Chapter One

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"I told you I could do a three-sixty flipped into a one-eighty dude" The blue-haired boy who has been my best friend since the moment our mothers got pregnant with us and declared that their kids would be friends forever told me with a giant grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and he playfully pushed my shoulder before I winced at the slight pain. Hak-Kun looked at me while tilting his head to the side. 

"Are you okay dude?" He asked me with concern flashing through his eyes and I smiled slightly. 

"My shoulder hurts a little" I explained to him and he raised an eyebrow. 

"Did you hurt yourself Jayce?" He asked me while placing his skateboard on the ground before pulling my sleeve up my arm. His eyes widened suddenly and I looked at what he was seeing. 

"Dude, your arm is blue. What happened?!" He exclaimed in shock and my eyes widened once I saw the bruises on my arms. What the heck happened?! I touched the bruises on my arms before wincing at the pain. What happened?

"I swear my arm was perfectly fine this morning" I stated and Hak-kun nods. 

"Did you fall when we are skateboarding?" He asked me and I shook my head. These bruises had no explanation for them. I was fine less than an hour ago and I did not injure myself while we were skateboarding. I never hurt myself. The blue-haired boy looked at me before his eye visibly lit up and I became nervous. I knew this look well, Hak-Kun was thinking. 

"Does this happen often?" He asked me and I thought about it for a few moments. Now that I think about it, it does happen often. I would often wake up with scratches over my skin and once I even awoke feeling incredibly sick to my stomach. It felt like I had spent the entire night drinking alcohol and yet I have never even tried the stuff. I still could not make sense of that morning. 

"More often than I care to explain" I told him and his grin seemed to widen before he grew excited. 

"Come on, I have a theory but we must go see Saori!" He exclaimed and I sighed before he picked up his skateboard, grabbed my wrist and started pulling me faster towards our college. 


We arrived in the giant library of our college a few moments after Hak-Kun literally dragged me out of the streets and I sighed while he finally let go of my wrist. I gently rubbed my sore wrist while looking around the room for the pinkhaired girl we were searching for. We both knew that Saori loved the library so this was the first place to look for her. I noticed Hak-Kun's eyes lit up once he noticed her sitting alone in the corner and I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips. My best friend definitely has a soft spot for the pink haired female we befriended last year. We walked towards the girl once Hak-kun fixed up his appearance which I decided I would tease him about later and she smiled once she noticed us. 

"Jayceon! Hak-Kun! What brings you guys here" She exclaimed once she saw us which caused some people to shush her. Saori blushed before sitting back down and we sat down next to her. I let Hak-kun take the lead since I frankly had no idea why I was dragged here to begin with. The boy's expression lit up which caused Saori to giggle softly. 

"Remember that book you showed me the other day?" He asked her and she tilted her head before her eyes lit up when she remembered what he was referring to. I sat there confused while looking down at the new mark on my arm. Where were these coming from? 

"The book about soulmates! Yes I have it right here" I heard the girl exclaimed which brought my attention back to the pair. Hak-kun wore a bright smile while she pulled the book out of her bag. A book about soulmates? This is why I was dragged at full speed for a half block? Hak-kun took the book from the girls hands before flipping through a few pages and grinning when he found the page he was looking for. 

"Right here. 'In some cases it was reported that soulmates could feel the others pain. Marks like bruises and cuts could be found on the other's skin' This could explain everything Jayce!" Hak-kun read the passage from the book with excitement and I frowned. Soulmates? The concept doesn't exist. Soulmates are a story of fairytales. Something parents tell their kids to comfort them. Saori's eyes lit up with curiosity before looking at me. 

"You have a soulmate Jayceon?" She asked and before I could say anything, the blue haired boy grabbed my sleeve and pulled it up. The pink-haired eyes widened once she noticed all the blue and black bruises on my arms. She grabbed my arm out of the boy's grasp and started poking the spots. I winced in pain. 

"I've never seen anything like this. These bruises just shows up randomly right?" She asked and I nodded while pulling my sleeve back down. Saori quickly grabbed the book before looking for a certain page or something. Honeslty none of this was making any sense. I looked at my grinning best friend while waiting for whatever they were going to say next. 

"Okay right here, 'Soulmates with the ability to see the markings on their skins, can also communicate this way'" She read and I raised an eyebrow while they both seem to get excited by this new piece of information. 

"This means you can talk with your soulmate!" Soari cheered and I just looked at both of them. First they tell me I have this soulmate and that's why I'm bruised and now they are telling me I can communicate with my soulmate by writing on my arm? If I was not already sitting I think I would have fallen over. None of this made any sense. Soulmates do not exist. I smiled politely at the duo before carefully taking the book from Saori's hands. 

"Sao, do you mind if I take this book with me? I think I need to go lie down or something because all of this is crazy" I asked her and she smiled while nodding and handing me the book. I smiled at her before getting out of my chair and making my way out of the library. Today has officially become one of the strangest days of my life. Could soulmates really exist? 

Hello Hello beautiful people! A new book for this beautiful month of May. I decided with this story that I would take the soulmate concept and see where it takes me. I can for sure tell you that I love this story. I love Jayce and Ky and I love all the couples and different soulmate identification I chose for this story. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. On chapter three we will get Ky's POV (He's Jayce's soulmate). The chapters will alternate between POVs like that for the whole story. 


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