Drama Free Day (Yeah Right)

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I awoke the next day in my bed but I could still hear thoughs cold dead words ringing in my head. I slid out of bed and prepared some oatmeal for breakfast when there was a knock at my door. I turned my food to low as I went to answer it.

"Hello?" I said as I looked out into the dewy scents of the early morning. But to my surprise no one was there. I closed the door and turned around to see Deidara sitting on my couch.

"Sup" he said as he placed his feet upon my coffe table.

"What the he** do you think your doing here?!" I asked abit shocked.

"Just stopped by to make sure you were ok" he said innocently.

"Oh well thank you" I said blushing. "Would you like some oatmeal?" I added with a smile.

"Yes please I'm starving"

I just giggled and said "Oh and get your feet off my coffee table" I added sternly.

As I came back in the room I could tell Deidara had something on his mind.

"Hey Glacia?" he asked setting his bowl down. "Why don't you just forget the leaf and come back with us?"

I looked down and took a sigh before answering. "Because these people saved my life and I owe them" I said setting my food aside.

"I know but don't you like me anymore?"

I suddenly started busting up laughing.

"What the heck is so funny?!" Deidara asked crossing his arms.

I whipped my eyes of tears and said "Nothing really I just couldn't believe you asked that. I mean if I didn't like you I wouldn't be fighting to be a spy" I said and started laughing again because that sounded weird.

Deidara was about to say more when my front door suddenly opened. I panicked and threw Deidara over the couch and shoved like a hundred blankets and pillows over him.

"Who is it?"


I was suddenly knocked to the ground and saw tobi sitting on me.

"Great now why are you here?!" I asked tumbling him off me.

"Pain said that Tobi and Deidara-San have to be your lookouts" he said bouncing on the pile that was Deidara.

"Um tobi" I said trying to warn him but I was to late. Deidara exploded and sent Tobi flying and hit the wall. As I watched him slide down the wall I couldn't help but smile cause this reminded me of old times.

"Well Tobi do you want some food?" I asked clearing are bowls.

Tobi just shook his head so I headed back to the kitchen. I then put the dishes in the sink when I felt like I was being watched.

"Hello little sister" madam viper said as she stepped infront if me.

I just glared at her and was about to speak when she suddenly slapped me.

I fell back in surprise and held my now burning cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked straightening up.

"That was for murdering mother and father" she said with tears now streaming down her pale cheeks.

"I didn't do it on purpose" I said defending myself. "Besides if your my sister why did you pretend to be mom?"

"Because I was hoping by saying I was still alive you would remember the night you murdered her" viper suddenly grabbed something out of her dress and threw it to the ground. I screamed as the smoke bomb exploded and she punched me in the stomach to knock me out.

<><>At Madem Vipers Lair<><><><>

"Wakey wakey Glacia"

I awoke to see viper standing by me with what looked like pike.

"Hello there Glacia" pike said with a grin.

"Great why are they so happy. Do they know something I don't?" I thought to myself.

"Your gonna die" viper said widening her eyes in excitement.

"Okay why?" I asked getting a bit frustrated.

Her expression suddenly went cold and she kicked me in the stomach. I coughed up some blood and could faintly see her smiling.

"Why you ask? Because you are the core of all my suffering" she said spitting on me.

"Pike wasn't it you who told me I accidentally killed mom and dad?" I asked as I desperately scooted towards him. He just laughed and kicked me.

"Why are you doing this I thought you loved me?!" I yelled as I tried to fight the tears of betrayal nipping from behind my eyes.

"You love Deidara now. I saw you kiss him" he said with a look of disgust and anger.

I was about to answer when the door to the hideout exploded and I saw Sasori, Deidara and Tobi standing there.

TO BE Continued lol

Please comment :) sorry it took so long I've been sick with the Flu :(

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