Chapter Thirteen

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I rushed out of the library in search of the adorable brunette who had completely lied to me this morning. I had to find Jayce. I started my search all over the school. I looked out in the courtyard, I looked around the classrooms and I even stalked the halls of the dorms just to see if he was around. I could not find him and I needed to find him. After reading in the book about the electric shock that could happen when two soulmates run into each other, everything made sense. I had felt that shock, I was not mistaken. I felt it yesterday when I first met Jayce. He was my soulmate. I knew it! I knew I had assumed correctly. I knew there was a reason I was insanely attracted to him. There was a reason he would constantly plague my thoughts. There was a reason why I could not help but notice him when he was being pulled into the library that day. There was a reason why he stood out to me when he wore that pink hoodie. He was my soulmate. He was marshmallow peep. He was mine. I could not help the smile that formed on my lips and decided that it would place residence there. I did not care if Jayce lied to me this morning. I did not care that he was avoiding me. He was my soulmate and I will not be letting him slip away. I sighed when my search became inconclusive and I decided that I would try anything to find him. I pulled up my sleeve before writing on my arm. I knew this was a long shot since Jayce has never answered me when I wanted him to but I had to at least try. I needed to find him. 

'Darling, where are you?' I wrote and then waited. I waited and waited until finally, I dropped my arm back down to my sides. I was not going to give up but clearly, Jayce was not going to make this easy for me. I decided I would head back to the front of campus and start my search all over again. I was determined to find him. I will find him. I arrived at the front doors of the main campus building before immediately noticing the exact person I was looking for. Jayce was walking through the doors. My eyes lit up. I found him! I noticed the look on his face when he saw me and when he continued to walk I frowned. He was ignoring me. He was being distant once again. Did he not wish to be my soulmate? Was that why he had lied and why he had done nothing but ignore me every time? Was I really that bad? 

"Jayce!" I exclaimed while trying to get him to stop walking. Could he just stop walking for one moment? I decided that if he was not going to stop then I would follow him. 

"Jayce come on" I pleaded while picking up my pace to follow him. What could I do to convince him? My eyes lit up when I thought about my next words. 

"Darling please" Jayce froze and my grin widened. I quickly made my way in front of him and gently grabbed his hands in mine. Jayce looked at me completely frozen. I knew that would work. He did have a weakness to the word after all. 

"I had a hunch that it was you and then you lied to me, darling. Why did you lie to me?" I asked him while I waited for him to come back to reality. Jayce seemed to unfreeze after a few moments and looked at me with the softest look I have ever seen. 

"You don't want me as your soulmate. I am nothing special. You deserve better than me so when you came over this morning with that excited expression I could not tell you that the one person you dreamed of was sadly me" He explained and my heart sunk at his words. Nothing special? How could he possibly think that he was nothing special? He was everything. He was my soulmate and he was the boy I was starting to fall dangerously in love with. He was everything. I gently squeezed his hands before tilting his head to look into his stunning eyes. 

"How could you think that? Darling, you are everything. Remember when I told you that I would always choose you even if we weren't soulmates?" I told him and he nodded his head. 

"Jayce I chose you the moment you were pulled into the library by Hak-Kun. I chose you the moment I saw you in that pink hoodie. I chose you when I went searching for my marshmallow peep and ran into you. Jayce I chose you over my soulmate and then you were my soulmate and nothing has made me any happier" I explained to the boy who for some reason had no confidence in himself. Jayce looked at me before smiling brightly and I swear I swooned. I smiled at him before bringing his hands up to my lips and kissing them gently. 

"You are my soulmate darling. From now on you are stuck with me even if you don't like it" I told him and he chuckled before looking away from me with this shy look. I looked around and noticed that we were still in the halls before my cheeks started to heat up. I noticed that we were only a few feet away from my dorm room before looking back at the cutie next to me. 

"Would you like to come in?" I asked him while cocking my head toward my dorm and Jayce's eyes widened before the same heat burned his cheeks. 

"I would like that," He said simply and my smile widened before I took his hand and lead him toward my dorm room. I could not believe this was happening. None of this felt real. Jayce was my soulmate and now he was mine. Today was such a great day. 

They are finally together! I am so excited about this chapter because finally Jayce and Ky had the conversation. I also love Ky as a character okay, his POVs are the best and he's just so sweet. He does not care that Jayce lied to him, he just wants to love his soulmate with everything he has in him. Also, they are going to Ky's dorm but they aren't doing anything sexual. Okay, it's strictly pure and it's strictly them having a conversation about everything. Now that they are together, I can say that the book is not ending okay. There are like twenty-two chapters and we are only at thirteen. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoy the rest of this story. 


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