Day 12

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"Hey," Alex walked over to Lexi.


Alex kissed Lexi on the cheek. "How are you?"

"Good, I guess. You?"

"Great." Alex stared at Lexi for a moment. Lexi wouldn't look at her.

"Are you sure you're good?"

Lexi nodded.

Alex frowned slightly and took a step away. Lexi felt distant. Alex was starting to miss Rylen. The new life she had chosen was lonely.

Kimberly walked towards the kitchen then stopped when she saw Rylen. Her stomach felt quite light, maybe she was hungry.

Suddenly Alex was approaching Rylen and she stopped to talk to him. Kimberly stepped closer so she could hear.

"Hi, Rylen."

"What do you want?"

Alex hesitated. "I miss you."

Rylen looked stunned. "Oh-?"

"I...I'm really sorry for cheating. You always treated me right. Will you take me back?"

The silence rang loudly in Kimberly's ears.

"No." Rylen said finally. "You had your chance and you ruined it. I've already moved on. Also, I'm going to bet you didn't break up with Lexi before coming to talk to me?"

Alex stuttered. "Well-I-..."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. You should stop and think about people's feelings before getting into another relationship, Alex. Then maybe a lot of people can avoid being hurt."

Alex stood dumbstruck for a moment then hurried away.

Kimberly couldn't help but smile.

Liv strolled down the hallway, feeling quite happy. She'd gotten her break up over with. Nothing was weighing her down.

Suddenly, Carson stepped out from the bathroom.

"Excuse me-..."

"Oh, sorry," Carson and Liv both stepped the same way to get out of the way.


"I guess we'll just have to walk the same way." Carson said.

Liv hesitated. "...yeah."


Kirk slowly turned around to face Kaylen. "No."

Kaylen laughed nervously. "Yeah, that sounded weirder than I imagined it."

"I don't see how that could possibly not be weird."

Kaylen shrugged. "Anyway, hi!"


They stood silently for a moment.

"So," Kaylen started. "Are you over your stupid ex yet?"

Kirk sighed. "Well..."

Kirk and Kaylen both looked over at where talking came from. Kimberly and Rylen were in the kitchen.

Kirk grinned. "Yes."

Kaylen looked back at him. "What?"

"I'm over Kimberly."

"Logan, I think you should know your boyfriend cheated on you."

Logan looked up from her phone in shock. "What are you talking about?"

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