Chapter Seventeen

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I was nervous. Actually, I was more than nervous, I was terrified. I was terrified of how they would take it. I was terrified that they would hate me or that things would happen the same way they did with my sister. I was terrified. How was I supposed to tell my parents that I was interested in men? How was I supposed to tell my mother? When everything went down with Lexi, my mother did not take it well. How would she react to this? I looked to my right and was met with the adorable brunette who has completely taken over my heart and he discreetly squeezes my hand to reassure me. My mother had gone to get some drinks so I was not as nervous and scared when Jayce squeezed my hand. I squeezed it back before seeing my father smiling in his chair. I believe my father already knew about our relationship, I was glad that he was okay with it. Having one parent in our corner is better than none right? I managed to calm down slightly before my mother walked back into the room with some refreshments. She sat down before sipping her tea. 

"So Kyrie, have you heard from your brother lately? He hasn't been answering your father's calls" My mother asked me and I felt the panicky feeling return in me. 

"Mom Lexi is my sister," I told her simply because we have had this conversation countless times. My mother rolled her eyes and I seemed to sink further into the couch. 

"Your brother reads one too many magazines and thinks he's a girl. He will come back around" She explained and I looked at the adorable brunette next to me while biting my lip so I would not say something. I wished to tell my mother that Lexi had completed her transition but I had promised my sister that I would not tell our mother. I could not do that to my sister. 

"Rose, sweetie, how about we get off this topic," My father told her while grabbing her arm gently and my mother seemed to calm down a bit. 

"I was simply just asking. I find it very disrespectful that he won't even call his parents" She declared while going back to her tea and I could feel my insides boiling. She was the one who kicked her out, she was the one who told Lexi that she was no longer her child. How could she expect my sister to just call her after all that? How could she even expect any of this? My mother finished her tea before looking back at Jayce and me and smiling once again. My nerves started up once again. My mother was scary when she smiled. 

"So Kyrie's friend, how did you two meet?" My mother asked Jayce and I had just realized that she did not even know his name. I must have forgotten to introduce them earlier. Jayce looked at my mother before smiling. 

"We were in the halls and we were both not looking where we were going and ran into each other. It was funny because he called me marshmallow peep and it was quite adorable. Then we became friends from there" I could not help but smile while Jayce talked about that day but I did not miss the slight cringe his face did when he said 'friends'. It was weird to hear the word friends. We were not friends, we were soulmates. 

"That's such a lovely story. You two must be very close friends if Kyrie brought you home" My mother said and before I could even think about what I was saying, I blurted the words out. 

"Jayce and I aren't friends. He's my soulmate" I said the words with clenched teeth, anger seeping out of me. We were not friends. We are soulmates. Jayce is my everything, he is my darling. He was not my friend and hearing the word snapped something inside of me. I looked at my mother who sat there in complete shock. 

"What did you say? Remington, what did he just say? Did I seriously just hear my son say that his soulmate is a boy?" My mother exclaimed while looking at my father who tried his hardest to calm her down and reason with her. What did I just say? Goodness, I made everything worst, I fucked this up. 

"Rose, honey, you need to calm down," My father said soothingly but my mother was not calming down. She was madder than I have ever seen her. 

"I can not believe this! There must be a mistake. You! You tricked my son, didn't you? You made him believe that he was interested in guys. You did this to my precious boy. You poisoned his mind and made him believe-" 

"Mother stop right there. Jayce has done nothing wrong. He has not brainwashed me. I love him and nothing will ever change that" I yelled at her and her anger seemed to boil stronger. I looked back toward Jayce to see that he now sat with wide eyes with a giant smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow at his expression. How could he smile at a time like this? Then I remembered what I had just said. I had just confessed that I was in love with him. That was the first time I have ever told him that I loved him. I looked back toward my mother to see her walking away. 

"Mother!" I exclaimed but she just kept walking. I looked at my dad to see him shaking his head and I sighed. My mother had decided she was no longer talking to me. I sat back on the couch and decided to focus on the adorable boy who now knew I was in love with him. 

"You love me?" Jayce asked softly and I nodded while grabbing his hand gently and smiling brightly. 

"Of course I love you. What isn't there to love darling? You are my other half, you are the reason I wake up in the morning. You are my everything Jayce" I told him while looking directly into his eyes and he could not contain his smile. 

"I love you too Ky. More than anything else in this entire world" He told me and a feeling of pure joy burst into my chest. We were in love and I was not going to let anyone take this feeling away from me. I knew at this moment that I would marry this incredible man. I would make him my husband and I would show the entire world that Jayceon Sharp was mine. 

"You two are so cute together!" I suddenly heard a male voice next to us and my cheeks started to heat up when I saw my father smiling at us. I may have forgotten that he was here. Jayce chuckled before pulling away from me a bit but continuing to hold my hand. 

"How did you two find each other?" My father asked us with an excited look and I chuckled softly. My father had always had a fascination with the whole soulmate process. He had told both Lexi and me while we were growing up, that he would love to know how we find our soulmates when we do. I remember finding his reasoning dumb, I remember telling him that I would never have a soulmate because girls were 'yucky'. I remember Lexi saying the exact same thing but the only difference is that she was not eight years old and girls did not have cooties for her. The difference was that she was not a he but of course, none of us knew that. I looked back at my father and smiled. 

"Jayce and I have the physical soulmate identification sign. Meaning that whatever mark is left on our skin, the other feels it. A few months ago, Jayce drew a butterfly on his arm, and then I responded with a flower, and from there everything blossomed" I explained briefly to my father, leaving out the part where Jayce lied to me because we had both agreed to never bring it back up. I looked at my father while he had this slightly guilty look before his giant smile returned. I wonder what that look was for but I decided I would shrug it off. I looked at Jayce who was smiling at me with that little sparkle in his eyes. I swear he was incredibly breathtaking. 

"That is the cutest story I have ever heard!" My father exclaimed and I chuckled. Jayce giggled before looking at my father with this look that I recognized. He was going to ask my father about when he met my mother. 

"Remy, how did you find out that Miss Reed was your soulmate?" Jayce asked and I smiled. I knew he was going to ask him. I knew Jayce better than anyone else. My father looked at my adorable boyfriend before smiling. 

"My entire life before meeting Rose, I could only ever see one color. Green. My entire world was just a shade of green. The shade of my soulmate's eye color. One day I was at the mall with my older sister, she had dragged me there to buy some things from this group she really liked. We were walking and then I got bumped into, I looked up and the world had color. Color that I had never seen before, the world was beautiful but the girl in front of me was even more beautiful" He explained and I could not help but smile at that story. The way my parents met was absolutely adorable, it does not beat my story with Jayce though. I looked at Jayce who had this unreadable expression on his face before shaking it off and smiling. I wonder what that was about?  

Welp telling the Reeds did not go that great. Honestly, again I will not spoil anything but I want you all to pay really close attention to everything that was said in this chapter. Remember the words Miss Reed said when she yelled at Jayce? I want you all to pay close attention to Remy's story. This will all come back and will all be explained. Also if anyone guessed that Lexi's big drama was that she went from Lexington to Lexi congrats, you get a gold star. She's a proud woman and was never a boy. Her mother can't really come to term with that. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter despite the really awful themes presented in this chapter. 


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