Chapter 19/ Hospital

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What was only half an hour felt like days.

Chuuya had made it to the hospital just as Dazai arrived in the ambulance.

He tried to follow Dazai into the operating room, worry for his unconscious lover causing any rationality to leave his head.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to stay outside until we get him stable."

Chuuya heard these words, though he didn't hear them.

He didn't realize what was going on until he was being drug out of the room by two sympathetic nurses.


When did this happen?

How did time go by so fast?

Why was this happening?

How long has it been?

These thoughts raced through Chuuya's head as he sat in the waiting room.

He had been waiting for days, though in reality it had only been an hour or so.

He couldn't take this anymore.

He just wanted Dazai to be okay.

For everything to just be normal again.

To be how it was when they met again.


"Sir, he's stable now. Though he's asleep at the moment."

The sudden sudden voice caused chuuya to flinch, his eyes widening as he took in the news.

He quickly rose from his seat, a hopeful gaze plastered on his face.

"Will he be okay? Does he just need to rest?"

The nurse nodded, her hands clasping together in a polite manor. "Yes he'll be okay, you're lucky you called us when you did."

Chuuya nodded, a sigh of relief running through his body.

He quickly ushered for the nurse to lead him to the room Dazai was in. The anticipation of seeing his lover slowly ripping at him.

"You can stay here however long you wish, the emergency button is just over there if you need anything." The nurse spoke after entering the room.

"Thank you ma'am." Chuuya replied, quickly heading over to sit in the chair next to Dazai's hospital bed.

Once the nurse left, leaving the two alone, Chuuya looked at his unconscious lover, the feeling of regret and dread overwhelming him.

Chuuya has always been independent.

He had to be, since his life was full of constantly abandonment that is.

He didn't need Dazai, he never did.

He was able to support himself, with Dazai ontop of that.

So why did he way himself down by dragging him along?

Why did he care about him so much despite his actions?

Despite his fear of abandonment?

What about Dazai made Chuuya feel so complete?

"Dazai, I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry for snapping at you, I was just scared, I- I just want you to better yourself." Chuuya said, grabbing ahold of Dazai's cold limp hand.

"You should have came to me, you should have asked for help. Though I should have been more welcoming. I- I don't forgive you, but I want to make things right. So please just get better, for me. Don't leave me too." Chuuya continued, his eyes closing as he fought back tears.

Though to no surprise there was no response, nothing but the sound of hospital machinery could be heard for awhile as he sat in silence.

The stress of work, then dealing with this soon got to Chuuya, the ginger eventually finding himself drifting off as his head laid on the edge of Dazai's bed, his hand still holding Dazai's.


The next morning came along, Chuuya was still asleep on the edge of Dazai's bed.

To say the least he was catching up on some much needed rest, as all the stress and working has deprived him of sleep.

While Chuuya was out, Dazai soon started to awake from his unconscious state.

The drugs in his system left him in a haze, though he could tell the pain killers were wearing off.

He caught his gaze shift towards Chuuya, a mixed expression now on his face.

He was happy Chuuya was here, that he hadn't completely given up on him yet.

Though he was also sad he was here, that he was waisting his time on the likes of him.

Chuuya deserved better, Dazai knew that. Though he couldn't bear to see Chuuya with anyone else.

He knew he had to get better, he knew this was his last shot at keeping Chuuya in his life.

And by all means was he going to insure that's what happened.

"Hey, get up." Dazai mumbled out, his hand weakly moving to rest on his sleeping lover's head.

"Shut up." Chuuya mumbled out, the shorter male forgetting about the current situation in his sleeping state.

"Come on, please get up chibi." Dazai spoke again, his voice sounding tired, yet still held his hint of playful love."

As Chuuya started to awake more, the memories of last night slipped back into his mind.

"D-dazai- you're up?!" He suddenly said, his head jolting up to face Dazai.

The expression Chuuya gave Dazai put a smile to his face, something that felt truly genuine for the first time in awhile.

"Of course I am, you know I suck at sleeping for long periods of time." Dazai said, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Shut it, you don't get to joke after scaring the shit out of me, you idiot." Chuuya said, his tone trying to be serious, though he couldn't help but smile and kiss the taller man.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It won't happen again okay?" Dazai said, holding up his pinky. "Pinky promise?"

Chuuya rolled his eyes, the childish gesture being silly to him, though he still found it amusing as he returned the gesture.

"Alright alright. I'm holding you to this, alright?"

"Yes yes, I know. Like I said I promise. I- look I'm sorry Chuuya. I've been a horrible person, a horrible boyfriend. I... I love you Chuuya, you make me feel complete in every way. Hell, you even make me actually like living." Dazai started to speak, his tone softening as he grew more serious.

"I promise to be better, this time I truly promise. I'm going to better myself, I'm going to ask for help because a world without you, is a world without color. When I met you, you single handedly painted color into everything I saw, so to lose you, would be the same as me painting white over all your hard work."

Chuuya took in Dazai's words, his eyes filling with tears as he spoke.

No one has said anything like that to him, it was almost poetic even.

"When did you get a way with words, bandages?"

"Oh shut it and just say thank you." Dazai said with a laugh, his face brightening with joy.

"Thank you." Chuuya said, his hand grabbing ahold of Dazai's yet again, his smile growing more.

"Now that things are settled, I need more pain pills from the doctor, this pain is really killing me." Dazai said, a chuckle escaping is lips yet again.

"Okay okay, on it." Chuuya said, rising from his seat to go find a nurse.

"Be good while I'm gone, it won't take long."

"When am I ever bad?" Dazai teased.

"Shut it you!" Chuuya joked back before leaving the room to find a nurse.

"God I'm so lucky." Dazai mumbled to himself before shifting his gaze out the window, awaiting his lovers return.

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