Chapter Eight

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I looked up at the handsome man who I have recently found out is my soulmate with a raised eyebrow. Why did he exclaim those words right after looking at me? Was he okay? I watched the boy curiously while his cheeks started to change to a red color. He was so cute when he blushed. He was so cute and so hot and so close. I started to feel my heart beat rapidly while I looked him over. That photo in the magazine did not do him justice. There was no way this man was my soulmate. How could this fine man be the same one who seemed so insecure a few hours ago? How was this the guy who had begged me to not hate him? How was this the guy I had just completely crushed? I snapped out of my trance and decided to ask him about this whole peep thing.

"Marshmallow peep?" I asked and he chuckled nervously while wearing this adorable reaction. I had to stop myself from reacting in a certain type of way. I could not let him know that I am his soulmate. He probably already hates me for being a guy, I can't let him know that it is me. Ky stood up and then extended his hand for me to take and my eyes widened when I noticed his arm. The words that I had written earlier were still there, clear as day. Any doubt I may have had about Ky being my soulmate was thrown out of the window. Those were the words I wrote, those were my words. There was no mistake here. He is my soulmate. I quickly blinked to not add suspicions to why I was staring at his arm and he quickly covered his sleeve once he noticed why I was staring. 

"Umm, I'm sorry for running into you. I was not looking where I was going" He explained while nervously rubbing his neck. I was nervous. How could I not be nervous? My soulmate was standing less than a foot in front of me. Who wouldn't be nervous? I could not understand why he was nervous. I quickly started to pick up my book and smiled at him politely. I could at least be polite despite my nerves, right? 

"I was not paying attention either. Why did you exclaim 'Marshmallow peep' like that?" I decided to ask him once again. I was very curious about that exclamation. It was very strange. 

"I saw you around today and I do not know your name so when I saw you in that pink hoodie, I could not help it. You look like a marshmallow peep" He explained and I was left stunned. He has seen me around school today? The only place I have been at is the library and my English class. Was he in my English class?! Goodness, the universe hates me. I chuckle softly at how ridiculous all this is and how ridiculous that nickname was. 

"Marshmallow peep, heh. I have never heard that one" I stated while this little smile graced my face. I have heard of plenty of nicknames in my day but I have never been referred to as a peep. This nickname was not my intention when I wore this hoodie today but this nickname has got to be the best part of my day. Ky smiled gently at me and I swear my heart quickened at his smile. He had a gorgeous smile. 

"I'm really sorry for running into you. I'm Ky by the way. I figured I should at least introduce myself after I knocked you on your butt" He said gently and I was regretting everything right now. He wants to know my name. Should I tell him? What if he finds out that I am his soulmate? What if he hates me? I could not help but stare at his adorable face and my hesitation seemed to melt away. What harm would I be doing by giving him my name? I smiled gently at him. 

"Jayce. It's nice to meet you Ky" I stared at the adorable man who seemed to be having some sort of internal battle with himself. We kind of stood there in silence for a while before he broke it. 

"It was lovely to finally know your name Jayce. I can stop calling you marshmallow peep now. I'll see you around Jayce" He said before smiling gently at me one last time and walking away from me. Honestly what just happened?


'I choose you, darling. I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I wouldn't but I do. I didn't mean to call you a girl nor did I intend to make you think that I would ever not choose you. Could I know your name now?' The words written on my arm were a distraction. I really tried to spend my night peacefully finishing my assignment and then going to watch one of my shows but instead, I was distracted the entire time. It had been about an hour since the message was written on my arm. I decided to ignore it for an hour, it was a very long hour. I did not wish to talk to Ky. We had a lovely time when we met in person earlier but I simply could not talk to my soulmate. He wanted to know my name. How could I tell him my name when I just told Ky my name an hour ago? He can't know that I am his soulmate. He would hate me forever. I like how things are now. He thinks I'm the cute marshmallow peep boy, I wish to keep it that way. I continued writing my assignment until I felt the sting once again. 

'Darling? Do you hate me?' I read the words and my heart sank. I frowned before taking my pen back into my hand and deciding that I will reply. 

'I don't hate you' I wrote before waiting for a reply. I could not understand why or how he was this insecure. Ky was voted number three among the cutest boys from this school, how was he this insecure? How was this the same guy I met in the hallway earlier? It breaks my heart to know that my soulmate feels this way. 

'You replied! 😄 So you aren't mad at me?' I read and couldn't help but chuckle at how absolutely adorable he was. How could I stay mad at him when he's so cute? 

'I am not mad. You have apologized enough to be forgiven. Are you really serious about not minding my gender? I'm not your perfect soulmate' I did not intend to become this vulnerable with him but perhaps since he is my soulmate, I can trust him. 

'Darling, you are my soulmate. We are destined to be with each other. You are perfect for me. I feel like I can tell you anything and everything and I will prove that to you' I read with a raised eyebrow. What did he mean by that? 

'When I read that you were in fact not a girl, the little middle school boy inside me was happy. I had not realized until that moment how badly I was hiding in the closet. I knew that I was but I had never thought about it. Being into men was considered not normal back then and so I pushed that side away and pretended to be into girls. You being my soulmate made the most sense darling, you are everything I have ever wanted' I read the words that appeared on my arm with complete shock. I had no idea he was dealing with all this. I could not believe he trusted me with all this information. Maybe having Ky as my soulmate won't be an entirely bad thing after all. 

Yo hello, this chapter Ky decides to open up to his soulmate and tell Jayce that he absolutely adores having him as a soulmate. He also wants to know his soulmate's name. Now since Jayce just introduced himself to Ky, he can't really tell him. I am not sure why Jayce has this intense anxiety over being Ky's soulmate but hopefully, he will get over it. I wonder what will happen now that Ky decided to be vulnerable with Jayce. 


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