Chapter 18/ Bathing

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TW: Bloody imagery, talk of suicide, ECT.

Proceed with caution.


It had been a week since Chuuya picked up a new job.

He was bored and tired of being alone all day, so he thought it would be better for him to get out and do something with his spare time.

Dazai has yet to do anything to try and keep his promise to him. The brunette still out during late hours of the night, sometimes coming back injured.

It hurt Chuuya more and more to see his lover like this. To know things could be better if Dazai just tried. If he just asked for help.

It was becoming too much, and Chuuya had just about had it.


It was later at night, about midnight to be exact.

Chuuya was leaning against his bike, cigarette in hand as he scrolled through his phone.

He pulled up Dazai's number, deciding to text him to see where he was.

"Hey, you home?" Chuuya said, typing the letters into his phone with his thumb.

He hit send before taking a long drag from his cigarette, his eyes closing as he held his breath, releasing it slowly a few seconds after.

He knew Dazai wouldn't respond, even if he was home. So what was even the point in trying?

Though to his surprise his phone buzzed, signalling a response from his lover.

"Yes, where are you?" Dazai responded with. The man not even aware of Chuuya's new job despite being told multiple times.

Chuuya only sighed at this, his hand rubbing along his face as he became frustrated.

"Can't even remember anything about me anymore." Chuuya mumbled to himself, putting his cigarette out on a nearby post before flicking it off somewhere.

He got onto his bike gripping the handles tighter then usual, his body tense with anger.

After starting up his bike he made his way towards home, though he took as many detours as possible to avoid having to face the lousy man in his home.

And because he needed the little joy ride to unwind after the long week.


"I'm home!" Chuuya shouted, expecting nothing in response.

He made his way through the house, hoping to make it to his bed and crash. Though as he passed through the hallway, he heard a odd sound from the bathroom.

"D-damnit-" Dazai mumbled to himself, the sound of his voice reaching Chuuya's ears, causing him to freeze.

What was he doing in there? Chuuya thought to himself as he made his way to the door.

With a swift movement Chuuya knocked on the door, a sigh escaping his lips. "You okay in there bandages?" The nickname for his lover rolled off his tongue naturally, as if their relationship wasn't so strained at the moment.

"I'm fine." Dazai responded, his voice sounding drained.

Chuuya knew something was up, though what it could be was a 50/50 chance.

"Well, can I come in then? I need the bathroom." Chuuya said, rubbing his face slightly.

A sigh could be heard from the bathroom, causing Chuuya to grow worried.

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