous chuckle, his eyes closing as he tried to figure out how to word his next sentence.

"It was a dark night, and well I've never been the best driver... So I uh, well I hit a light pole trying to get out of a parking lot."

"Remind me to never get in a car with you." Chuuya said, walking to the car to get a closer look.

The middle of the bumper was completely smashed in, the hood of the car luckily not as destroyed.

"What's the problem with it then?" Chuuya said as he opened the hood of the car.

"It won't start, I barely got it back here and since then it's been dead." Dazai said, peaking at the engine of the car from over Chuuya's shoulder.

"Could be an internal switch that got bumped, it's quite commen for that to happen with accidents like this."

"Then can you fix it today?"

"Most likely ya, if I can get to it." Chuuya said before heading to his bag, grabbing the needed supplies.


Chuuya had been working for a couple hours now, trying his best to find the problem and fix it.

Dazai on the other hand watched him work, his eyes full of admiration.

The two men gabbed and laughed, at one point Chuuya needed to stop working entirely for a minute or else he'd knock something in the engine out of place with how hard he was laughing.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to make you a sandwich since you've been working awhile without food." Dazai said, waving before heading off into the house.

Chuuya let out a sound of acknowledgement as he worked, his head and hands deep into work on the engine.


Dazai soon made his way out with the food, the brunette bringing out a glass of water for Chuuya as well, in case he was thirsty.

"I'll set the food on the counter, so when you're hungry you know where it is." Dazai said, chuckling a little before he continued. "Make sure to wipe your hands off first, I heard car grime isn't the best for you to eat."

Chuuya rolled his eyes, Dazai's sarcastic joke yet again had secretly amused him.

"Oh because last time I checked it was." He teased back, a sigh escaping his lips as he rubbed his hands on a rag.

"Oh really? And where did you hear that?!" Dazai said, his eyes gleaming at the man's words.

"At -I'm being"

There was a gasp from Dazai, his eyes rolling as he turned away. "You're so cruel."

"No I'm just honest."


The two men talked and ate their lunch.

Chuuya was going through this and that about what was wrong with his car and what to look out for in the future.

(And to get better at driving.)

Though Dazai didn't care for a lot of that stuff, because all he could focus on was Chuuya and his beautiful face.

"And other then that you should be fine." Chuuya said, snapping Dazai out of his trance.

"Oh yeah yeah, thank you again chuuyaaa.~" Dazai said, stretching a bit as he tilted his head. "Say, why don't I pay you back with dinner, if you're free that is?"

Chuuya looked excited for a second, before he shook his head and frowned. "I'm sorry, I have plans with some friends, so I can't. Though maybe next week?"

Dazai's stomach churned, jealousy taking over before he relaxed, a smile now on his face. "Oh no worries, I wouldn't want you missing time with your friends after you spent all day in my lovely precence already.~"

Chuuya laughed, a sigh escaping his lips before he turned to start packing up. "Don't worry I'll be at the bar by your next visit, so you won't have to miss me for too long."

Dazai smiled, chuckling at the ginger's words. "Thank God, I probably would die if you didn't show again." He said in a dramatic tone.

Chuuya laughed as he walked to his bike, giving Dazai a quick wave before starting up the engine. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say bandages."


Dazai was laying on the couch if his apartment, wine bottles everywhere as he's had no motivation to clean.

He didn't know what to do with his time, and the thought of that pink haired girl on chuuya's arms made his heart hurt.

He didn't necessarily like Chuuya in a romantic way. (Yet) though he knew he would soon enough.

The man was everything he could ask for and more, so Dazai just couldn't help being upset at the chance of that being taken from him.

He continued to lay on the couch for awhile longer, his mind racing with anxiety and stress.

When suddenly his phone went off, hopes of it being chuuya sparking within him.

"New job for you, get here now." His phone said, the message coming from his boss.

"Oh great." Dazai said, sluggishly raising from his couch.

The only good thing about this is he'd have something to pass his time, and hopefully distract him from the anxiety over Chuuya.

Dazai made his way to the makeshift office of his boss, the man having sent him another money grab job.

Dazai reluctantly took it, at this point the chance of another rebellious client didn't matter anymore. Since he's already delt with so many that is.

And of course, to his luck the man didn't want to pay.

So Dazai ended up with more bruises and two less bullets than before by the time he finished.

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