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"YAWN! Ok today is ganna be great” I said and stretched.

Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?"

"It’s me pain may I come in?"

"Pain who?" I asked giggling.

"What?" he said clearly not getting the joke.

"Never mind just give me a minute" I said and quickly got dressed and opened the door.

"Today I have a very important mission for you aqua" he said with a series face.

( wow he even looks scary when he wakes up).

"Yes sir?."

"Today I want you to invade the leaf village."


"Sorry let me rephrase it I meant I just want you to go get some documents that the hokage holds."

"Phew I thought you meant attack it don’t scare me like that."

"Yes well I’m sending one other with you. choose who it will be then leave immediately, understood?"

"Yes sir" I said giving him a cheesy salute.

With that he left and I just stood there.

(Oh I hope I can just get in and get out). I walked down stairs and like usual there all in the living room.

"Good morning everyone." There was no answer (I guess I’ll take that as a good morning). So anyone up to go on a mission with me? Suddenly I heard an all to familiar voice say “I’ll go”  It was hidan.

"What kind of mission is it?" he said with a bored face.

So I filled him in with the details and we left.


"So why did you decide to come with me?"

"I was freaking bored"

"Oh I see. So how much longer till we reach the leaf?"

"I don’t f****** know. You used to live there you tell me."

"Oh right well I think it’s just up ahead."

We arrived and I suddenly felt homesick but I quickly pushed the feeling aside.

"Ok here’s the plan hidan we wait till dark then we sneak inside and I’ll use my mad pick locket skills to get in and then we go"

"Ok miss smarty how do we get inside with 10 guards in front and back of the building huh?"

"Oh crap why did you have to go and burst my bubble?"

"Cause if I don’t then you’ll end up getting us both freaking killed"


"Are you ready hidan?"

"What do you freaking think?"

"Ok I’ll take that as a maybe"

We started down the road jumping on roof tops and silently taking out guards till we reached the hokage’s building and we started to scale the walls when I suddenly heard a click noise and the next thing I knew something had pulled me into a window.

I tried see who it was but the room was pitch dark so I started to panic.

"Who’s there?!"

"Aqua Is that you?"

I saw someone step into the moonlight of the window and my mouth dropped.


"Great aqua disappeared what the heck does she think this is a freaking vacation?! Wait what’s that noise it sounded like a gasp?"


"ITACHI!? What the h*** are you doing here?!"

"Keep it down do you wanna wake the whole village" "I’m here because pain thinks you two are taking to long."

"Well we had to wait till night time duh" I said sarcastically. Just then the window flew open again and hidan came crashing in and landed right on top of me.

"What the heck I didn’t think it would open so easily."

"Do you mind!?"

"Not at all you sweet thing" he said seductively.

"Oh good now get off of me you desperate thing”

"So now what do we do aqua?"

"lets see this room looks like the meeting room so we need to go turn left and head down the hall about 5 doors down and we should hit the hokage’s office."

"K sounds fu***** good to me." hidan said swinging his scythe over his shoulder.

We started down the hall and finally reached the office but it was locked. Of course it is god for bid we get in and get out.”

"Ok all I have to do is" but before I could finish hidan had shoved me out of the way and kicked in the door. I just stood there with a ( oh he is so ganna get it) type of face on.

"Ok itachi and I will go in and get the documents and you hidan stay out here and try not to break anything." I said glaring at him. He just immaturely copied what I said.

"Leader-sama said they should be in the bottom right drawer."

"K thanks itachi" I said and started to pick the lock.

"There I got it" I reached in and grabbed a handful of folders and closed the drawer.

We started toured the door and down the hall and out the window.

"Wow that was easy, a little to easy." I said as we all walked down the dirt road.

"Who cares just as long as we got the stupid documents."

"Hummm what do you think itachi? Itachi?"

"I think your right aqua lets check the documents to make sure there not fakes"

I started flipping through the pages when I came a crossed something that caught my eye. it was a picture of me. I turned to itachi and asked for an explanation.

"Well you know the real reason we recruited you was for your powers"

"Really then why does it say terminate?!"

"Aqua just calm down" itachi said reaching for the papers.

So I threw them at him and ran as fast as I could into the forest. After about what seemed like forever I stopped to catch my breath. It started to rain so I sat down under a tree and hugged my knees to try and keep warm.

I cant believe I thought they were my family I mean come on there S ranked ninja. What the heck was I thinking. I started to feel fresh warm tears stream down my face but I quickly wiped them away. I wonder what I should do now? I leaned against the tree and started to drift off into a deep sleep.

Lol cliff hanger :) please comment thanks.

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