Chapter Nineteen

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I stared at the adorable brunette in front of me while I was sitting on my bed. What was that about? Why did he wake up this morning and basically bombarded my father with these questions? Why did he wish to know this badly? Why did he make my father re-tell the story and why was he so insistent on everything? Why did he say my mother's eyes were the same as mine? My mother has green eyes, she has always had green eyes. Her eyes used to haunt my dreams at night, they were the subject of my nightmares. I would know if she had brown eyes. I have never been able to understand why my eyes look nothing like either my mother or father but I've accepted it. Jayce looked at me and I could tell that he wished to say something but did not know how. I decided to wait patiently. Jayce told me everything. 

"This is going to sound crazy but hear me out. When you told me about your parents I could not help but wonder. When we met, everything made sense you know. We are each other's other half. Your parents are not like that. Your father is this big shining light while your mother is like this cloud of darkness. Then your father told us the story of how they met. It was a cute story but I just kept thinking about it. I kept thinking about a lot of things. I barely got any sleep last night, Anyways, I left the room at around eleven at night because I needed a drink of water. I never really did get that drink...Anyways! I left the room and walked past the bathroom and that's when I saw your mother. She was taking out her contacts, her green contacts. Ky she had one brown eye and one contact green one. You have your mother's eyes. I could recognize your beautiful eyes anywhere and they were in that bathroom last night. Nothing made sense and I had to ask your father for more detail. He met his soulmate that day at the mall but your mother is not his soulmate. Your uncle Percy is his soulmate" I sat there listening to every single thing my boyfriend had said before being completely and utterly lost. Jayce was incredibly intelligent and he knew how to figure out a puzzle better than anyone. There was no way he was wrong about this. He had uncovered one of my family's darkest secrets, a secret I did not know existed. How is any of this possible? How does my father believe my mother is his soulmate? How is my Uncle Percy his soulmate? What on earth is going on?

"I believe you Jayce because why would you lie to me but could we just recap for a second? You're telling me that my entire parent's marriage has been a lie, a lie orchestrated by my mother. A lie that my uncle has decided to keep? This is crazy! How could Uncle Percy just sit by and let his soulmate go like this? If I knew you were with someone else and knew that you were my soulmate, I could never just let you go like this. I feel so bad for him" I poured out all my emotions into what I was thinking. Did my mother force him to let my father go? Did she do something? How could he sit by and let my mother marry his soulmate? How could he sit at their wedding and watch it happen? I could not understand. I could not understand his decision or his reasoning behind it but I could only imagine the pain he is in. Knowing who your soulmate is and needing to watch him date and marry your sister must be terrible. 

"It's crazy, right? I would not have believed it either before all the evidence. I'm sorry if I just ruined your family. I promise you that was not my intention" Jayce said while looking down at the ground and my heart sank. He really thinks I would blame him for all this. None of this was his fault. I quickly rushed over to my perfect boyfriend before wrapping my arms around him. 

"Darling you do know that I would never blame you right? You have done nothing wrong. My mother did all this, I'm not even sure how or why but she did" I told him while calmly playing with his hair and Jayce smiled at me. 

"I love you, so much," He said and I could not stop the grin that graced my lips. I love him so much. 


It was now night and I needed answers. I needed to know why my mother did what she did. I at least needed to confront her about it. She had been horrible to my sister when she told us that she was a girl and then she was horrible yesterday when she learned that I am in love with Jayce but to know that she has always been this way is crazy. She tricked my father into believing she was his soulmate. I needed to know why. I must know why my mother is like this. Has she always been like this? Was it something about her upbringing? Seriously what would possess someone to completely lie to someone like this? I walked toward my parent's room after dinner and knocked softly before my mother opened the door. I was surprised to see her open the door but I walked in despite that. I walked over to the chair in her room before sitting down and looking into my mother's brown eyes. They were brown and they were exactly like mine. 

