Chapter Four

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I could not believe the words that were currently written on my arms. My soulmate thought I was a girl. My soulmate was straight. He was interested in girls and he thought I was a girl. How could this be happening to me? Yesterday I did not even believe that soulmates were anything but a fairytale and now the person who is meant to be the only one who understands me, thinks I am a girl. Why do bad things always happen to me? I just wanted someone nice, someone, who would love me for who I am. Why did he have to be into girls? When he acted like a jerk yesterday, I thought that would be the worst thing I needed to deal with but now this. Why must this happen to me? I decided to ignore the problem for the moment and quickly went into the shower. I have a class to think about. I can not waste all my time thinking about this boy who believes I am a girl. It's assignment week and I have an English paper due. I quickly washed my hair and my body before stepping out of the warm shower and leaving the bathroom. I noticed that Hak-Kun was no longer in the room and I sighed in relief. I could not deal with him this morning. I knew for certain that he would ask me about my soulmate once again and I don't want to talk about it. I got dressed in my favorite pink hoodie with black jeans. I always loved this outfit. It was cozy and cute and despite the bad start to my morning, I wish to feel comfortable and cute. I went back to the bathroom to fix my hair and I couldn't help the thoughts that entered my mind. What if my soulmate went to this school? The odds are extremely rare but what if he went to this school? What if this entire time he was one of my classmates? I wonder who he could be. I finished brushing my hair with the realization that I knew nothing about my soulmate and sighed when I realized I would need to message him back. Despite everything and despite him thinking I was a girl, I did want to know more about my soulmate. He was my soulmate after all. We were destined to be with each other. He could look past the small issue of my gender, right? I surely hope so. I brushed the thoughts out of my head before grabbing my things and leaving the dorm. I could not focus on this right now. Right now I have an English class to attend. 


The class was finally over. I was thankful that I could finally leave that room and do anything else to distract myself. The last hour was the longest one I have ever had to endure. I kept trying to focus on my assignment except the stinging in my arm was a huge distraction. My soulmate would not leave me alone. He wanted a reply, that much was very evident. I could tell from the constant stinging in my arms, that he must have messaged me over a dozen times. He was annoying, to say the least. I could not help but find it both annoying and really cute. He was cute. He wished for my attention desperately and he was cute for it. I sighed while gripping my hair as I made my way to the library in search of my two friends who I knew would be there. Saori is always in the library and now that I know about Hak-Kun being her soulmate, the only place he would be is in the library with her. I quickly made my way to the library and spotted the two sitting at the same table as the day prior. I guess Saori really loves that spot. I walked over to them before slumping into the seat next to them and sighing dramatically. 

"Did the teacher not like your assignment?" Hak-Kun asked me jokingly and I glared at him while sinking my head onto the desk. 

"My soulmate thinks I'm a girl and now he won't stop messaging me. He's so distracting" I explained to the duo before the boy next to me gasped. 

"You talked to your soulmate! I knew it! What is he like?" Hak-Kun asked me and I sighed while looking up. 

"I don't know. We were having a nice conversation and then he started acting like a complete jerk. I went to bed and then I woke up and he thinks I'm a girl. I haven't bothered to look at my arms all morning but I know he will keep writing" I explained in an annoyed tone. I wish I could go back to the day before I knew about all this soulmate stuff. I enjoyed being oblivious to why I would have these random bruises and marks all over my body. I wish I could go back to before I talked to my soulmate. It is not fun when someone who is supposed to be the one you are destined to be with, thinks you are a girl. What if he doesn't like me anymore now that I am a boy? I was jolted out of my thoughts by the movement of my sleeve. My eyes darted to the blue-headed boy next to me. 

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