Chapter Twenty

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We had left the Reeds after everything that happened. Ky had told his father exactly what his mother told him and then we were politely told to leave. The Reeds had a lot to talk about after Remy now knew every single piece of the story. I could still not believe any of it was true. How could Miss Reed take away her brother's soulmate and made him come out to his parents when he was not ready? I could not believe any of the things that she did and yet they were all true. Ky and I left his childhood home after I had reassured him that his parents would figure it out. I had asked him where he wished to go and he had told me to take him away from it all. He wished for it to just be us and no one else. We went to this cabin. It was a lovely cabin and we had a lovely time. We spent the entire week with each other. We would spend our days cuddling, we would cook dinner together and then we would sleep in each other's arms every night. It was perfect. It was a lovely week and it was a week where my mind could not stop for a moment. I could not help but imagine our future being the same way. I could not help the images that played in my head. I could imagine Ky and me buying a house together and spending our lives together. I could imagine filling that house with children. Babies with Ky's gorgeous eyes and his amazing smile. I could not help but think about our future. After the amazing week was put to an end, we returned back to school to finish out the year. Everything was perfect. Everything was going smoothly until I started to notice Ky becoming more distant. He was being more secretive and he was hiding something. Everything would stay the same, we would spend time together, we would spend time with our friend group and we would fall asleep in each other's arms. Everything was the same but I could not shake the feeling that something was wrong. Was Ky regretting his choice to be with me? Was he bored of me? Did he no longer wish we were soulmates? All the possible bad thoughts could not help but enter my mind every time Ky would be a little late or a little less affectionate. I did not understand what was wrong. I decided I needed to voice my fears to someone else. I needed someone to tell me that I was crazy and that is why I am now sitting in the library with the other two couples in our group. 

"Am I crazy to think that he is no longer interested in me? Like seriously him being interested in me in the first place is already crazy enough so I could understand why he's no longer interested in me" I voiced my anxiety to the group which resulted in all these different looks. Both the girls looked at me like I was crazy to even believe that Ky would ever get bored of me. Saori's look was slightly different from Echo's, she thought I was crazy to believe this since Ky and are soulmates. Soulmates do not just 'get bored' with each other. Soulmates are for life. Soulmates are the only people in the world who will love you forever without any doubts. I watched my best friend's expression carefully. Hak-Kun wore this look of guilt like he was keeping this huge secret. I could not understand why he wore this expression. He did not do anything wrong. He had no reason to feel guilty. 

"Jayce, no offense but are you crazy? Trust me when I say that I have never seen Ky like this in my entire life. The boy is desperately in love with you. There is nothing he would not do for you. He loves you so much that he wishes to spend his future with you" Evander stated while looking away from his girlfriend and I looked at him. How was he so sure about that? 

"Did he say that?" I asked him and that's when Evander got hit in the side of the head by Echo. He groaned before silently having a conversation with the girl who was glaring at him. What were these looks for?

"Jayce, why do you believe Ky is getting bored with you?" Hak-Kun asked me while both he and Saori looked at me. I sighed. 

"He has been distant. Whenever I see him in the halls he quickly comes over to me, kisses me on the cheek, and then rushes off. I end up not seeing him for hours after that. He's always just gone and we never spend that much time together. Sure we always see each other at night and cuddle but everything just seems off. I wish I knew what he was always doing" I explained to them and Hak-Kun gave this look to his girlfriend who quickly shook her head. Why was everyone having silent conversations today? Was there something going on? Why was everyone leaving me out of things? Was this about me? Were people finally tired of being my friend? Goodness, I have a lot of anxiety today. I looked at the four people in front of me before frowning. 

"Why are you all keeping things from me?" I asked the group. Why was everyone keeping something from me? Hak-Kun continuously looked guilty, Saori well she can keep a secret better than anyone so she looked neutral. Evander seemed to hint at something earlier but was quickly silenced and Echo kept looking at me with this excited expression. Did they know something I did not? Was it something important? Was it something about Ky? I followed the blue-haired boy's eyes when I was suddenly kissed on the cheek. I looked at the adorable man who thankfully is still my boyfriend while he kissed my cheek gently and smiled at me. 

"Jayce do you mind coming with me for a little bit?" He asked me and that panic raised back into me. He called me Jayce. He only calls me by my first name when he is really serious about things. My fear seemed to rise back into me while I followed Ky out of the library. I had no idea where we were going. What if he was taking me somewhere to break my heart? Goodness, I could not understand where all this anxiety is coming from. Ky and I had a really strong relationship, he loved me and I loved him. Why did I keep thinking the worst in him? We kept walking in silence for a few minutes before we arrived at the main entrance hallway and I was even more confused. Why would he bring me to a random hallway? Why couldn't we just stay in the library if this was the case? I was very confused. 

"Ky what is all this about? Why did you bring me here? Why couldn't we stay in the library? Why have you been so distant lately? What is going on?" I decided to voice out my concern. Ky and I have always been honest with each other, we understood each other better than anyone else. He could understand my anxiety and I could understand when he was nervous about something. He was slightly nervous now which was not helping my anxiety. He smiled at me before gently taking my hands in his. 

"I know I have been distant lately. I know you might think that I have been avoiding you or that I am no longer interested in you but that is not true. If anything I am majorly obsessed with you and my love for you seems to grow stronger every day. I know this location is a tad strange but this is the exact spot we found each other. This is where we became soulmates. I know that this day is nothing special but I could not wait any longer. Jayce, I want to make you my husband. I wish to grow old with you and live in a house with our children. I wish for you to become my husband and I do not care if it is really soon or if we are too young. I want you to be my husband so I must ask. Jayceon Emery Sharp, will you make me the happiest person in the entire world and become my husband?" He spewed out all the words and I was stuck in a state of complete bewilderment. Did he just ask me to marry him? Did that just happen? Oh my goodness he was, wasn't he? I looked at the amazing man in front of me with shock and extreme happiness. He wanted to make me his husband!

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him to make sure he was dead serious about this. Sure his words sounded serious but what if he was just talking about the future? I watched him silently while he took something out of his pocket before he placed it in my field of vision. My eyes widened. It was a beautiful yellow diamond ring. It was stunning and it was my new favorite thing in the entire world. Ky looked at me with a shy grin before I completely tackled him to the ground. I did not intend to tackle him to the ground but I did. I could not help myself. 

"Of course, I'll marry you! My goodness, I can not believe this is happening" I exclaimed and Ky chuckled. It seemed like all his previous nerves were now replaced with this overwhelming sense of pure joy. I knew that was the feeling because I felt the exact same way. I quickly smiled at him before pulling him into a gentle kiss while he placed the ring on my finger. We pulled away a few moments later and I simply stared at the beautiful ring on my finger. Ky and I were getting married! I could not wait. 

I am so excited! Ky and Jayce are getting married!! They are so cute I swear. Also, the whole yellow ring thing is because Jayce is a Hufflepuff and their color is yellow. Plus Jayce loves yellow and the ring is so beautiful. Can I have a yellow ring? I wish. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and sadly the story is almost done. The next chapter is Ky's obviously and then one last chapter to wrap everything up. 


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