Boom, boom, boom

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“Aqua are you awake?”

I slowly stirred as I heard a voice above me. I slid the covers off of my head to see deidara leaning over my face. I then suddenly shot awake and my bed covers went flying and I accidentally backed up into the wall, witch did hurt by the way.

“Aqua calm down its just me” deidara said looking as freaked out as I felt.

“I know its you its just that….” I said trailing off as I noticed I was in my pjs which are just a skimpy tank top and even skimpier shorts.

“GET OUT!!” I screamed and quickly reached for the bed covers that rested on the floor.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa hold on a minute aqua” he said trying to shelter himself with his arms as I chucked countless things at him.

“Why are you in my room anyway?!” I demanded.

“I just came in to tell you that everyone has left on missions already and that I’m leaving to go on one now”

“Oh um yeah cool” I said calming down a bit.

“Hey aqua are you ok?” he asked tilting his head with a puzzled look .

“What, oh, yeah I’m fine just still tired so um like have fun on your mission and all”

“Uh yeah sure thanks. Whelp see yeah” deidara then walked out and I waited until I heard his footsteps fade and I released a very troubled sigh. “Great that means I have to watch sasori” I said to myself and I plopped back down with the covers back over my head.

“I hope aqua will be ok” deidara thought as he stopped at a small tea house for lunch.

He sat down and ordered his food and noticed a dark figure sitting in the back staring at him.

“Here you go sir” the young waitress said as she set the food down on the table.

Deidara turned to thank the lady. He then turned back to look at the figure but he was gone.

“That’s weird” he thought as he took a slurp of ramen.


“I guess I should head back” he thought as he walked out of the tea house.

“Hello deidara”

“Who’s there?”

“So are the rumors true?” the man asked.

“What are you talking about? Show yourself!” deidara demanded.

“I’m talking about you and aqua duh” he said mockingly.

“Wha…we’re just friends” he responded defensively.

“Oo ouch she put you in the friends zone” he said with a chuckle.

“Why do you care anyway?!”

“I don’t…really”

“You talk big but let’s see how you are face to face” deidara challenge.

There was a sudden noise in the trees and a man dressed in black appeared before him.

“You should be careful as to what you wish for”

The man then removed his cloak and deidara’s defenses went up quicker then you could say holy crap.


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