Chapter Fifteen

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"Ravenclaw!" The brunette girl exclaimed with excitement. 

"No Soari is a Hufflepuff for sure. She's hardworking, super loyal, and extremely patient" The blue-haired boy argued while looking at his girlfriend with a soft expression. 

"But she's also intelligent and knowledgable" The brunette argued back. I walked over to the group of five before sitting down next to my adorable soulmate.

"What are you all arguing about?" I asked him softly and he chuckled from my hot breath tickling his ear and I could not help but smile widely. His chuckle is such an adorable sound. 

"Echo told us about this fantasy book she read. It's about a magic school for young wizards. She explained to us about these houses the kids get placed in based on your personality and we are trying to guess which house we each would be in" Jayce explained to me and I smiled softly. This book sounds really interesting and this whole house thing does too. I wonder what are the houses and where I would be. 

"Guys, I must agree with Hak-Kun, I am definitely a Hufflepuff" Saori suddenly said while chuckling softly and I watched as Echo got disappointed. I can only assume Echo is this whole 'Ravenclaw' thing she was talking about and she is disappointed that nobody else is like her. I wonder what the qualities are. 

"Darling which house do you belong to?" I asked the adorable boy beside me who turned to me and grinned widely. My heart fluttered at this reaction. Goodness, does he always need to be so adorable?

"I am also a Hufflepuff. When Echo told us about the story, I really thought I would be a Gryffindor but one of their biggest qualities is bravery and I am not that brave. I could not even tell you that you were my soulmate when you were standing right there in front of me" He explained before a guilty expression crossed his face. I frowned before pulling him closer to me. Jayce can't seem to forgive himself for lying to me. I have told him often that I do not blame him and everything is fine now that we are together but he keeps feeling bad about it. Jayce smiled at me slightly when I kissed his forehead. 

"What house am I?" I heard Evander ask the group and I decided to pay attention. I wonder what other houses are out there? From what I heard, Hufflepuffs are kind, patient people who are loyal while the Ravenclaw house are more intelligent people. I wonder what I am. 

"Babe you are a Slytherin" Echo explained and Evander's expression faltered. Was that a bad thing? I had yet to hear about this new word. What was wrong with it? 

"But that's the house with all the evil people. Am I a bad person?" Evander asked with a sad expression and Echo was quick to shake her head and pull him closer to her. 

"No baby, Slytherins aren't evil. Sure a few people from that house were evil in the books but there is nothing wrong with being a Slytherin. You're simply ambitious and resourceful and those are some of the best qualities about you" The girl said soothingly to her boyfriend who smiled softly at her. I smiled softly while watching my best friend be comforted by his girlfriend. I am not sure what it was about Echo, but I have never seen Evan this in tune with his emotions. I have never seen him act this way before. 

"Ky is definitely a Gryffindor!" I heard Jayce exclaim and I looked down at him. Was that a good thing? I looked at everyone else around the table who all seemed to agree with what Jayce said. I guess I am a Gryffindor? 

"I can see it. Ky is really brave and he helps others all the time. Not to even mention how generous he is. Ky would definitely be a Weasley" Echo explained and I raised an eyebrow. What is a Weasley? 

"What's a Weasley?" I asked her and she grinned. 

"They are a family of nine amazing Witches and Wizards. They aren't the most popular family in the story but they are Gryffindors through and through, they would definitely accept you Ky" She explained and I decided to take her word for it. I know nothing about this book but it does keep getting more interesting. 

"Would the Weasleys accept me? I am a Gryffindor too" I heard Hak-Kun ask his pink-haired girlfriend who quickly reassured him that yes this make-believe family would accept him. I chuckled softly before looking down at my adorable boyfriend who looked really sleepy. I smiled down at him and he gave me a tired grin. 

"Hey guys, I think we are going to head to bed. Jayce looks tired" I told the group who all smiled and bid us goodnight before taking the shorter boy's hand and leading him back to the dorms. We walked for a little bit in silence before we arrived at my dorm room before entering. Jayce yawned tiredly before taking off his shoes and falling on the bed. 

"Your bed is always so soft" He exclaimed while getting comfortable and I chuckled softly before getting in bed with him. Jayce quickly pulled me closer before placing his head on my chest. I played with his hair softly while thinking about how lucky I was to have this boy be my soulmate. I looked down at Jayce and smiled when he lazily played with my other hand. 

"Why were you so sure that I was in that Gryffindor house?" I asked him softly. I was very curious about that. How did he know so easily? He had told me that the house valued bravery but I was not brave. Jayce looked up at me before cupping my cheeks softly. 

"You are the bravest person I know Ky. You might not see it but I do. You faced all your fears when we got together. You told the world, well the entire school that you were gay. You stopped hiding who you are. You are also incredibly generous and never waste a moment to help the people you care about. You helped Evander on his first date with Echo and you help me every day. You are a true Gryffindor" He explained and I felt this sudden burst of pride in my chest. I may have not known much about these houses and anything about this book but just hearing Jayce calling me a true Gryffindor made me so incredibly happy. I looked down at the handsome boy on my chest while smiling and he smiled in return. 

"There are still some things that I am not brave enough to do," I told him softly and Jayce understood exactly what I meant and quickly pulled me closer.

"It's okay Ky, every day you will get braver and when you are ready, we will face this together," He told me with a gentle smile and I knew at that moment that everything would be fine. We are in this together. 

I am not sorry for this chapter. Sure it's a very random one and did not influence the story at all but I am a huge Harry Potter fan. When I started writing Echo's character, I instantly was influenced by the Ravenclaw's goals and from there I kinda went with the different houses. I am a Hufflepuff myself and I kinda wrote Jayce that way. I did initially think he would be a Gryffindor but all the values were more Hufflepuff. Saori was almost a Ravenclaw but her loyalty to her friends really cemented the Hufflepuff. Evander was also going to be Gryffindor simply because all the boys were originally the lion house but then Slytherin just fit him. Again I am sorry for those who really don't care about all the nerdy Harry Potter shit but I wrote it. Next chapter things go down. That thing that Ky isn't brave enough to face is going to happen. I hope you all enjoyed this little filler chapter regardless of the topic. 


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