Chapter 7/ Hospital Visit

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"What a pain." Dazai mumbled as he walked down the street.

He had tried getting more bandages for his wounds, having already used up his last batch.

Though since he buys bandages every week, the store didn't have a restock yet. So he'd have to go to a different one to find some this time.

Dazai was zoned out as he walked, his mind trailing along different things to eat later, chuuya, his job, ECT.

Though he was caught off guard by the sudden sound of a voice shouting, it oddly being familiar.

(Not just because the voice sounded familiar, but because he too has said the same thing before during a scuffle while working.)

"Wow wow! We are just asking for some money." A strange voice said back, the man sounding defensive.

"Well I fucking said no, so buzz off!" The familiar voice rang again. Causing Dazai's heart to flutter.

Dazai had quickly sped up, hopes of rounding the corner and seeing Chuuya being all he could think about.

Though by the time he made it to the street corner the three men were already getting into it.

The sight of Chuuya pinned by two guys filling his gaze.


Chuuya was heading home when suddenly he was stopped by a couple of men. The two asking him for money in a harsh manor.

Chuuya obviously knew what they were up to, so he refused. That obviously making the two men mad, causing the current fight to break out.

He was fighting off the two men, his skill in street fighting causing him to take out the two with ease. Despite the odds against him.

On the other hand Dazai just watched as the ginger knocked out the two men, the sight of Chuuya fighting causing him to be completely breathless.

It was beautiful. Perfect. Everything out of a movie.

And it was like that because Chuuya was the one doing it.

The ginger despite the odds, and getting pinned from the start, easily overcoming them and taking them out.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Dazai said, coming up behind Chuuya. Though he quickly froze, noticing what was wrong immediately.

At some point during the fight one of them must have gotten the upper hand.

Because when Chuuya turned to face him his face was full of agony, the adrenaline wearing off revealing the pain of the knife now stuck in his arm.

A sight that caused Dazai's blood to run cold.


"Chuuya! Are you alright?!" Dazai said, rushing over to the injured man.

"I- damnit I'm fine." He replied, clear pain lacing his voice.

The man was shaking slightly, his teeth gritting as he looked at the brunette. Chuuya trying to play this off like a scratch.

"You're going to bleed out, come on." Dazai said, grabbing ahold of Chuuya's unharmed shoulder.

Dazai started leading him towards Chuuya's bike, the ginger soon picking up on what he was up to.

"No way in hell am I letting you drive my bike!"

"It's either that or bleed out, what do you prefer?"

"I would perfer to not die because you got us killed trying to save me."

Chasing Strays (Soukoku- Dazai X Chuuya) Where stories live. Discover now