Leaf Interfirence / Konan

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As I sat there on the couch while the rest tried to explain what happened I couldn’t help but feel responsible for getting them in trouble. I mean it was my  fault I wasn’t strong enough to avoid capture.

Just then hidan stood up from the couch and started to head to his room when pain grabbed him by the back of his cloak and threw him back on the couch.

“I am not done speaking yet hidan” he said. And it was like there eyes locked for a moment and you could literally see the static of hatred zapping in there eyes at one another.

Hidan was about to tell pain where he could shove it when I quickly stood and spoke.

“Um pain please don’t punish them it was my fault this happened” I said looking down.

“Your dame right it was your fault! Do you know how much time they wasted looking for you?!” he said turning his wrath of fury on me.

I was about to speak again when he said….

“In any case did you at least kill lord Abashi?” he said looking at each of the members who were involved.

They all looked away and I’m guessing he took that as an obvious no.

“I cant believe it. I give you one simple little task and you cant even complete it, and why?! because you decided to ignore my orders and go after aqua!”

My head shot up in confusion at hearing those cruel words. I mean it wasn’t there fault they chose to come help me. I cant believe he just said that. I then walked over to him and said “What the he** is your problem?! Its not like they cant just go and kill him now” I could feel my whole body tense and my anger building as I looked him dead in the eyes. “And my names not aqua its glacia” I added and stomped off.

Pain just stood there in shock as did the others. I’m sure they couldn’t believe that S ranked ninja were to afraid to stand up to him and then here you see a young 14 year old girl do it.

“Wow” they all but pain said in unison.

Pain turned back to his men and said in a kind of quite yet stern way “You all are suspended from your duties and confined to your rooms until further notice. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir”

They stood up and I could hear one by one come upstairs and slam there doors behind them.

“God what’s his deal I mean really” I said sighing in frustration.

When I suddenly heard something like paper crinkling. I moved towards the noise and right there on my bed I saw a bunch of paper forming into what looked like a women. I backed away and quickly reached for my kunai knife.

After the paper was all formed I saw a young women with blue hair put up in a bun but what really caught my eye was the fact that she was wearing the akatsuki cloak.

“Who are you?” I asked relaxing a little.

“Calm down glacia my name is konan and yes I am part of the akatsuki”

“Really then how come this is the first time I’ve seen you?”

“Because I have been away on a mission which I’ve just completed” she said gently.

I set my kunai down and sat in the love seat behind me.

“Oh so um why are you in my room?”

“I just sensed you were a bit troubled and I had a feeling it was because of my dear pain”

I couldn’t help but giggle has she said that.

“Wait you and pain?” I asked widening my eyes in shock.

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