Chapter Twelve

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"Why did you lie to Ky?" The blue-haired boy asked once we arrived at the skatepark and I sighed. I knew this question was coming. I knew he was going to ask. Why did I lie? Seriously why did I lie? I had no idea. When he thought I was a girl, the lies made sense. He did not wish to be with me, but then he told me that he was excited that I was his soulmate and that it all made sense. He wished for a guy and here I am and yet I lied. I could not understand why I lied. I was the one who told him about my first letter the night before. Clearly, I wished for him to find out and yet I lied. I could not understand my own feelings and thoughts. Why did I lie?

"I have no idea, Hak, one second I am telling him my first initial, and the next he's running over to me with that dazzling smile and I could not tell him. I can't take that smile away from him. He deserves a better soulmate" I tried to explain all my feelings while looking over at the boy. Hak-Kun frowned before patting my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry if I complicated things by telling you who your soulmate was," He said quietly and I shook my head. This was not his fault. Knowing who Ky was before he knew of my identity was a good thing. It gave me time to prepare. 

"You did nothing wrong Hak-Kun. I am really glad that I knew before I could have been blindsided. I just do not know what to do" I explained to him while we looked at each other for a few moments. The blue-haired boy grinned before patting my back. I smiled back at him. 

"Now let's talk about you" I started which caused the boy to tilt his head in confusion. 

"What about me?" He asked nervously and I smiled. 

"When are you going to get with Saori?" I asked him casually and watched as he completely fell apart. His eyes widened and he started stuttering left and right. His reaction was quite amusing. 

"W-what, wh-why would you say that? M-e and Saori? That's crazy" He was barely able to speak and I could not help but find it really adorable. I gave him a look before sighing. 

"Hak-Kun you do know that she is your soulmate right?" I asked him with all the seriousness I had in me and I got my answer from his expression. I have never seen more shock on another person's face before. Did he really not know? 

"Saori is my soulmate? How do you know that? There's no way, she would have said something. I would have known. There is no way" He exclaimed while I guess also processing everything I said. I looked at him with complete interest. How did he not know? Unlike the physical identification that Ky and I have, Hak-Kun and Saori's soulmate identification is really easy to see. I have known Hak-Kun my entire life and I know for certain that before coming to this school, the boy did not even know what a library was. I remember the day he met Saori. How could I ever forget, it was the first time I have ever heard the word library leave my best friends mouth. Hak-Kun asked me on that day if we could go to the library, he said something was pulling him to it and I was left stunned. Hak-Kun and library do not work in the same sentence but nothing made more sense than when he dragged me over to this table in the back and I saw that pink-haired girl deep in the book she was reading. Hak-Kun was pulled to Saori that day and the fact that he does not see that is shocking. 

"Hak-Kun do you remember the day we met Saori? Do you remember how before that day last year, you did not know what a library was?" I asked him. I guess I would need to put all the pieces into his head so he would understand. 

"Yeah, you know that my parents never brought me to one before. I thought it was one of those fake places people referenced, why are you bringing this up?" He explained and I sighed. This boy was incredibly slow.

"Do you remember what you told me when you pleaded that we go to the library?" I asked him. He could figure this out, I knew he could. I watched as Hak-Kun's brain started working to figure this all out before his eyes widened. Ladies and gentlemen, I think he got it. 

"I told you that I felt like I was being pulled to the library. I followed that feeling and we were met with Saori sitting at the table. Holy shit! Saori is my soulmate!" Watching the way his brain came to terms with this information was the most entertaining thing I have ever seen. I grew excited. Finally, he understood, finally, he knew. I watched as the giant smile graced his lips before he stood up. 

"Do you mind if I leave you here?" He asked me but I knew that at any moment he would already be sprinting away from me. I smiled and he took that as the signal he needed. He quickly grabbed his skateboard before rushing back towards campus. I smiled gently while I watched him disappear in the distance. I could not be happier. Soari and Hak-Kun will finally be together! What a great day! I looked at the now-empty skatepark before sighing and grabbing my board. I guess it's time to head back now. 


I entered the main campus doors after my peaceful walk back to campus. I had decided to let my mind wander during my walk. I thought about what it would be like to go back to a few days prior. To go back to before all these soulmate things happened. I could not help but wonder why all these soulmate things were happening right now. We have had our soulmates destined to us for our entire life, why was everyone finding them now? Why this week, why this month? Why now? There must have been a reason for all this. I could not help but overthink everything while I enjoyed the peaceful wind that was blowing around me. Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly and for the first time in the last week, I felt at peace. I was not worrying about seeing Ky again, I was not worried about him being my soulmate. At this moment nothing else mattered except for the bright sun and the subtle breeze. I walked through the doors and that's when the peaceful vibe ended. I did not miss the person standing only a few feet from me but I continued walking. Ky was not about to ruin my mood. I kept walking toward my dorm, completely ignoring the man behind me.

"Jayce!" He shouted out but I kept up the same pace. I did not wish to speak with him right now. 

"Jayce come on" He continued to follow me but I was not going to stop. There was nothing he could say to make me stop. I was tired of dealing with all this soulmate stuff. I just wished to go to my room and lay down. I continued walking to my dorm. 

"Darling please" I stopped. Everything froze. I froze. My brain completely froze at the word. Did he know? Ky came closer and now stood in front of me while gently taking my hands. I could not miss the bright smile that graced his lips. He knew. Ky knew that I was his soulmate. Fuck. 

Yasss finally! First Hak-Kun finally knows that Saori is his soulmate and they will get together and secondly, Ky now knows who his soulmate is! I believe the way he told Jayce that he indeed knew it was him was super cute. He chased after him and tried to make him listen to him until he uttered the one word he knew was his soulmate's weakness. He called him Darling. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all in the next one. 


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