Chapter 13/ Talking

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I created a playlist recently for y'all to listen to while you read. :)
Hopefully y'all enjoy it!

My Spotify: Griffin_Poe
Playlist name: Chasing Strays 🍷🩹


The two men had fallen asleep on the couch that night. Dazai had his head on Chuuya's lap, the ginger's hand stopped in place mid stroke through the brunette's hair.

This was the first night in years Dazai had gotten a better night of sleep, all thanks to Chuuya.

They had talked about their feelings after they kissed the other night. The two agreeing to take it slow and not make anything official yet.

Chuuya was still worried about his trust issues. That and with him working multiple jobs he doesn't have a lot of time for a relationship.


By morning Dazai was already up bright and early, his insomnia causing him to wake up multiple times through the night, eventually leading him to give up and find something to do while he waited for Chuuya to wake up.

Chuuya was always a deep sleeper, so he knew he'd be alone for awhile until the ginger awoke, so he decided to pass some time by drawing.


"What are you doing?" Dazai suddenly heard, the sound of Chuuya's raspy morning voice catching him off guard from his trance.

Dazai was currently sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch, a pencil and paper in each hand.

Chuuya had awoken ten minutes ago, though the sight of a concentrated Dazai caused him to zone out at the view.

"Oh, just drawing." Dazai said, holding up the sketchbook to show Chuuya.

To no surprise Dazai was drawing the sleeping image of Chuuya. The image being of him with his head leaned back and mouth slightly agape.

Chuuya's face turned slightly red, the really well drawn image making his heart flutter.
"Do you always just draw me when you're bored?"

"Hmm, maybe. Though a thanks or a compliment would be nice.~" Dazai said with a teasing tone.

Chuuya rolled his eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips as he spoke in his morning voice yet again. "It looks nice, seriously."

"That's better." The brunette said with a laugh.

"You should consider an art career again. I don't see why you can't do that and pay off your debt as well. I mean you have more free time then I do." Chuuya started to speak in an attempt to get Dazai to pursue his dream. "That and the extra money you make could go into actually paying off the debt instead of getting scammed every other day and forced to pay more to that con-man to make up for it."

Dazai sighed, his gaze lowering to the floor as he set the drawing materials on the table. "It's more complicated then that, okay. Though I'll figure it out, thank you."

Chuuya frowned, the brunettes words making his heart ache for him. Though he decided to let it go, the ginger knowing it was no use trying to change his mind again. "Alright, well I'm going to get food at the shop downtown. Do you wanna join?"

Dazai smiled as he stood from his seat on the table. "Of course I'll bless you with my company." He teased.


"Dazai! Stop messing around! I'm not playing your silly game." Chuuya scolded, his gaze hard as he looked at the bandaged man ahead of him.

Dazai was trying to stack as many things as he could in the handheld basket he grabbed at the front. The man trying to get Chuuya to do the same with his basket to try and beat him.

Chasing Strays (Soukoku- Dazai X Chuuya) Where stories live. Discover now