Chapter 12/ Confessions

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"And what makes you say that? What about you screams you can beat us?"

Dazai smirks, his gaze threatening as his entire demeanor changes. The guys ahead of him quickly realizing why he has a reputation for being a demon.

"You're not the only one who brought backup, though the difference between you and me is you only brought two people. Yet you still need triple that to have even a shot at beating my one."


As if Dazai's words were a command, or even spell, Chuuya's figure appeared from behind the taller brunette.

Chuuya was now standing beside Dazai, his hands in his pockets and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. "This better be good."

Dazai chuckled at the ginger as he kept his cold gaze on the gang ahead of him. "So, do you want to chance the coin flip, or just hand over the money?"

The two men watched as the client stifled, the older gentleman clearly waging his chances.

Though like most scum who make deals with other scums, he decided to test his luck.

"I don't think I will, now come on guys!" He shouted, pulling a knife from his inner jacket pocket.

He instantly lunged at chuuya, the shorter skinnier ginger probably being what the older weaker man thought would be safest to go after, all while the others went for Dazai.

Though he made a horrible mistake, the man getting served a swift kick to the face before he could even swing his arm.

Dazai watched as Chuuya cracked the man a new one, the sound of a now broken jaw ringing through the alley.

Dazai was amazed to say the least. Watching Chuuya fight made Dazai feel alive. Though also severally distracted.

Before Dazai knew it he was getting cracked in the knee with a bat, the two goons taking their shot while he was busy watching Chuuya.

He stumbled to the ground, though it didn't take long before he used his uninjured leg to sweep the goon to the ground.

Thanks to the shock of the fall he dropped his bat, earning Dazai a chance to snatch it away and hit the man back right in his temple.

With the man knocked out, and the main boss getting beat a new one by Chuuya's kicks alone, that only left the women left.

"Look, I don't feel like fighting anymore, and my point as clearly been proven." Dazai started to say to the lady with a sigh. "So please just let it go and I'll spare you."

"And why should I do that?! I don't care if you beat them, that doesn't mean I couldn't beat you myself!"

With a swift movement Dazai pulled out his gun, (to his reluctance) pointing it directly at her face.

He caught sight of Chuuya freeze, the man watching the encounter after knocking his opponent out.

He knew Dazai wouldn't shoot, that he would be too lazy to deal with the aftermath. Though the sight of the situation worried him. (But secretly infatuated him.)

The women stiffed up, her eyes widened as she put her hands in the air.

"Wow wow! That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, now is it? Now I suggest you carry these two sorry saps home, and tell your boss to have the money by sundown tomorrow. Or else we'll be forced to kill and take what's ours."

And with that the women quickly nodded, rushing to her allies sides as she tried her best to scoop them up.

With that Dazai put his gun away, his attention shifting to the shorter man next to him. "Ready?"

Chasing Strays (Soukoku- Dazai X Chuuya) Where stories live. Discover now