Chapter Eighteen

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"You tricked my son, didn't you? You made him believe that he was interested in guys" I could not stop repeating these words in my head. I could not understand these words. A part of me believe that it was just a homophobic mother saying the normal garbage they say but something felt off with the words. She said I tricked Ky, she said 'made him believe'. She said it like it was something you could do. She believed it, she truly believed that it was something I did. How could I have tricked Ky? How could I have changed something the universe decided? It was not possible, could you really change your soulmate? This question was the first thing to reappear in my head when Ky's father told me their story. Could you really trick someone into believing they are your soulmate? Could you do it depending on the identification sign? I listened to the story of how Remy ran into Miss Reed in the mall and I could not help but think back to my question. Could you really trick your soulmate? I decided that I was majorly overthinking and let the topic rest while Ky and I headed to our room for the night. After everything that happened with his mother, I had only assumed we would be leaving for the night but Remy had asked us to stay. We had not seen Miss Reed for the rest of the night. She was locked in her room. I felt strange staying here after everything that happened but we went to bed as if nothing happened. I smiled at the adorable man who I was in love with before relaxing in his arms. Today had been a long day. Ky kissed my forehead gently before I noticed that he had quickly fallen asleep. I felt bad for him. I knew coming into this, that his mother would not agree but it was still hard. She was his mother and she did not accept him. I just wanted to take Ky's pain away from him. He already lives with so much pain, he does not deserve this pain. I sighed gently before unwrapping the strong arm from around me. I was thirsty suddenly and my brain had decided that it would not let me sleep until I had a drink. I hated when that happened. I quickly and silently left Ky's childhood bedroom before making my way out into the hall. I stopped when I noticed the bathroom light was on and quickly walked past it. I stopped once again when I saw what was happening in the bathroom. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me before I quickly rushed back to the bedroom before she saw me. I closed the door gently before I started catching my breath from how nervous I was. Did I see that correctly? I had just walked in on seeing Miss Reed taking out her eyes. I blew air at the ridiculous way I phrased that. I saw her taking out her contact to be exact, her green contacts. The image of one of her eyes being brown and the other still being green from the contact flashed in my head. She had brown eyes! She had Ky's brown eyes. He got his eyes from his mother but his are very much warmer of course. I stood there catching my breath for a few moments before the thought entered my head. If Miss Reed's eyes are brown, then what happened all those years ago? She was not Remy's soulmate. What happened that day at the mall? How can Remy see color if he did not find his soulmate? How did he never notice her eyes? I decided that I needed more answers in the morning. I needed to know what exactly happened at the mall. I walked back to the bed and into Ky's arms while the answer to my previous question rang in my head. Miss Reed tricked Remy. Holy shit. 


I woke up the next morning with determination. I only had one thing in my head. I must know what happened all those years ago. I need an explanation of how this happened. I knew something felt off when we arrived here. Well, when Ky told me about his parent's dynamic to be exact. Something was off. When Ky and I found each other, everything made sense. It was fate, it was a gift from the universe. We are each other's other half. We complete each other. I did not see that with Remy and Miss Reed. He was gentle with her but he was gentle with everyone. He was able to reason with her but he was not her other half. Remy was gentle and he loved his kids unconditionally. He helped Lexi with everything after her mother kicked her out, he accepted her, he accepted Ky's and I's relationship and he even loved that we were together. Something was not right, his other half is someone who brings out the best in him. Miss Reed is not the best in him. Something did not make sense and I needed to know why. I heard the boy beside me yawn which caused my attention to be brought to those perfect brown eyes. He really did have his mother's eyes but I could see his father in there. Ky was not his mother and he was unfortunate to have her be his mother. Ky looked at me before this giant grin graced his face. 

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