The Secret Pathway Part 2

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“Good morning aqua”

I sat up at looked at the man with a glare.

“Oh come on don’t tell me your still mad, I mean we gave you what you asked for which was to be stronger wasn’t it?” the white haired man said smiling.

“Yeah that doesn’t mean turn me into a slimy skinned freak!”

“True but none of the less your stronger”

I just stared at him until a heard the door to the lab open.

“How are things going kabuto?” the snake like man said walking in an almost gliding motion over to kabuto.

“Well she’s stable and the transformation was perfect, but I cant say much for her gratitude”

“Hello, I’m right here don’t talk as if I’m not” I said frustrated that I’m being viewed more as a test subject then a person.

Orochimaru glanced over at me with his cold killer eyes and just smiled which really pissed me off.


“Yes sir?”

“Have her ready for the battle in 1 hour” with that he left and closed the door behind him.
I waited till I could no longer hear his foot steps before I spoke.

“So what’s this big battle about?” I asked casually.

Kabuto just continued what he was doing at his desk and ignored me.

“Hello kabuto!” I began to get really angry when he continued to pretend I wasn’t there.

Kabuto sighed and finely glanced up at me with board yet annoyed looking eyes.

“It’s nothing really we just want to test your powers and the best way to do that is in a battle”

I just looked at him with a frown.

Kabuto stood up and walked over to me.

“Now I’m going to unlock your chains ok…I want you to promise your not going to give me any trouble ok? Cause I really don’t want to hurt you”

I just rolled my eyes and nodded in annoyance.

“Now remember when you want to transform you must be in or touching water. That is unless your strong enough you can do it by thinking but I highly doubt your up to that level yet”

Just then it was like something snapped inside of me and I reached for the kunai knife strapped to kabuto belt and slashed at his face which he reacted by jumping back.

“Aqua what are you doing?!” kabuto spat in shock.

“I’m sick and tired of being used for your little experiments kabuto I’m done I’m leaving and never coming back!” at that point I could feel my whole being shaking with fear and adrenaline that I could even hear my heart pounding like a war drum in my ears.

But before kabuto could respond I threw the kunai knife and slashed him in the leg. I used that moment to grab the bucket of water and poured it over me. And then it was like everything slowed down for a split second as my hands turned webbed and formed claws, my ears becoming a little longer and I could sense everything around me, it was like all my senses just came to life. Last but not least I felt a shooting pain on my spine and it took me a minute to realize I was growing a tail.

Finely the transformation was complete and I just clasped on my knees and looked myself over in the nearest glass tank.

“How do you feel?”

I quickly came back to reality and noticed kabuto leaning against a lab table and despite the puncher in his leg he was smirking.

“Cant you feel it aqua, the power that surges through your veins?” he said with a hint of psycho in his voice.

But the bad thing was I could feel it and the even worse thing was I liked it. I liked the feeling of power.

He straitened up and limped over to me.

“Just look at you, your perfect just as we imagined and more”

“Why kabuto why me?”

“Why you ask? Well that’s simple, because when we found you, you were lost and confused and thirsting to get stronger so I simply helped you obtain the power you needed in order to be stronger”

“Wait….no this isn’t what I wanted. Change me back now!”

“I’m sorry aqua but what done is done” he said still smiling.

“You monster!” I shoved him away and headed for the door.

I found it surprisingly easy to bust open and I took off down the poorly lighted stone hallways until I turned down one and saw light at the end of it. I could feel my speed increasing as I flew up the stone steps at the end of the hall and found myself outside.

The sun disappeared and it started to rain which I guess isn’t surprising considering it is the village hidden in the rain.

I heard a crack in the trees above me and I realized I could smell people above me. Most likely ambu. I just stood there listening for a minute and just as the to straight ahead of me jumped out I did a back flip into the trees.

“Crap where’d she go?” the one with the cracked owl looking mask asked.

The one on his left motioned for him to be quite and stared straight at me and with one smooth gesture the ambu were surrounding me.

“What do you want?!” I yelled frustrated and confused.

“We have been ordered to capture you for the sake of the village”

“But why I haven’t even done anything!”

“That doesn’t matter your still a threat and we must take you in so you can either come quietly or not it’s up to you”

I just stood there and tried to think of an escape plan when I remembered I had some left over home made smoke bombs in my pouch.

I snatched a few out and just chucked them in the ambu’s general direction and was getting ready to flee when I felt a sharp pain in my leg and noticed the closest ambu had thrown a mini shinshurekin at me. ( note a shinshurekin is a small throwing star).

I hurried and jumped through the trees and tried to get as far away from there as possible. I could hear them following so I decided to slip out of the village.


“Aqua move!”

I just stood there frozen as the monster spat it’s gooey substance at me when I heard deidara and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back and on the ground.

“Aqua are you alright?”

It took me a second to focus and when I did I saw deidara above me with worry and pain in his eyes and that’s when I noticed his right arm was bleeding badly.

“Deidara what the heck are you doing!”

“I’m trying to save your ass aqua. Why the heck did you freeze like that?”

“This isn’t the time deidara we need to focus on the monster so um would you please get off”

Deidara just blushed and I stood up to resize the situation.

“What the heck is that thing? Its huge and not only that but the aura emanating from it is pretty strong”

“I agree and that’s why your going to stay back and let me handle it”

“Um that’s a big fat NO!” I said with a look like ( I cant believe you would even suggest that).

“Look I don’t want you to get hurt and we don’t know what this thing is capable of”

I looked at deidara straight in the eyes and I think he caught on quickly.

“Fine but you better not freeze again”

I then saw him reach into his pouch and smooshed something into his hand and after a moment he disappeared.

“Great that just freaking great now what the heck am I supposed to do….stand here and look pretty while he goes off and cooks up a plan?!”

I then heard a loud boom in front of me and the shock sent me tumbling to the ground.

“What the heck was that?” after the dusted cleared a little I could see deidara and the monster going at it and let me tell you it wasn’t looking to good for either of them.

I jumped to my feet and rushed over to where deidara was.

I know what that monster reminds me of… looks almost exactly like a dragon except it hasn’t breathed ant fire yet.

The monster swung at deidara with its huge long hooked like claws and I could tell with every miss it’s eyes got redder and more cat like.

“Um deidara shouldn’t we be fighting together?”

I waited for his response when he suddenly vanished again.

“Well great no what am I suppose to do?” I looked around but after a minute I decided to fight the big green dragon like beast by myself.

I gathered up my chakra and shot a water justu at it and some how I hit it in the eye. I quickly lunged at it for a second attack and landed on its right front leg. Has I struggled to keep a hold on it I noticed it felt scaly like a crocodile.

It shook and flailed me around when it finely settled down I used that split second and stabbed it with a kunai knife strapped with a paper bomb.

But unfortunately I didn’t really think that through cause when it blew up I was caught in the explosion and the last thing I remember I was flying backwards and hit into something warm and soft and then I heard the monster cry out in what sounded like pain and then everything went dark.


“What is it akamaru?” kiba asked his pup as they stood in a sunny clearing.

Sakura glanced over at the dog and then at sasuke who looked deep in thought.

“Hey sasuke-kun um whatcha thinking about?” she asked with a wide smile while crossing her fingers behind her back as she continued to walk over to where he was leaning against a tree.

“I wonder what the akatsuki would want with aqua?” he said practically to himself.

Sakura just looked at him confused and stood there.

“Guys come quick I think akamaru’s on to something!” kiba shouted in alarm.

Akamaru took off into the trees and the team followed.

Hey thanks for reading pretty please comment and rate thanks ;)

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