Chapter 9/ Apartment Tour

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Dazai was sent on a long business trip by his boss, so the brunette had been out of town all week.

He'd been too busy to check his phone, so he hadn't talked to Chuuya the entire time he was away, then by the time he returned home he headed straight to bed.


The next morning Dazai awoke from his light sleep, the man having had his normal amount of trouble with sleeping.

He arose from his bed, his hands coming up to rub his eyes as he stumbled to the kitchen.

Dazai yet again, got himself a shot of whiskey to start his day, this now becoming his normal routine.

When he got the drink he decided to head out to the balcony, some fresh air being what he needed about now.

"Chuuya? What are you doing here?" Dazai said, a shocked expression on his face.

"I should be asking you where you've been." Chuuya responded with a chuckle.

"Oh, I've just been off on a business trip, you know, to pay off my debt."

A slight hum escaped Chuuya's lips in response as he took a hit of his cigarette.

"So you did take my offer on this house after all?" Dazai questioned.

"Mhm, it was the only affordable one close enough to work."

"We'll I'm glad you found a place, you needed out of that shit hole you used to live in."

Chuuya let out a sigh, his expression unreadable for once. "Yeah, you're right huh?"

"I'm always right.~"

"Oh shut it bandages!"


The two joked for awhile, the brunette going through a couple shots of whiskey, while the ginger went through half a pack of cigarettes.

The talk was refreshing, something the two desperately needed. (Without one being injured or working.)

"Well, I should head inside, I still have some unpacking to do." Chuuya said, turning to head back inside.

"So you aren't going to offer your bestttt friend a house tour? How sad...." Dazai's said with a dramatic fake pout.

Chuuya let out a deep sigh, motioning for him to come over. "Alright then, come on."

Dazai instantly started climbing onto the railing of his balcony, causing Chuuya's eyes to widen.

"What are you doing you idiot!?"

"Coming over, like you said?" Dazai said with a laugh as he jumped to Chuuya's side.

"I hope you fall next time you idiot. I meant through the door like a normal person."

"I love you too Chuuya.~"


Chuuya walked the brunette around his house, pointing out small decor details, and on the other hand the slight flaws with the place.

Dazai would make jokes here and there, causing Chuuya to sigh and roll his eyes.

"You know Chuuya..."


"This place would be perfect for a lady." Dazai said, eyeing the ginger curiously.

"I don't have one, and right now I don't care to." Chuuya said with a sigh, his words causing Dazai to be both happy and sad.

"Well I have women over all the time, in fact I've kissed almost every women in town.~" Dazai bragged.

Chuuya knew he was lying, and Dazai knew Chuuya knew that, but they still laughed at the ridiculous claim, them both pretending it was true.

"Oh really?" Chuuya responded, rubbing his chin in curiosity.

"Mhm! Every day women beg me to be with them, I'm just that popular with the ladies.~"

"Guess I'll have to ask you for lessons sometime?" Chuuya joked.

"Maybe you should, seeing you all lonely all the time kills me." Dazai said, putting on a dramatic expression. "You should really get out more, and work a little less. The eye bags look good on you though, don't get me wrong." Dazai teased.

Chuuya rolled his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips. "Whatever dumbass, if I could I would."

"Well, when is your next day off?"

"This Sunday, I have to go in Friday and Saturday to help with the weekend traffic."

Dazai said, sympathy for the overworked man setting in. "Well I'll be sure to visit to make it less lonely for you.~"

"And also give me another mouth to feed?"

"I'll give you double the tip to make up for it."

Chuuya laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Oh really? You'd be that generous?"

"Mhm, sometimes I can be." Dazai said with a shrug.

Chuuya nodded, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it while it's in his mouth.

"But anyway back to my question." Dazai started up again. "So, would you want to go out to dinner Sunday? You know to celebrate your new independent life?~"

Chuuya looked at the man, a smile creeping onto his face. "You know what, I'd like that."


It was currently Sunday, the two men were seated at the bar of a popular restaurant.

They were dressed in casual wear, yet they were both subtly dressing up for the event.

They had ordered some fancy steak, Chuuya getting is normal wine and Dazai his whiskey to go with it.

They joked and laughed, the two men getting along great.

Dazai was actually happy for once. The brunette noticing he only truely was when around Chuuya.

Chuuya on the other hand enjoyed Dazai's company, and despite how he may act or say, Dazai has grown on him a lot.

"You're going to get drunk! Tone it down on the wine Mr!" Dazai said, teasing the ginger about his wine consumption tonight.

"Say's you with your fourth shot of wine tonight! Not even counting what you had this morning!"

"Well if you forgot, I'm not the one driving, let alone on that red death trap on wheels!"

Chuuya sighed, rolling his eyes at the man's words. "Fair point, but I'm a skilled driver okay, I'm not going to get you killed on it. Though I might if you keep bothering me."

Dazai laughed at his words, his head resting on his hand as he admired the ginger next to him. "You wouldn't dare, you love the bike too much to risk it getting totalled for dear old me.~"

"You're right, so I'll have to use your car instead."

"Hey now!" Dazai shouted as his eyes widened dramatically. "That's my property you're talking about!"

"True, and you already reck it enough as it is, so I'll just let you do the work for me.~" Chuuya said with a laugh, his eyes closing as he faced him.


The two men eventually parted ways, the night coming to a joyful end.

Dazai was bursting with joy, something he's probably never once done in his life.

Chuuya made him feel ways he's never had before, made him see light in this world that was only ever black and white for him.

It gave Dazai reason, gave him a chance to be himself for once.

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