Spa Day

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"Well since I'm the girl I get the bed" I said unfolding a blanket. I put the blanket on the couch near by and said "And you boys can fight for the couch"

"Hey that's so not fair" Deidara said trying to give me the puppy dog face.

I just rolled my eyes playfully and snuggled under the covers.


"Tobi scoot over!!" Deidara yelled.

I listened as Tobi attempt to win the fight over the covers as the two rolled around the floor like idiots I finely sat up and shouted "NOCK IT OFF WHAT ARE YOU 3 OR SOMETHING!!!" I then threw an extra blanket over and sat back down and enjoyed the silence that soon followed.

When we did finely wake for the day it was already late afternoon.

"Alright everyone up!" I shouted and flipped the couch over.


"Hhhmmm I guess there all still pretty pissed about me flipping the couch this morning" I thought as I observed the tense atmosphere.

"Good evening" the lady who ran the spa said as she gracefully entered the room.

But for some reason I immediately took a disliking to her.

"What would you all like to have for dinner?" she asked with a silky voice.

I was about to order first when I noticed the boys practically falling over themselves to answer her, even Deidara, wait a minute why should I care it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything but yet I couldn't help but feel jealous.


Finely dinner was over and I can now enjoy a nice outdoor heating pool. I pulled my swimsuit on which was black with a fiery dragon on the skirt and a black spaghetti strapped top. I eased my way in the silky warm water and settled down. My thoughts soon started to wonder and I was actually glad that Suki the spa owner offered to take the boys on a tour of her Japanese garden which was huge. I then unclipped my hair and I let it drop as it tickled my shoulders. "Wow I can't believe it's only been 5 months since I was kidnapped and that bit** cut my hair" I thought as I gazed at the beautiful and starry night sky when I suddenly heard explosives going off. "Deidara!!" I said and leaped out of the hot spring and grabbed my kunai bag.

I reached the garden and saw what was once the graceful and beautiful Suki was now a giant and hideous spider with a human head! And she had Sasori and Tobi tied to trees with what looked like spider silk and had Deidara trapped in her giant spider web that hung about 400 feet above me.

"You have to be kidding me" I said as she glared and spat silk from her mouth. I dodged and flew into the air did a fancy twirl flip and landed on her back I then strapped like a crap load of paper bombs on her and leaped to Deidara. As they blew I landed on Deidara to shield him.

"Did you do it?" he asked as the smoke started to clear. I was going to answer when of freaking course I hear Suki laughing demonically. I cursed and spun to face her.

"Is that the best you've got little worm" she said and I gasped as she stepped from the smoke, there wasn't a freaking scratch on her?!?!?

"What the he** are you?!" I asked as my body suddenly froze in place.

"Aw you poor thing, have you finely noticed the difference in our power?" she said mockingly.

I couldn't even answer. Her chakra level suddenly shot off the charts. I saw her sharp looking leg dart towards me but all I could do was stare as it pierced my left shoulder.

I collapsed on my back and stared into the starry night sky as I felt my life slowly draining from my body.

"Is that the best you can do Glacia? Your pathetic I'll take it from here and show you how it's done" the voice said and within seconds my body felt on fire with chakra. I stood and suddenly started laughing with confidence as I spoke "Hope you enjoyed your little victory cause now I'm going to kick your a**".

But the weird thing was the words came from my mouth but I wasn't the one speaking them?!?!

To Be Continued Muahahahahaha lol

I know I say it alot but sorry it took so long but I hoped you liked it and pretty please with sugar on top comment hehe :D

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