Cobra / Mom

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“Aqua?” deidara asked as he hugged me.

I pulled away coming to my senses and look up at him.

“I’m sorry” I then explained everything and he just sat there and waited for me to get done talking before he spoke.

“Are you sure it was your mother?”

“I don’t know I mean I saw her and my father die in a fire. At least I think so I cant really remember all I remember is flash backs of that night” I said in confusion and frustration.

He was about to reply when I saw sasori coming down the stairs.

“Sasori why are you out of bed?!” I said rushing over to him.

“Aqua I’m fine”

“Sasori please go back to sleep your not well yet” I argued.

“Aqua please” he said brushing pass me.

“Sa..” but before I finished deidara motioned for me to be silent.

That morning we three sat in the living room watching TV when itachi entered.

“Good morning itachi would you like some breakfast?” I asked and stood up to get him some.

He just nodded and sat down. So I walked into the kitchen and whipped up a plate of food and headed back to the living room.

“Here you are” I handed him the plate and smiled.

Like usual he just nodded and started eating.


“Madam viper?”

“Yes what is it?” she asked eyeing her minion.

“I have a message from your brother” he said handing her a peace of parchment.

Dear Viper

I have decided to take a different approach in order to get closer to glacia and I would appreciate if you would not interfere with it.

Love Your Baby Bro

“Oh so stalking her didn’t work huh? Hhhhmmmm big surprise” she said with sarcasm.

“Good news?” her minion asked.

“What oh none of your business now go” she said throwing her empty alcohol bottle at him.


I finished doing the dishes and headed out to my special lake out back. I thought about jumping in when an idea hit me. I froze the chair that one time maybe I can freeze the lake to and skate on it. So I stuck out both my hands and concentrated. I felt a tingle and my ears and tail popped out and when I opened my eyes the lake was frozen solid.

I started to smile and pat myself on the back when I heard clapping behind me and I spun around to see itachi standing there with a rather devious smirk.

“What?” I asked confused.

And for once he spoke more then just two words.

“Nothing its just your ears and a tail” he said chuckling.

I felt myself blushing and I turned back to the lake with a humph.

“Would you like to skate?” I heard itachi ask as he walked up behind me.

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