Chapter Seven

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'I'm a guy' I stared at the words that had appeared on my arm while a giant smile broke out on my lips. My soulmate was a guy. My soulmate was a guy! I sat there staring at my arm for I am not even sure how long just smiling. This answered my previous question. The question of if all soulmates are our opposites, the question of if all our soulmates are exactly who we needed. Are our soulmates our other half, this has answered it. Yes, our soulmate is exactly who we need in life, they are our other half. My soulmate was a guy. I could hear that little middle school boy inside me screaming for joy. My soulmate was a guy. My soulmate is a guy and everything makes sense. Goodness, I bet he is absolutely adorable. I bet he is definitely one of those cute boys. Someone like Marshmellow Peep. What if it was him? That thought left my head as soon as I thought of it. There was no way that marshmallow peep was my soulmate. He was too perfect to be my soulmate. Anyone who ends up paired up with me must be as damaged. I'm a mess. I stared down at my arm with a giant smile on my face. I guess I had been smiling for a very long time because Evander shoved my shoulder and looked at me with a concerned look.

"Dude, are you okay?" He asked and I looked up at him. 

"My soulmate is a guy," I said while the smile continued to be on my lips. I swear I can not stop smiling. I had a lot of worries when my soulmate would not answer me. I had worried that I messed up. I had worried that I scared them away. I was worried that they would hate me. I basically poured my heart out to him and now I know that none of my worries were valid. He didn't hate me, he was afraid that I would hate him. My eyes widened at the realization. Fuck I called him a girl. He probably thinks that I now hate him. Why must I always be so freaking stupid? 

"Dude, why are you smiling? Your soulmate is a dude, shouldn't you be freaking out?" Evander asked me which pulled me out of my thoughts. I frowned at his words. What was wrong if my soulmate is a guy? My mouth formed an O when I realized what he was thinking. Evander and I have had our fair share of ladies around the school. I understand why he is confused by this whole male soulmate thing. How am I supposed to tell my best friend that I actually like this soulmate thing? I am gay, I am so gay for my soulmate. 

"I-eh, umm" I started trying to compose a sentence before Evander smiled gently while placing his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he grinned. 

"So your soulmate is a guy, do we have any idea who he could be?" He asked calmly and the most overwhelming feeling blossomed inside of me. Evander wasn't judging me. He wasn't looking at me with the look I thought he would. He accepted me. I grinned at him before frowning. 

"None, he still has yet to tell me his name" I stated sadly and Evander chuckled. 

"He is definitely your soulmate. You are both incredibly stubborn" He explained why he was laughing and I rolled my eyes before looking back down at my arm. 

"I think I hurt him. I can't blame him for not telling me his name. I called him a girl before a knew any better. He probably hates me" I explained while frowning down at my arm. I could tell from the way he confessed this, that he did it quickly. He did it in a rush because he knew it would crush me. I really fucked up with this. 

"He can't hate you Ky, he's your soulmate. Just give it time" He said gently and I gave him a slight smile. 

"I will try," I said before I suddenly noticed the familiar pink-haired girl that I saw yesterday. She was coming from the library and looked to be in a rush. My eyes lit up at my next thought. What if Marshmellow Peep was in the library? I looked back toward Evander who raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Do you mind if I leave you?" I asked him and he tilted his head before chuckling softly.

"Going to go find your soulmate? It's cool dude, I'm going to go wait for Echo to be done with class. I'll catch you later" He said before standing up off the bench and I chuckled. Somehow the great Evander Cross has become completely whipped by a girl. I never believed I would see the day. I smiled at my idiot best friend before getting off the bench and basically sprinting toward the library. I know that there is no chance that marshmallow peep is my soulmate but I wish to know his name. I wish to at least talk to him. The boy has been on my mind since yesterday, there must be a reason for that right? There must be some reason to explain why I was sprinting to the library. The reason was unknown but I did it anyways. I was approaching the library while looking down at my arm and once again smiling at the words written there when I was suddenly jolted off my feet from what felt like a spark before landing on my ass. I winced at the pain before looking at the person I must have run into. My eyes lit up when I saw the familiar pink hoodie. 

"Marshmellow peep!" I exclaimed before even thinking and felt my cheeks heat up once the boy looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I really did just say that out loud. Goodness, I am an embarrassment. 

"Marshmellow peep?" He asked and I chuckled nervously while standing up and extending my hand to him. His eyes seemed to widen slightly before he blinked and took my hand. That same spark of electricity hit me once again. Where was this spark coming from? I looked down at my arm once I had pulled him up and quickly put down my sleeve. He must have seen the writing on my arm. 

"Umm, I'm sorry for running into you. I was not looking where I was going" I explained while nervously rubbing the back of my neck. I watched him carefully while he picked up his books and smiled politely. 

"I was not paying attention either. Why did you exclaim 'Marshmallow peep' like that?" He asked me and I sighed. I was really hoping we could avoid my little outburst but I could tell from the look in his eyes, he really wished to know. I took a breath before nervously smiling at him. 

"I have seen you around today and I did not know your name so when I saw you in that pink hoodie, I could not help it. You looked like a marshmallow peep" I explained the best I could while watching his reaction. He seemed stunned for a few minutes before chuckling softly. I swear my heart seemed to squeeze in my chest at the sound. Fuck this boy was cute. 

"Marshmallow peep, heh. I have never heard that one" He chuckled softly and I smiled gently when I saw that little smile grace his lips. 

"I'm really sorry for running into you. I'm Ky by the way. I figured I should at least introduce myself after I knocked you on your butt" I said gently with another nervous smile and the boy looked at me for a few seconds. He seemed to be thinking about something before finally, he smiled gently at me. 

"Jayce, it's nice to meet you Ky," He said and something in my chest erupted. The way he said my name...Lord, please. I noticed the heat that rose to my cheeks and I awkwardly coughed to cover it up. I am not sure how I should be feeling right now. On one hand, this boy has completely captured my heart but on the other hand, I have a soulmate out there. I looked at Jayce for a few moments before I decided that I needed to leave. If I stayed here another second longer I might do something that would not be fair to my soulmate. 

"It was lovely to finally know your name Jayce. I can stop calling you marshmallow peep now. I'll see you around Jayce" I told him as casually as I could before smiling one last time and walking away from the incredibly adorable boy. I need to go lay down. 

Chapter Seven, Jayce and Ky running, quite literally, into each other. Ky learned 'Marshmallow Peeps' name and finds him absolutely adorable. I do feel bad for Ky, he is conflicted between this cute guy and the boy who is his soulmate. I wonder what he will do. Also like I said, Ky is perfectly okay with his soulmate being a boy, honestly, it felt like this huge weight left his shoulders when he found out. Ky's oppressed sexuality has been a problem throughout his entire childhood and like he said, the little boy inside is now happy. I wonder what will happen next. 


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