Chapter Two

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I twirled with the pen in my hands while looking down at my arm. This was crazy. This was insane. Was I really about to do this? What if nothing even happened? This is really stupid. After leaving the duo in the library yesterday, I spent the rest of my night reading about this whole soulmate thing. I had to admit, the book was really interesting. I could see why it had caught Saori's attention. The book talked about a bunch of different ways you are bounded to another person. It talked about my condition and how I could, in theory, write messages to my soulmate and they could respond. I found that to be really cool. I also found the other soulmates interesting. I found one that talked about feeling a certain tug toward your soulmate and I could not help but remember what Hak-kun used to tell me when we first met Saori. He told me that he always wanted to be close to her, like something was pulling him to her. I decided I would tease him about that later. The book was interesting. Learning about this whole soulmate thing was interesting. I still did not believe it was real but here I was, sitting in my dorm at midnight twirling a pen while staring at my arm. This is crazy and this isn't going to work. It's ridiculous, soulmates don't exist. I sighed before taking the pen and drawing a butterfly. I decided that if this didn't work then I would at least have something nice to look at. I stared at my arm for a few moments before my eyes widened. On my arm lay a flower to match my butterfly. Holy shit?! I did not draw that flower. Someone just drew on my arm! I have a soulmate! I stared at the drawings on my arm for a few moments before I started to feel the sting of writing. 

'You draw a very pretty butterfly soulmate :)' I read the words on my arm before a giant smile graced my lips. This was incredible! I could not believe this was actually real. Another real person was writing on their arm and I could see it. This was insane. I quickly picked up my pen and started writing. I must know who this person is. I have a freaking soulmate! 

'Are you also freaking out about this? This is crazy, this is real right?' I wrote back nervously. I have never been this nervous in my life. I typically get nervous when I am doing some test or when I am trying out a new trick at the skatepark but I have never been this nervous before. I have never really crushed on someone in my life. I have never been out on a date, never even shared my first kiss. Perhaps it was because all this time I had a soulmate? Maybe a small part of me has never been able to fall in love because I haven't met my soulmate. 

'I don't freak out, especially not around cuties like yourself. I can assure you that this is real' I read before my cheeks started to feel warm and my heart started to skip a few beats. I could not believe this was happening. I have never felt this way in my entire life. The feeling was both exhilarating and terrifying. 

'How would you know if I'm a cutie?' I wrote back before I suddenly heard Hak-Kun stir in his sleep. I stopped all movements hoping he wouldn't wake up and couldn't help but smirk when I heard what he was mumbling. He was calling out to Saori. I took a deep breath once he fell back asleep and looked back down at my arms.

'I bet I made you blush at my words. I bet you're sitting there completely falling in love with me, wishing I was there' I read the words a few times with wide eyes. Did I really just read that? Goodness please do not tell me my soulmate is some kind of player. We just started talking and they're already acting like they are in control. They probably think I'm sitting here squirming for their touch. I barely even know this person! 

'I'm going to head to bed, bye whatever your name is' I quickly wrote before pulling down my sleeve and leaving my desk. I can not believe they were acting that way! I thought my soulmate would have been a sweetheart. Someone nice, someone like me. Someone I could spend hours talking to and could share everything with. That is what soulmates are for right? They are someone who understands you and someone who would love you no matter what? Someone who you can talk to about anything and everything, someone who is basically your other half. I really hope this was simply a bad first impression because I don't wish to have a soulmate if they are going to continue acting like this. I quickly got into my bed next to Hak-Kun's and pulled my blanket up to my neck. I could feel the slight sting of the pen on my arms but chose to ignore it. I did not feel like talking to my soulmate anymore. I closed my eyes before letting sleep take over me. 


"Did you talk to your soulmate last night?" The excited voice of my annoying blue-haired best friend asked me as soon as I opened my eyes for the day. I groaned before rolling my eyes and sitting up in the bed. I looked over at the annoying boy who was holding up the pen I used earlier. 

"I was doing homework" I explained calmly while getting out of bed and placing my feet into my little slippers. Hak-Kun rolled his eyes before walking over to me and trying to lift up my sleeve. I pushed him away before walking over to our shared bathroom. 

"You mumbled for Saori in your sleep last night, it was very distracting," I told him with a smirk before closing the door behind me. I could tell that he was in shock when I heard the pen that was previously in his hands, hit the floor. That will hopefully get him off my back for a while. I quickly turned on the water for my nice warm shower before taking out my hair care products and stripping off my clothes. I checked the temperature of the water and was about to hop in when I noticed the writing left by my soulmate last night. 

'I'm sorry, I get nervous when I'm talking to pretty girls. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. My name is Ky by the way ' I read the message with wide eyes before wiping them to see if I was mistaken. I frowned when I realized that I was indeed not mistaken. My soulmate thought I was a girl. Fuck. Why must this happen to me? 

Chapter Two and Jayce decided to see if this whole soulmate thing was real. He drew on his arm and he got a reply. I can not express how excited I am about this prompt. Anyways, Ky believes that his soulmate must be a girl. I wonder what will happen with this in mind? The next chapter is from Ky POV. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 


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