Chapter 20/ End

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It had been five years since the incident that put Dazai in the hospital.

Since then Dazai has had a full recovery, besides a few lasting affects of pain here and there from his old wound.

On days where it's hard for him, Chuuya lets him take it easy in bed, taking over the chores for the day to help his lover out, or staying in bed with him to have a lazy day if Chuuya doesn't want to move either.

The day Dazai awoke from the hospital, he knew things had to change, he knew he didn't want to live the way he had been anymore. That he wanted to live, but happily with Chuuya by his side.

So as of that day he promised himself he'd ask for help more, that he wouldn't let himself spiral again. That be wouldn't be the cause of Chuuya's pain anymore.

It took him a year, but he managed to break free from his debt like he promised he would, leaving his boss in shock as he thought it wouldn't be possible to lose someone like Dazai.

Then the next year he started to pursue his passion, art. Again all thanks to Chuuya's encouragement and support. His lover just glad to finally see him doing something harmless, and something he enjoyed for himself.


"So, how's the nerves?" Chuuya said, a smile on his face as he dried off his ginger hair, that was still wet from his shower.

"You know me, I never get nervous. Heck I'm the guy who took on five guys in a fight all by myself.~" Dazai responded with a joking tone.

"And came back a complete reck." Chuuya teased.

"Okay okay, but I won didn't I?"

"Eh, I guess so."

They bothed laughed for a minute, smiles on their faces before Dazai's soon changed.

To be honest, he was nervous, as he's never had any positive events like the one he was getting ready for now, as he's never been good enough at anything for a event to be all about him.

Dazai had been dabbling in the art industry for years now. His work has always been well credited and enjoyed by the public, as they all had deep meaningful messages.

He was a very pationate artist, as he used his life struggles, and even his life's gifts, to make relatable, beautiful art.

So as of last month he had been nominated for a new spot in a very well known art gallery, one where only the top of the top pieces are displayed. Making all this ten times more nerve wrecking.

"To be honest, I'm terrified. I've never been recognized before, well not counting you." Dazai started to speak, ending his sentence with a chuckle. "I mean, what if I say something wrong, what if I can't stay on the pedestal I've now been put on?"

"Dazai." Chuuya said, moving to cup Dazai's cheek. "You've been doing this for years, you love this stuff. As long as you do what you enjoy nothing else matters okay? You're job isn't to appease the world. It's to be you, to make what you love. As long as you do that you'll always be great."

Dazai looked Chuuya in the eyes, a rare tear slipping from his eyes. "I- thank you Chuuya. I really don't deserve you."

"Don't talk like that." Chuuya responded as he brushed the tear from his lovers eyes, pulling Dazai in for a kiss.

The kiss lasted for what felt like forever, the two enjoying the sweet moment with the other. Though they didn't have all day, so they had to continue getting ready.

After a couple of minutes, they were dressed up in their best attire, the two heading towards the door to get in the car.

"Wait." Dazai said, catching Chuuya off guard.

"What did you forget now dumbass?" Chuuya said with a light tone.

Dazai smirked grabbing the keys to Chuuya's bike. "How about the bike today?"

"What?! But you hate the damn thing?" Chuuya said, his expression forming to a shocked one as he was trying to process Dazai's words.

"It's a special occasion, besides wouldn't it be badass to pull up to the ceremony on it? Besides we can drive it up to your bar after to celebrate?" Dazai said, a wide grim plastered on his face.

Chuuya in return smirked, a laugh soon bursting from his mouth as he walked over and snatched the keys from Dazai.

"You only want to go to my bar because you know I won't charge you~" Chuuya chuckled while lightly pushing him. "But you're right, now let's go."


While Dazai was advancing in his art career, Chuuya was able to get enough money, with some help from Dazai to build his own bar, this being one of Chuuya's biggest dreams.

The two men made something of themselves, all thanks to the other.

It was bittersweet to say the least, as the two definitely had their struggles to get up to this point. But if you ask them, neither of them would say they regret it, because it shaped them to who they are today, to the best versions of themselves.


"And now, by Dazai Osamu, The Tainted Sorrow!"

The sound of claps and cheers rose from the crowd as the curtain rose to unvail the art piece.

The canvas consisted of red, orange, blue, black, and brown.

A beautiful art piece that represented his love for Chuuya, but only Dazai knew that, Until after the show where he explained it to the crowd. His words even having brought Chuuya to tears.

Overall the night went well, Dazai went through all the questions from people, talked to CEO's, and got through multiple interviews for news crews.

By the time they were finally able to escape the ceremony, him and chuuya used the little energy they had to go to Chuuya's bar, spending the rest of the night downing drinks and enjoying the night.

"You're an idiot you know that?" Chuuya said, looking at Dazai with a smirk.

Dazai, with a drunk smile laughed at the more sober man, as Chuuya needed to be able to drive them home when they were done.

"But you love me, don't you?~"

"I guess I do." Chuuya teased.

"Come on, say it Chuuyaaa."

"Fine, I love you bandages."

"I love you too Chibi."

Author's notes:

I'm so happy with the way I ended this (as originally it was going to be a sad ending.) But with my lack of time to write, or other projects I'm doing I decided to change it up a bit and revise it.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this story, and if you made it this far thank you so much for reading I appreciate you! <3

Anyway have a good rest of your day! :)

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