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I was about to give him a peace of my mind when he leaned in and kissed me…on the forehead.

“Goodnight glacia” he said and closed my door.

I just stood there.

“Why that jerk! He’s so full of himself!” I said turning around and kicking my teddy at the wall.

Yet at the same time I couldn’t help but blush as his lips touched my bear forehead.

“That’s it I’ve made up my mind….I dislike him” I said and covered up in my blankets.


The next morning there was a knock at my door.

“What?” I said groaning and sitting up. I rubbed the sleepy sand from my eyes and headed to the door after I tripped over my half on sock. I opened the door and saw tobi standing there.

“Yeah what’s up?”

“Pain wants you downstairs ASAP” he said in his usual cheery voice. So that must mean I’m not in trouble I hope.

I walked down and saw deidara, sasori, itachi, hidan and pain standing in the living room.

“Um did I do something illegal?”

“No aqua…”

“Please call me glacia” I said walking past them and plopping myself on the couch.

“O ok glacia I have a mission for you” pain said a little coldly.

“Like what?” I asked gulping.

“I want you and these men I have selected to travel to the village hidden in the rain and assassinate the man known as Lord Abashi”

“What?! Are you serious?” I asked fully awake and on my feet now.

“You will leave immediately. That is all” he started to walk away when I said…

“Pain wait I cant just kill someone without reason”

He turned around and responded with “Because I said so. That should be reason enough” he continued to his office and all I could think of was “Why the he** did he pick me for this?!”

“Aq… I mean glacia what’s the matter?” deidara asked looking at me confused.

“Wha…what’s the matter?! The matter is killing people on demand might be normal and ok for you guys but Its not ok with me!” I stormed outside and walked for a few minutes before I decided to head back when I heard a voice.

“Well hello there young lady are you part of the akatsuki clan?”

“What’s it to you?” I asked eyeing the man who now stood a few feet in front of me.

“Well you see I was ordered to take an akatsuki member hostage so they might reconsider killing my boss” he said like it was the most natural thing to him.

I started to back away when 3 more people jumped out.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not from the akatsuki clan”

“Really then why is you photo in are intelligence book?” he said with a smirk.

“Now little one just come along quietly and we might actually give you back if they agree to let Lord Abashi live” the lady next to the leader said with a psycho sounding chuckle.

“Bite me!” I said glaring at the 4 of them. I could tell from there ninja bands that not only were they from the hidden rain village but because the bands were sliced over the rain symbol, means there rouges. Probably in the black market.

“Now now don’t be like that” the leader said. He was about 6 foot 2 with long blackish blue hair. He also kept his head band tied loosely around his neck. He wore a plain black ninja outfit.

I was about to paper bomb there asses when I felt a sudden pinch like feeling in my side and a moment later I was on the ground out cold. The last thing I saw was the leader smirking and the psycho chuckle lady walking towards me.


“Don’t you think we should go after her?” deidara asked as he pasted the room.

After a minute more they all decided to go look for her.

“I don’t see why we all had to go” sasori said raising his eyebrow.

“Because we are all equally worried about her” deidara answered.

There was a moment of awkward silence when itachi spoke.

“There are signs of someone being dragged” he said bending over trail marks.

“Wait what’s that?” deidara plucked a note from the nearby branch that said…

Dear Akatsuki Clan

We have her if you want her back come to the village hidden in the rain and to a hotel called Muddy Boots Inn.

Be There

“Well that’s just fuc**** great” hidan said chopping a tree with his scythe.

“Hidan calm down its not like we cant just go get her back” deidara said rolling his eyes at him.

A few minutes later deidara created 2 clay birds and they headed to the rain village.

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