Chapter Twenty-One

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I was going to do it. I was going to ask Jayce to marry me. I had not come to this decision lightly. It was not a spur-of-the-moment type of decision. It had been a decision that was long coming. I was going to marry that boy. I knew this much when we got together. I knew this much when we would fall asleep at night. I knew this much when he helped me when my entire family blew up. I knew this much when we spent that week in the cabin. That week when everything was incredible. That week when we were just us alone when we were domestic together. That week was amazing. Jayce and I acted like we were a married couple living together, we did everything together and I could not help but imagine this being our life. I could not help but imagine us buying our own place and being domestic all the time. I could not help when the images of us curling up by the fire and talking about anything and everything. I could not help when that fantasy shifted to us filling the house with children. Children of our own. Children with Jayce's fluffy hair and his brilliant smile. I could not help all the thoughts that kept circling in my mind and the only thing that made sense was to make Jayce my husband. I could not wait to call him mine forever. I could not wait until we stood in front of all our loved ones and vow to be with each other for the rest of our lives. I was going to ask Jayce to marry me. I knew most would say it was too soon. I knew most would believe I was crazy. I knew most would tell me to wait until we were older. Tell me that since we were still in college I had plenty of time to wait but I did not wish to wait. Why wait when you know it would happen either way? Jayce was my soulmate, why should I wait to be with him? Why should I wait to make him my husband? We were destined to be with each other forever so why could I not speed that up a little? I wished to marry him and nothing was stopping me. I had decided that I would ask my adorable boyfriend to marry me on a pretty regular day. Nothing was special about this day. It was not an anniversary. It was not a special occasion. It was an ordinary day when I did not have that mandatory English class. I did not see Jayce all day long and I decided that I would track him down and ask him. The day was beautiful. The day was nice and bright and it was beautiful. I found Jayce in the library. I knew he would be in the library. He was always in the library and I knew he would be talking with Saori, Hak-Kun, and Echo. We were always in the library, it had become our spot. I walked over to the group of four before Saori noticed me first and smiled at me. I walked over gently before tapping Jayce on the shoulder and kissing his cheek when he noticed me. 

"Jayce do you mind coming with me for a little bit?" I asked him while smiling at him gently and he nodded before standing up. We quickly left the library and made our way to the front of the campus. I knew the perfect place to ask this amazing man if he would become my husband. I had spent days talking this over with the group. When I told them all that I wished to marry Jayce, they could not stop talking for hours. They were all extremely excited about this news. Eventually, I finally got the perfect location. Jayce and I continued walking in silence. He did not ask any questions, he made no move to talk. We eventually arrived at our destination and Jayce looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Ky what is all this about? Why did you drag me to this random hall? Why couldn't we stay at the library? Why have you been so distant lately? What is going on?" He asked me and I simply smiled at him. He was not wrong, I had been distant lately. I had been keeping my distance so I would not ruin this moment. I had told everyone to keep quiet until I had asked the question. I gently grabbed Jayce's hands in mine while smiling at him widely. 

"I know I have been distant lately. I know you might think that I have been avoiding you or that I am no longer interested in you but that is not true. If anything I am majorly obsessed with you and my love for you seems to grow stronger every day. I know this location is a tad strange but this is the exact spot we found each other. This is where we became soulmates. I know that this day is nothing special but I could not wait any longer. Jayce, I want to make you my husband. I wish to grow old with you and live in a house with our children. I wish for you to become my husband and I do not care if it really soon or if we are too young. I want you to be my husband so I must ask. Jayceon Emery Sharp, will you make me the happiest person in the entire world and become my husband?" I did not intend for this to be my speech. I had practiced this speech for weeks but these were not supposed to be my words. When I looked into his beautiful eyes the words seemed to spill out of me before I knew what I was even saying. I looked at the boy in front of me, carefully watching as his expression changed. He went from slight anger to a look of pure shock and absolute happiness. 

"Are you serious right now?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes while taking the sparkling yellow diamond ring out of my pocket and showing it to him. Jayce's eyes widened before fresh tears fell from his eyes while he clutched his mouth. I looked at him with a shy grin before he rushed over to me and basically tackled me. 

"Of course, I'll marry you! My goodness I can not believe this is happening, this is for real" He exclaimed and I chuckled while he pulled me into a gentle kiss. I smiled into the kiss while slipping the ring on his finger. We pulled away from each other after a few moments but stayed on the ground in each other's arms. 

"I love you, darling," I told him while pecking his cheek and he grinned at me before kissing my cheek. 

"I love you too, so much," He said and I could not stop the happiness that burst into my chest. I was going to marry this man and I could not wait. 

I know this chapter is pretty much an exact copy of the last one but Ky's POV is always needed. We get to see when he decided he wished to marry Jayce and honestly, them both having those scenes play in their heads about the future together is so cute. They are so cute. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all loved this book. I am in love with this book and frantically this whole universe I created. I've been thinking about taking the world further but we will have to wait and see. I'll see you all in the last chapter. 


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