Spa Day Part 2 Athena The 10 Tailed Tigress

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I suddenly flew foreword and stabbed Suki in the eye, I then did a back flip as I grabbed some of the remaining silk on the ground and proceeded to tie her 8 spider legs together. But the weird thing was it was like I was watching me do it lime an out of body experience.

My heart stopped as Suki screamed in pain and attempted to kick me.

"Your going to regret that you little bit**" she said holding her now bloodied eye.

"Oh really" I said smirking. Or atleast I think it's me.

"Would you stop worrying and let me fight!"

I was taken aback as I heard thoughs words ring in my head.

"Who are you?"

"Psh your so stupid Glacia, my name is Athena and I am the 10 tailed beast" she said almost in a gloating way.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because you idiot if you die I die, And I for one would lime to live"

Are conversation was interrupted as Suki rapped us in silk.

"Hahahaha take that" she said proud of herself.

"Let go of her!" Deidara said coughing up blood.

"Oh no" I said worried about him. "Do you think we can get out of this?" I asked Athena as I noticed she hasn't spoken for a bit. Well atleast I am in control of my body now.

Suki then spidered over to where Deidara laid and flip him on his back with her leg.

"My aren't you a cutie" she said flirtingly.

I suddenly felt very angered and broke free of my binds and flash stepped onto her face. "Eat this you cow" I said and shoved a hundred paper bombs in her mouth and fled to Deidara.

"This looks familiar" he said with a faint chuckle.

"Yeah but this time I got her" I looked over my shoulder to confirm it and yep she was dead, well what was left of her.

I then healed and bandaged Deidara and got the other two down.

"Come on guys let's head to the leaf" I said just so thankful everyone was ok.


We reached the village and I took a deep sigh of relief when the boys disappeared and naruto came running up to me.

"Granny Tsunade wants to see you" he said but for sone reason he wasn't his usual happy go lucky self.

I entered her office and found her to be standing in front of her window.

"As you may be aware the secret anbu competition is almost upon us, that is of course assuming you still want to see your precious akatuki clan and stay a ninja for the leaf" she said turning to face me.

"Crap how does she know that the only reason I wanted to become an anbu spy was so I could still be with the Akatsuki and the leaf" I thought panicking.

"I hope your prepared" she said and dismissed me.

I headed home but couldn't help but wonder what her purpose for calling me was. I decided to forget it for now and went to bed.

Thank u so very much for reading please comment :D

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