Chapter Eleven

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I felt defeated. I felt like the universe was playing a trick on me. I looked everywhere. I spent the entire day looking for my soulmate. How hard could it be to find someone whose name starts with a J? How hard was it to find someone with writing on their arm? How was it so hard to find my soulmate? I was starting to believe that perhaps my soulmate did not go to this school. Are soulmates random? Do you sometimes end up with someone who lives on the other side of the world? How would that be fair? None of this is fair. Where was my soulmate?! I groaned out of frustration. I need someone who is an expert on this topic. There must be a book or something about soulmates right? My eyes lit up once the thought crossed my mind. I had just met a certain pink-haired girl who spends all her time in the library. Saori must know if a book like this exists! I quickly picked up my pace and rushed toward the library. Hopefully, I could get some answers. Hopefully, I could finally find my soulmate. Why did he not wish to be found? Did I scare him off? I could not help but wonder if my soulmate even wished to be mine. He had only ever been very standoffish and he never answers me. Maybe he just does not like me. I decided not to overthink everything and entered the library. I looked around the room before grinning when I found the pink-haired girl at the table in the corner. I rushed over to her before sitting in front of her. Saori looked up and me and smiled gently while putting her book down. 

"You are here because of your soulmate right?" She asked before I could say anything and my eyes widened. How did she know? Is she some kind of mind reader? Some kind of witch? It was scary. I decided that it is a little scary but I will not overthink it. I looked at her before sighing. 

"I have just spent my entire day talking and meeting a bunch of classmates with names that start with J. You do not know how many Jacobs go to this school and yet none of them is my soulmate! How is that even possible!? So I am here to ask you, the amazingly fabulous expert if there is a book or something to make this easier" I explained to her with a desperate look and she seemed to smile when I complimented her. I really am in desperate need of her help. 

"The easiest way to know about your soulmate is to ask him but you are in luck Ky. There is a book and I have it with me" She explained and my eyes lit up. There was a book! Thank goodness there was a book. 

"Do you mind if I borrow the book? I'll even stay here and read it in your presence in case you don't think you could trust me with it" I asked her with a desperate look and she kept that warm expression while taking the book out of her bag. 

"I trust you Ky but if you want to stay here and read it and ask me all your questions, I do not mind" She explained while passing me the book and I grinned at her. I think Saori just became my favorite person. I quickly opened the book and started to read everything about soulmates. Hopefully, this book will give me all the clarity I need. 


"Are soulmates always nearby or is it possible to have your soulmate be on the other side of the world?" I asked the pink-haired girl while looking up from the book. In the last hour, I learned a lot about soulmates. I have learned about how everyone has a different identification sign, on how some very unlucky people never find their soulmate, and even how soulmates can also be platonic. I was surprised by that last one. I had always thought that soulmates were a romantic thing, but it was interesting to find out that friends can be each other's soulmates. I had about half finished the book and everything was intriguing. I found out more about Evander and Echo's emotional connection and I had discovered that Hak-Kun and Saori are totally each other's soulmates. Everything was very interesting the only problem was that I was nowhere closer to figuring out who my soulmate was. The book had not talked about the whole other side of the world soulmate thing and I was starting to truly believe it. The pink-haired girl looked up at me with interest. 

"I have never thought about that. From what I do know, all the soulmates in this school have been other students at this school. I believe that your soulmate may always be around the corner, in the same timezone at least. Unless of course, you have the timezone identification sign. I do feel bad for those ones. As for you Ky, your soulmate is in this school" She explained her thoughts on the matter and my eyes widened at the last thing she said. Does she know who my soulmate is? I looked at the gentle smile that graced her lips and I grew a tad scared. Saori's ability to know all really does terrify me. 

"Do you know who my soulmate is?" I asked her and she nodded. 

"I do but I will not tell you. I believe finding your soulmate is an experience only the both of you should experience. This is exactly why I have not told Hak-Kun that we are soulmates. He must figure that out. Annoyingly he's taking his sweet ass time" She explained before growing really annoyed with that last part. I chuckled softly. I have only briefly interacted with the blue-haired boy but I could already tell that he was slow at realizing things. I do feel bad for Saori. I sighed at the knowledge that she would not tell me who my soulmate is. I could not understand why nobody would tell me. Why my soulmate would not tell me? A thought suddenly entered my head and made it vocal before really realizing it. 

"Is Jayce's soulmate nice to him?" I asked the girl sitting across from me and she looked at me with the most unreadable expression I have ever seen. 

"Jayce has not found his soulmate yet" She stated plainly and my eyes widened. Jayce has not met his soulmate yet? He told me this morning that I was not his soulmate. I had assumed that he had already met his soulmate. How could he have not met his soulmate? How was I, not his soulmate? This did not make any sense. 

"He has not met his soulmate?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow and she shook her head. 

"This morning he told me that I was not his soulmate. He must have found his soulmate. This does not make any sense" I started ranting mostly to myself out loud but I kept my eyes on the pink-haired girl. She stared dead into my eyes before once again saying:

"Jayce has not found his soulmate" He had not found his soulmate, I get it. It's just not me of course. I completely understand. Any hope I may have had about Jayce and I were completely gone. I get it. Message received loud and clear. I sighed before looking back down at the book and flipping through some of the more boring pages. I kept mindlessly reading titles until one caught my eye and they widened at the words written on the page. 'Soulmates with the physical touch identification signal could have other ways of identification. The act of physically running into your soulmate could potentially emit an electric shock. It has been reported that' I stopped reading after the important part. An electric shock. I quickly closed the book before sprinting out of the library. An electric shock! 

An Electric shock! Does anyone know what Ky just found out? Ky is now a man on a mission, a very important mission. It's time for the two soulmates to finally get together. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise you and Saori, that Hak-Kun will eventually smarten up. They will get together, my girl Saori deserved that. 


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