"Why did you do it, Mother? Why did you lie? Why did you tell Father that you were his soulmate? Why didn't you tell him the truth?" I asked her all the questions that were going through my mind while she sighed and walked over to her bed before sitting down. 

"He told me I was his soulmate, he told me that his entire life all he saw was green and that when he looked at me, the world was full of color. He looked at me like nobody else had ever looked at another person. Nobody had ever looked at me like that. I decided that I could not tell him the truth. I did not want him to look at anyone else like that and so when I saw him again, I had green eyes. I knew his real soulmate was my brother a few weeks after. Percy saw me putting on red polish and I knew something was going on. He had only ever seen brown before but then he was talking about red and all these other colors. I asked him about it and he told me that my boyfriend was his soulmate. I got so mad. My boyfriend was his soulmate! How was that even possible? He was my boyfriend and he was into me. I told Percy that he was a liar and I told our parents about the lies he was making up, the lies about having feelings for a guy and that's when they took him away" She explained with this cold look in her eyes. I stared at my mother. I knew that my grandparents weren't the warmest people in the world but they have never been mean about anything. They did not seem like the people who would send their son away for liking a guy. They are actually super close with my uncle. Maybe they worked on their relationship? 

"Mother, a soulmate is the most precious person in the entire world. They are your other half, they are your better half. The universe has paired you with the perfect person for you, the person who completes you. That's how I feel about Jayce. He is my entire world. You took that away from Uncle Percy and what about your soulmate? Aren't they still out there? Do you not care that you took someone else's soulmate? That yours is just out there?" I asked her while watching her reaction. I could not understand how she was okay with this. I do not believe I could live without Jayce, how could she live without her soulmate?

"The universe was wrong. Remington and I are destined to be with each other. He looked at me that day. Me! The universe made a mistake" She said with such a fierce tone, I could not help the shiver that ran threw me. How could the universe make a mistake? Why does she believe that? Does she know who her real soulmate is?

"Mother, do you know who your real soulmate is?" I decided to ask her and I could tell from the way she froze completely, that she did know and she did not like who they were. My mother sighed before shoving a box into my arms. I looked down with a raised eyebrow before opening it and looking through its contents. My eyes widened when I looked at the pictures and read the information provided in the box. Ophelia Bloodough...My mother's soulmate was a woman. 

"Mother your soulmate is a woman," I said softly while looking at my mother who wore this terrified look. Her soulmate was a woman. I can't believe this. I can't believe any of this. My mother had sent Uncle Percy away because he was interested in guys. She had taken his soulmate from him. She had lied to everyone for years simply because her soulmate was a woman. I could not believe it. 

"The universe made a mistake Kyrie. My soulmate is your father. This woman is nothing. This was a mistake" She explained and I stood up out of my chair. I looked at my mother one last time before leaving the room and slamming the door. I could not believe this! I could not believe that this entire time she did this. Uncle Percy has been without his true love his entire life, his sister had taken it away from him. I could not believe any of this. I quickly left down the hall in search of my father. He deserves to know exactly how much of a lie his life has been. He deserves to know who his soulmate is. He deserves that chance at least. I decided that this was a good idea before walking into my father's study. It is now or never. 

The absolute drama I have created in this story. So originally I went in a different direction with all this. I kept the whole Rose lying to everyone plot but her soulmate was originally some dude but instead, I decided to play on the everyone's sexuality issues. Rose sent her brother away when she found out that he was gay. His parents sent him away because being gay was considered wrong. This was why Ky had always held in his sexuality. It is not something that is common in this family's world. Rose could not accept the 'mistake' the universe made. She truly believes that Remy being her soulmate is what should have happened. Ky is doing the right thing. He will be destroying his family by telling his father but it is the right thing. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and this revelation because I had a lot of fun with it. Also I am ending this here, next chapter Jayce and Ky will no longer be at his parents house and this drama will be gone. This is why yesterday I explained that my new book will be about the drama because I know you guys would probably like a happy conclusion to the Remy x Percy story. 


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