Chapter 16/ Breaking Point

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"Chuuya, I'm fine, just trust-" Dazai started to say, before he was cut off by his foot slipping out from under him.


The feeling of Chuuya's sudden hand gripping tight to his arm was all he could feel for the split second before he was met with the hard surface of concrete even quicker.

While Dazai was playing the "it will be okay" card, he slipped from the rain water left on the surface of the railing. (And was only pouring more by the second from the rain.)

Though thanks to Chuuya's instincts he saw it coming, the ginger man making is way towards his lover mere seconds before he slipped.

"You fucking idiot!" Chuuya yelled out after swiftly pulling Dazai onto the ground, right before he went over the bridge.

Yes, he knew it hurt Dazai to be thrown onto the ground the way he did, though he'd have to deal with it because it was better then letting him fall to his death in the rushing river below. (And it served him right after the stunt he pulled.)

"What- oh. Chuuya I'm sorry I-"

"No!" Chuuya yelled out, a new tone of anger Dazai has never heard from him before lacing his tongue. One that made him flinch.

In the least words to describe this was Chuuya was PISSED. Even that was an understatement.

Yes, they have fought a couple of times, but nothing Dazai had done before leveled up to the anger Chuuya was laced with now.

"You could have died Dazai! If I wasn't there you'd be dead!" Chuuya growled out, his face red and teeth gritting. Dazai thought if he didn't unclench his jaw even a bit he'd crush his own teeth any second now.

"Look Chuuya I- I didn't know-"

"YOU DIDN'T KNOW? AFTER I JUST WARNED YOU?" Chuuya cut him off once again, his voice raising louder. "AFTER I JUST TOLD YOU TO GET DOWN BEFORE THAT HAPPENED?!"

"Chuuya calm down. Breathe." Dazai said, trying to get his angry lover to take a deep breath. The brunette sure Chuuya would lose his voice if he kept yelling like this.

"No! Why don't you take a deep breath and thank me for the fact you're able to breathe fresh air right now, instead of salty river water! Huh? How about that!" Chuuya snapped once again.

"Chuuya- come on, you know I would have been okay if I fell, rather I died or not."

"It's not fair." Chuuya only responded with, turning his head away from the brunette on the ground next to him.

Dazai tilted his head, confusion falling over his face as he rose from the ground, taking a step towards Chuuya.

Though at this he was instantly shoved back, this causing Dazai's anger to spike. "What is your problem?! Stop overreacting and just talk to me!"

Chuuya laughed, his gaze whipping to face Dazai, his eyes almost burning a hole through him.

"It's not fair, it's not fair that you get to be reckless, that you get to do whatever you want, and talk about suicide every chance you get. But if I did I wouldn't be allowed because you wouldn't want me playing with my life like that, because the thought of you losing me is too much to bear. It's not fair that I jump around my words and bottle my emotions down to save you from worrying, but you get to just say and do whatever without an ounce of effort to make sure it doesn't hurt me!" Chuuya said, his voice rising and falling and cracking here and there as he spoke.

When he finished rambling he started laughing, the adrenaline, (and wine) in his system spiking him into a manic state. Though as quickly as he started laughing, he soon started sobbing.

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