Chapter 5/ "Death Trap"

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Dazai's gaze fell upon the body of Chuuya ahead, the man oddly crouched over his bike with a look of frustration plastered on his face.

Dazai riled up his confidence and made his way over, a small smirk forming on his face. "Having trouble?"

Chuuya flinched as he jerked away, the sound of Dazai's sudden voice startling him.

"H-Huh-!? Oh... it's just you." He said, looking the brunette up and down. "Why aren't you at the bar? You're normally there by now."

"You weren't there, so I got bored and left." Dazai said, stretching a little before bending down to look at chuuya's situation. "Flat tire? That's a shame."

"Mhm, there must have been some damn glass in the road, I'm lucky I didn't fly off when the tired popped."

"That would be a shame, who would entertain me at the bar if you got hurt and had to call off work again.~"

"Tch, shut it." The ginger said, trying to sound annoyed, it being obvious he was amused by the brunette anyway.

Chuuya moved to grab his freshly bought tools, annoyance now truely in his voice. "Thanks to the tire though, I discovered a gas leak in the tank as well, I'm surprised I didn't notice it sooner."

"What other problems does your bike have? The flu?" Dazai joked as he looked bored. "This is why I don't waste time with these death traps."

"This is why you always get beat up walking in these streets." Chuuya said sarcastically, the man now working on getting the tire off the bike.

"No it's because they see me walking and get jealous.~" Dazai said, moving to sit next to the ginger as he worked. The hard sidewalk making him slightly uncomfortable.

"You're so immature."

"No I'm just cocky."

"Unrightfully so."

"Hey! that's not nice!" Dazai said, a fake pout now on his face.

Chuuya rolled his eyes, staying silent for a while as he worked before holding out his hand. "Hand me the lug wrench."

"Ask nicely chuuyaaa.~" Dazai said, refusing to grab it until he does.

Chuuya let out a heavy sigh, his eyes rolling as he held up the bike. Speaking in a sarcastic manor "Oh Dazai will you pleaseeee hand me the lug wrench."

"Much better.~" he said before handing it over, his gaze watching the ginger work in amazement.

Chuuya took the wrench with a huff, his eyes rolling. "Thank you."

Chuuya continued to work on his bike, his hands moving with ease, like he is more familiar with fixing his bike then he is with his own face.


Dazai watched Chuuya in amazement the entire time he worked, the way the man moved and his little huffs here and there causing his heart to skip multiple beats.

Dazai wouldn't have guessed he would be skilled with fixing vehicles. Though the fact he is doesn't surprise him either.

Chuuya soon stood up from the ground, rubbing his hands together after a job well done, the subtle gas stains on his hands making Dazai's face turn a light pink.

Everything about chuuya from his eyes to his dirty hands made Dazai's hope of living in a colorful world spike all over again.

"Well, where are you off to?" Chuuya said to the brunette, knocking him out of his trance.

"Oh, well I was going to head to the store, I'm running low on bandages." Dazai said, pointing to his wrapped eye. "My battle wounds may be too much to handle for some people, so I gotta keep them covered for the public sake.~"

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