Meeting Pain

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"YIKES!" I screamed and fell off the couch.

"What the? Who are you?" I asked looking up at a person with a mask that had circles on it.

"Me Tobi who are you?"

"My name is Aqua, are you part of the Akatsuki clan?"


("He doesn't seem so blood thirsty") I thought to myself.

"Why is Aqua here?" Tobi asked tilting his head.

"You know Tobi I really don't know myself." I said with a sigh.

Tobi jumped up and started running to the main entrance of the cave. I looked over and saw him standing with a man that had black hair, in a low pony tail with a serious look on his face.

Some how he reminds me of Sasuke. I heard Tobi telling the person I was here and I started getting nervous. The man looked over at me, said something to Tobi and left.

Tobi ran over to me and said that was Itachi, another member of the Akatsuki.

"Gulp, I might want to make a note to avoid him" I said to myself.

"Hey Tobi, what did Itachi whisper to you?" I asked with a curious face.

"Oh yeah! he said I have to take you to Pain our leader and to stop annoying you." he stated cheerfully.

Before I had time to respond he took my hand and ran down the hall at like 100 miles per hour.

When we finally stopped we arrived at a wooden door with a sign on it that said LEADERS ROOM KEEP OUT!

("Social much") I said to myself.

"Here we are" Tobi said and knocked on the door. From the other side of the door I heard someone say "enter" in a low tone. Tobi opened the door and pushed me inside he then closed the door behind me.

The room was dark and it took me a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. When they did I saw a man in front of me a few feet away sitting behind a big desk, I figured he was the one Tobi called Pain.

"Come closer" he said.

I walked over to the desk and sat in a small wooden chair. As I sat down I noticed he had a lot of piercings on his face and reddish orange hair and eyes that looked like the kind that have seen a lot of battle and blood.

"My name is Pain but you call me leader or sir is that clear" he said sternly.

"Umm yes sir" I said timidly.

"Good." as he said that he set his palms on the desk and looked at me so steadily I thought he was reading my soul.

After a minute he spoke.

" I hear you have very unusual powers."

"Y.. y.. yes sir I do."

"I would like for you to show me them in battle."

"Wait what?! sorry but no, I don't use them for fun in a battle"

"What did you say?!" he said with a stern look.

"I said no!" we locked eyes for a moment, when I stood up and headed for the door. He ran in front of me with lightning fast speed. I stood there and looked him straight in the eyes with a glare. He stared back at me. After a moment of silence he smiled and said you passed. He walked passed me and went to his desk and started rummaging through some papers. I turned around with a confused look on my face.


"You are now a member of the Akatsuki."

"Wait I don't want to be a member" I said arguing.

"Sorry but I have a strict recruiting policy its either join or die."

"But I have a life back at the Leaf."

"I'm sorry but you're going to have to make a new life here" he said without looking up from the papers.

There was a knock at the door and it opened. I turned around and saw the man named Itachi. He looked at me for a second than continued to walk to were pain was. I stood there wondering what they were whispering about.

After a minute they got done talking and Itachi walked over to me and introduced himself.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, I look forward to working with you."

"Hi I'm Aqua" I said trying to look anywhere but his eyes.

"Umm yes same for me."

He walked past me and left. I took a sigh of relief in my head. Pain called for Tobi to take me to my room.

As we walked I kept thinking of what I had gotten myself into.

We arrived at my room, it was an okay size, it had blue, black and purple curtains, blue, black and purple bed sheets and a small drawer by the bed. The carpet was also blue , black and purple.


"Tobi hoped you would like it since it's going to be your home for now on."

"Yes well thanks Tobi" I said looking down.

"Don't worry Aqua-Chan, Tobi is here so we can play." He walked closer and gave me a bear hug.

"Thanks Tobi. Well its getting late I guess I'll go to bed."

"K Tobi will leave now sleep well Aqua-Chan, night."

"Good night Tobi." I shut the door and walked over and flopped on my bed. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling.

Huummm I wonder who I'll meet tomorrow and if I'll even fit in. I hope no one back home is worried about me. Oh well no sense worrying about it now. I better get some sleep for tomorrow. With that I turned off the lamp that was on the drawer and went to sleep.

Hey hoped you liked it please rate and comment and come back to see who she meets next. see yeah^^.

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